Posted on Wed 14th May, 2014 @ 1:15am by Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar & Lieutenant Adam Keller
698 words; about a 3 minute read
Location: Marine Barracks
Timeline: Shortly after Cara's loss
Tallus was crestfallen. Hearing of Cara's loss was horrible. He was glad that their child had survived though. Knowing of her past connections with him, Tallus had decided that he should tell Devyn out of respect.
=A=Colonel Karikkar to Commander Kell. Please report to the Marine Commanders office.=A=
=/=On my way=/=
Devyn wondered what Karikkar could need from him in Marine Command. If it was something about the station, he would have called him to the XO's office. Without really trying, he could feel the man's discomfort and despite his reservations, he headed to Marine Command. The walk took him only a couple of minutes from the Security deck and Devyn was outside the Colonel's door. Chiming to announce his arrival, Kell waited to be invited in.
"Entrance is permitted." Tallus said with his back to the door. He was holding the picture that was taken of him and Cara just before she had given birth. Tallus was doing everything now to give in to the intense emotion that was boiling inside of him. "Please have a seat Devyn." Tallus said deciding to keep it less formal still with his back turned.
Devyn took a seat. "Tallus, you don't usually call me to Marine Command. What's going on?" He asked still getting a sense of emotional anguish from the man.
Tallus slowly turned as he placed the photo back on the desk. "I'm afraid that I have some unpleasant news." He said taking a deep sigh. "The USS Marcellus was attacked and boarded. All passengers are presumed KIA. Among then Cara."
"Ca-ra?" The words caught in his throat. "That can't be." He shook his head. "She's too good to be taken out by pirates or thugs. Who else would go after such a small craft?" He was trying to process the news when he realized... "Tallus, your son. What about the baby?" He knew the man had suffered a greater loss than he had in this. Cara was his wife and she was travelling with their newborn son. Devyn couldn't imagine what he would be like if he'd lost Nyx and Suri when Dobbs had them.
"It would appear that Cara was able to hide the child away before being boarded. An Admiral is sending the child my way. He will be here soon. " Tallus said sighing. "I do not accept that they're KIA though. I will continue to search for them."
"Of course. IF you need any help, please let me know. I know Cara - she wouldn't be taken that easily." Part of him was crushed. Cara was his best friend for years and now she was gone and presumed dead. He was glad that Tallus wasn't giving up either but something horrible must be wrong for Cara to leave her son.
"Thank you. If there is anything I will be sure to let you know." Tallus said turning his chair again. "You may go Commander."
"Colonel, what about Jessica?" Nothing had been mentioned of their adopted daughter. The girl he'd rescued two years prior to coming to Protector. Had Cara failed to protect her or had she stayed behind with Tallus? "Was she on the ship as well?"
"She was not with me. I can only assume that she was on the shuttle as well." Tallus said handing Devyn a PADD. "This has all the details on the boarding. Look through it if you wish. I may have missed something."
"I'll send a copy to my files and take a look." Devyn nodded almost mechanically. He understood Vulcan's hid most of their feelings and he could tell that Tallus was torn up but the man came off as cold. Devyn had to restrain himself before he said something hurtful to a man that was already hurting. "Good day to you Colonel and thank you for informing me of this news. You have my condolences on the loss of your wife." Kell left the room.
Tallus nodded his head as the Commander left. A single tear rolling down his cheek.
Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar
Acting Executive Officer & Marine Commanding Officer
Starbase Protector
Lieutenant Commander Devyn Kell
Chief of Security
Star Base Protector