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Whirlwind Drafts

Posted on Sun 23rd Mar, 2014 @ 2:00am by Lieutenant JG Lys Greystone

605 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Protector
Timeline: Current

Lys left the meeting feeling quite embarrassed she had never done that before. Gone into a meeting and then not have her information with her. Her brain must be more rattled then she thought. The trip to the Counselor's had opened wounds that she had buried deep inside and now that she had let them out it was ok, but it made her a bit absent minded s she now focused on other things.

Lys blew into the science department like a whilrwind set in motion.

"Lieutenant everything ok?" John asked as she rushed by

"Yes, yes, every thing is fine. I just grabbed the wrong PADD for the meeting and didn't bother to check before I headed there, and I need it. I can't even remember what I was going to say." Lys explained "It is why I wrote it down." She stepped into her office and grabbed a PADD off her desk and turned as she pressed the key.

"Wrong one too." She tossed it on a chair and picked up the next one.

"No" Lys said out loud

The next, one same thing. All the staff in the science department heard come form her office was "No, no, no, not that one, no, oh dear where is it. Oh, maybe this one." And she would start again.

The young woman threw up her hands in midair as she turned in place. All the PADDs she had looked at were wither int eh chair, or in a stack on her desk. She sighed softly in exasperation and got on her hands and knees and looked under the desk. "Just in case" She muttered to herself.

John stepped into the doorway. "Well?" He asked "Did you find it?"

Lys shook her dark head "No"

"I can help. Where should I start?" He walked over to the stack in the chair.

"I just looked through them and it not even in here." Lys said as she got up off the floor. "I have no clue where it is unless I left in in my quarters." Lys groaned softly to herself.

For some odd reason her quarters were as far away from her department as they could be and even further from operations. "Well, I'm going to head there. John do you think you could check lab number two?" I was in there yesterday and took some notes, I thought I switched though and left that data for the next shift to continue the test." Lys asked

"Sure thing. I'll head there now." John placed another PADD down and headed out the door to the science labs.

Lys herself went back out the door at a clipped pace. She rumbled and grumbled at herself under her breath the whole time about how idiotic it was for her to take her work home with her.

She entered ehr quarters so fast that the tassels on her throw waved softly inthe breeze as she passed by it. She stopped suddenly at the table and picked up the bowl there and place dit on the replicator for recycling when she saw a PADD. She picked it up and grinned. She tapped her com-badge "Greystone to Jones"

"Jones here, go ahead."

"I found it." Lys replied

"Great, when your done with your meeting you need to come back to lab two. Jones out."

Lys sighed softly that was either really good news or something had gone wrong. Lys shrugged verified once more that it was the right PADD and almost ran out the door to head the long way back to the meeting.


Lieutenant jg Lys Greystone, CSciO
Starbase Protector


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