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New face aboard

Posted on Sat 22nd Oct, 2016 @ 9:10am by Commander Zachary Hunt & Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington

958 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Cloak & Dagger
Location: Operations
Timeline: MD-03 0900 Hours

Brooklyn felt better and refreshed having just coming from 10-42. The Italian sub wasn't bad for being replicated--she had always preferred real cooked food to replicated foods. Something always seemed a bit off about replicated foods in regards to natural foods. The turbolift sounded a\out it's humm as it made it's way through the massive starbase towards Operations. A moment later, the humming stop and the doors slid open to reveal a massive hive of people and monitors. A well built Marine MP stood at the door and looked her over once before greeting, "your ID and purpose, ma'am?"

Brooklyn handed her PADD to the guard. "Captain Brooklyn Wellington, reporting aboard the starbase as the new Aerospace Commander."

The guard looked the PADD over, confirming Brooklyn's identity and nodded, satisfied before returning the PADD to her. "You're cleared, ma'am. The Colonel is currently off station but I will contact the XO, Commander Hunt for you."

Hunt had been sitting at his desk, pondering the recent problems on Vanguard. He was going to have fun explaining this to Drake when he got back.... 'ahhh Drake, wonder how he's getting on,' he couldn't shift that thought. They had barely any time to be acquainted but he was concerned about Drake's welfare...'Maybe a visit to the counselor about my thoughts would go a long way' Before the rest of his thoughts even began to materialize, a voice came through the comms, "Commander, I have a Captain Brooklyn Wellington here. She's the new Aerospace Commander."

He had been expecting her aboard Vanguard in the next few days, but it was earlier then expected. He grabbed his PADD and responded over comms, "Will be right there!", before he had even finished he was already en route to see Wellington. 'Of all the times for a new face, it's when Vanguard is having problems...what a first impression' he mused.

He made his way to Operations where he knew Wellington would have arrived from. He noticed her straight away, a slender built figure who stood out from the crowd. He walked over, "Captain Brooklyn Wellington I presume? I'm Lieutenant Commander Hunt. Welcome aboard Vanguard."

"Thank you, sir. It's good to finally be here," she commented. The journey to Starbase Vanguard had been a long one, yet the opportunities here were exciting and she couldn't wait to get to work with her department. She then handed her PADD containing her orders. "Here are my orders, sir."

He took the orders from the Captain, he decided to give it to her straight rather than the false image before starting, "I wouldn't get too excited about being on Vanguard just yet. Don't get me wrong I think it's beautiful, but it's in need of a makeover. Problems everywhere and barely any staff. Half your operations hasn't even arrived yet and then the other half are pegged down in sorting out the problems."

This didn't sit well with Brooklyn. Not having a CAP patrol out limited the starbase's response time and hindered defensive capabilities. Sure, a Starbase the size of Vanguard would have no problems against large, slow capital ships but against multiple fighters or smaller, faster, more agile destroyer-class vessels, it would have problems. "I'll make sure to remedy that soon and have fighters spaceborne as soon as possible, sir."

He enjoyed hearing that kind of talk, "Sounds like a plan! Have you had a chance to look around or would you like me to sort you out a full tour"

"I just came from lunch at 10-42 after arriving," Brooklyn replied. "But I haven't had the chance to tour the entire station yet. From my experience, it will take me at least a month to get a sense of direction in a station this large, sir."

Hunt laughed, "Well when I say a full tour, I mean the sections that are actually working. So realistically would take no time at all." He continued to chuckle at that. "Has anyone managed to brief you about the current mission?"

"No sir, not yet." Brooklyn replied, clasping her hands behind her back.

"Well I will keep it brief...we received orders to investigate Sector 345 in the Berelli System and the random attacks of both Federation and Romulan convoys passing the area. No sensor information has been retrieved from the attacks and there are actually no ships in the area to investigate. Luckily out of the ships we have, one was in a good enough state for Colonel Drake to take out with his away team. Meanwhile, Vanguard seems to be falling apart, problems everywhere with no explanation of why yet! Sound good to you?"

She saw that the commander was getting a little stressed. She couldn't imagine the responsibility that came with commanding a base of this size, so she decided to give the commander some reassurance. "I always enjoy a challenge, sir. Just take it one problem at a time. I'll make sure the Starbase will have at least one squadron combat ready to defend it if needed."

"Perfect! I like that attitude. Talking of squadrons, I believe we have a new squadron leader coming aboard soon, Warrant Officer Moklor," he said glancing at his PADD. "It might be worth catching up when they come onto Vanguard."

"That I will, sir. If there is nothing else, I'd like to go ahead and get my department up and running," she said, itching to get to work."

"Of course," Hunt said, watching as Brooklyn walked off.
He was surprised how some people wanted the challenge faced at Vanguard, even though he liked the same challenge. He was happier knowing they were getting more crew on board, 'Hopefully a few more yet,' He thought.


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