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We Meet Again

Posted on Tue 24th Jul, 2012 @ 1:30am by Lieutenant JG Xavier Lee & Commander Brian Windsong & Lieutenant JG Giellun Hitchins

2,712 words; about a 14 minute read

Location: Orchids (a jazz club)
Timeline: Current

Giellun was having a bit of problem with space lag. On board the Intrepid, the ship's time was 1600. When he teleported to his new home it was 00:45. He would worry about checking with his boss and getting his physical the next day.

He would have slept if he could have but it was still too early for him. So he decided to check out the jazz club he had heard about. He wasn't good enough with his sax yet to join the band, and he couldn't carry a tune to save his life, but that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy the music.

Besides it had been several months since he had, had any companionship and he might get lucky.

It had been a long day for Xavier. His new posting had meant going through the usual medical checks which he hated and meeting his new boss. He was excited about being on this station, being part of a crew that was building something from the ground up, this really was a dream come true. This was probably why he couldn't sleep, his brain refusing to shut off, which explained his presence in Orchids at this hour. He had hoped the sultry, jazz tones would make him sleepy but he was enjoying himself way too much. So he resulted to plan-B; alcohol.

"I'll have another Black Hole," he said to the bartender as he handed over his empty glass. He sat rocking slowly to the beat, on the verge of falling off of his stool, complete oblivious to the person who had just entered the room.

Giellun scaned the room for potential threats before entering. It was an old habit of his, one that had kept him alive more than once. Most of the time it was just routine, especially aboard a Federation Facility, but this was a Star Base with more than just Star Fleet personnel aboard, so he gave the club more than just a cursory look.

He picked up on nothing and no one dangerous, but he thougth he spotted an old friend from back in his Academy days.

He approached the man and as he got closer he realized he was right. He closed the gap betweem tje, and said, "Xavier Lee, as I live and breath. How are you?"

Xavier heard someone call his name and turned on his stool to face the 'voice'. He turned a little too quickly and nearly toppled off. Xavier managed to catch himself at the last moment, finding himself face-to-face with Giellum Hitchins, an old friend from back in the day. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked with a huge smile etched on his face.

"You took the words right out of my mouth," he replied wearing an equal grin, "I just got transfered to this place to make sure that that someone didn't turn this over to the Cardassians. What about you?"

"Same," Xavier said without really thinking. "I mean I've just been transferred here too. I'm the Assistant Chief of Operations." As Xavier said this the bartender returned with his drink. "Would you like one?" Xavier asked expectantly. He hadn't seen Giellun in years and the thought of them serving together was rather appealing.

"Sure, whatever you're drinking works for me." he replied as he sat down. I am the Assistant Chief Strategic Operations Officer. I hope we'll be seeing each other around. It's a pretty big station, but it will be good to have a friend.

You know anybody else on board?" There was more to his question than he let on. He and Xavier had dated a couple of times back at the Academy though it had gotten neither serious nor physical, he was wondering if Xavier was dating anyone, he just didn't want to come out and ask him directly.

"Another of these," Xavier said to the bartender as Giellun took a seat next to him. He couldn't help smile at Giellun's question, sometimes being a telepath was way too much fun. "No, not personally anyway, though I have only been here a few hours. What about you?"

"No, I've just gotten here myself. No more than twenty minutes ago, so the only one I know here so far is you. Which is okay with me at least you're easy on the eyes."

Xavier flashed one of his famous wide-grin smiles. "Some things never change, you're still a flirt and you've been here less than half-an-hour and you've found the bar already?" Xavier chuckled as he took a sip from his drink. "Though I must admit seeing a friendly face is quite welcoming on a Starbase of this size. So we both don't 'know' anyone," Xavier said with a twinkle in his eye.

"Flirt? You accuse me of fliting? I have you know I resemble that remark, uh, I mean I resent that remark." Giellun said furrowing his brow slightly to accentuate his Romulan features.

"Honestly though, I am glad that you don't know anyone either. I've been unattached for awhile and it's good to have a friendly face, and a friendly body to go along with it.

Xavier felt his face go red just as the bartender returned with Giellun's drink. "Well as you know I don't take compliments too well so... um... cheers." As he finished his sentence he also finished the last of his drink and then swayed a little. "I think I've had a little too much," he said with another grin etched on his face. "I'm going to make a great first impression tomorrow morning. Erm... with my boss... not with you..." he quickly added.

Giellun turned and gave him a smirk as he reached out a hand to steady him so Xavier didn't fall off the stool, "You do look rather cute when you blush like that. I'd forgotten that. Look I better escort you back to your place and don't worry I promise to be a good boy. I never take advantage of a drunk man, well hardly ever. But since I'm kind of looking for something more than a quick roll in the hay, I'll control myself."

"Erm... thanks I think," Xavier said as he steadily got off of his stool. "You walking me back sounds like a good idea, but no funny business Sir," he added with a grin. "Now I just need to remember where my quarters are."

Giellun finished his drink in a couple of swallows and gave his old friend a smirk, "We could always go back to mine, if you can't remember. And I promise no funny business."

"Like I'm gonna trust you," Xavier said before he could help himself. He looked at Giellun to make sure he hadn't hurt the half-Romulan's feelings. "I mean, I'm sure I'll be able to remember the way but thank you for the offer."

Giellun wasn't sure whether to be insulted or amused and finally settled on amused, after all most of it was the booze talking.

"Umm, I doubt in your condition you'd be able to do much anyway. Besides I think I'd rather seduce your properly with my wit and charm, so you're safe enough, for tonight anyway.

Lay on McDuff."

"McDuff?" Xavier asked a little confused. "It's Xavier you fool- wait a minute are you questioning my manhood?" He asked as the penny dropped.

"Not at all Xavier, I am simply trying to be a gentleman. I don't want to rush into something that we both might regret. Are you telling me you want to sleep together now? Because if you are, you've changed."

Xavier looked Giellun up and down and smiled. "Not now, no." He had forgotten how easy it was to banter with his once, close friend. "You're right anyway, it probably wouldn't work with all the alcohol I've had. You best take me to my quarters before I make a total idiot of myself."

Giellun couldn't surpess his grin, even if had wanted to. He really was more of a relationship kind of guy and had grown even more so since their Academy days. Still Xavier was a good looking guy and though they had been nothing more than friends in the past he had often wondered what would have happened had they taken their friendship to the next level.

Xavier seemed to leave that door open. Giellun just hoped that it was more than mere chat and that Xavier would remember it the next morning.

Giellun grabbed hold of one shoulder and began leading the other man out of the club. "Is there a reasson for your getting drunk,or were you just having a good time?"

Xavier let Giellun guide him even if it wasn't really necessary. "My boss is a bitch," he replied very frankly. "I'm not talking the 'I have a bit of power over you' kind'a bitch, I'm talking a mega bitch with horns and a tail." Xavier grinned to himself at the mental image he had created. "Okay, so maybe not horns and a tail but seriously bitchy."

They reached a turbolift and stepped inside. "Like do you remember J'Rell at the Academy? The Trill engineer in my year," Xavier had obviously forgotten that Giellun was a few years older than he was and they weren't in the same year. "Remember how much of a bitch she was? Well LeStrat is worse. Ten times worse actually. Maybe it's me, maybe she doesn't like me? But she's only just met me, and how could you not like me? I'm great, right? You like me don't you? Wait, why isn't this turbolift moving?"

Giellun just looked at his old friend and slowly shook his head. "Sorry I don't remember J'Rell, but this LeStrat character sounds like bad news. Just let me know if she gets too much and we'll do something to bring her in line.

And yes you are great, who couldn't like the great Xavier Lee? I like you, in fact I'd really like to know you more, maybe even start dating if you're open to it.

As far as the turbo-lift is concerned, you usually have to tell it what deck you're on. I've never seen one of these that was clairavoiant ."

Xavier looked at Giellun with cold, dark eyes. "Don't patronise me. I am the Assistant Chief of... of... something and I do know how to work a turbolift. In fact I could take one apart and then put it back together if I wanted to. Now computer, deck thirty-seven." Just as the lift started to move something clicked in Xavier's head. "No, wait, wait, deck twenty."

Xavier turned to face Giellun with a grin on his face. "So you think I'm great too? Well that's two out of two, so it must be true." Xavier laughed at his unintentional rhyme. "I thought you didn't hit on drunk men?" he finally managed to say after cracking up. "If I said yes who's to say I'd remember any of this in the morning?"

"I never said anything about not hitting on a drunk guy for dating, only that I wasn'g going to seduce you. There is a difference you know."

As the turbolift started to move he added, "Do you remember you room number oh Mr. Assistant Chief of whatever you're the Assistant Chief of? That might help us get to your room before I have to report in tomorrow. Opps check that, later this morning."

Xavier groaned. "I so don't want to go to work, in fact I think you should go in for me." Xavier looked at Giellun hopefully.

"I don't think your bitch of a boss would be too happy with that idea and from what I've seen the starbase is in bad enough shape as it is without my mucking it up more. I've got my own department to report to, too. Besides what would be in it for me?"

"Are you telling me a trained officer like you doesn't know how to pilot a Starbase?" Xavier knew the words coming out of his mouth were absolute rubbish but he couldn't help himself, it was like he was watching this exchange happen without having any real control. "Well that's a pity cause pilots are hot. Actually no scratch that, my Dad's a pilot and that's just creepy. You have a sick mind Giellun, must be a Romulan thing."

Before Giellun could respond the turbolift stopped on deck twenty and Xavier got out. As he stood in the corridor he was hoping to see some kind of landmark that he would recognise. Unfortunately, all ship and Starbase interiors looked exactly the same. Xavier looked left and then right and then left again. "Erm...this way I think," Xavier said as he headed toward the right. "Come on then."

Giellun stepped out into the corridor. "Do you haven any clue what in hell you're saying?" he asked, "Better yet, do you have any idea where your room is?"

Xavier looked at Giellun with complete amusement. "No I don't know where my room is but that's what the LCARS is for." Xavier walked over to one of the wall panels and touched the centre of the seemingly non-existent screen. "Computer show me the location of my quarters."

"Deck Twenty, section four Delta, room ten." The Computer replied with its droll voice.

Xavier looked at Giellun with a smirk etched on his face, "happy now?"

"Yeah I am happy now. I really didn't want to stand out the middle of the hall all night long looking for your room. We are pretty close to each other amazingly enough. I am on Deck Twenty Two, section five Delta room 9. We are practially neighbors."

"I'll have to keep that in mind in case I ever get locked out of my quarters," Xavier said as he headed in the direction of his room.

Giellun turned and followed him in, wanting to make sure that he made it safely. As the door closed behind him he said, "You going to be okay? Maybe we should get you into the shower."

Xavier looked at Giellun with fire burning in his black, Betazoid eyes. "You never give up do you?" He asked as he pushed the half-Romulan away, forcefully. "I didn't even invite you in never mind sharing a shower together." Xavier pushed Giellun through the open doors into the corridor that lay beyond. He was about to open his mouth to yell some more, when his stomach lurched and before he knew it semi-digested, yellow-green vomit was cascading from his mouth and onto his friend's clean uniform.

When he eventually stopped throwing up, Xavier wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve and looked into Giellun's violet eyes. "Oops," he said, trying his absolute hardest to keep from laughing. "I think you may need a shower after all." And before the half Romulan could say anything, Xavier backed into his quarters and let the door safely separate them for the night.

Giellun had been about to portst that he hadn't meant taking a shower, that he was genuinely concerned for his friend when he was pushed back. That didn't particualry concern him after all Xavier was drunk and didn't know what he was doing. It didn't even surprised him really.

What happened next did. He just was able to dodge enough to avoid being hit in the face, but he did manage to have the entire front of his uniform drenched in an ugly smelling bile His eyes grow round with shock and his nose wrinkled in disgust.

As the door shut between them Giellun was able to regain some composure, "Son of a bitch!" he called loudly. He was more disgusted with the situation in general than with Xavier. Still he pounded the door in frustration.

He found the closes trash receptical, peeled off his shirt and tossed it aside. There was still an odor of rotten garbage that hung over him and if he ran into someone on his way back to his quarters there would be some explanations he would have to give, but it was better than the alternative.


Lt. (jg)Giellun Hitchins
Asst. Startegic Operations
Starbase Protector


Ensign Xavier Lee
Asst. Chief of Ops
SB Protector


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