Information gathering
Posted on Wed 7th May, 2014 @ 10:03am by Colonel Marcus DeSalle & Commander Brian Windsong & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Major Landon Mabrade & Lieutenant Zhara Rynn & Lieutenant JG Lys Greystone & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller
Edited on on Tue 13th May, 2014 @ 9:19pm
2,700 words; about a 14 minute read
Location: Conference Room 1
Timeline: 0930 hours, the morning after Anubis' arrival
Marcus arrived early and ordered a 1.5 liter chilled mug of his favorite soft drink from old Earth, Mountain Dew. He didn't like the taste of coffee, and tea gave him gas. He waited for the rest of his command staff to arrive.
Samantha was uncharacteristically early, she hadn't slept well and hadn't waken Brian. She'd been up for hours, gone to the gym, had breakfast before it was even time for the conference meeting about the Anubis. Samantha had a few details from what she was able to gather on the federation vessel but not much. She walked into the conference room with a report PADD in hand and little else.
Her eyebrows dipped when she saw just the CO there with his mug. "Good Morning, sir." She offered not realizing she was THAT early.
"Good morning, Lieutenant," he nodded, nursing his Mountain Dew. "I expect the others will be along shortly."
Zhara walked into the room and smiled at the two. "Good day. I hope you are both well." She went to the replicator and made herself a cup of lemon berry tea and took a seat at the table.
Mabrade strode into the Room with a padd in hand; the mug of thick 'grog' like tea in the other. He took note of the Officers and nod. "Colonel, Lieutenant." he gave each a slight bow. "It is good to see you again Zhara."
Zhara smiled. "As it is to see you."
Lys slipped in quietly and sat down towards the end of the table so she could see everyone else. She decided that she should grab a bit of the fresh fruit that was normally placed on a buffet table at one side of the room during these types of meetings looked around for the buffet that Ms. Lantz always had placed out and did not see it. Disappointment hit her and she wondered where Jade was but said nothing. She simply studied her notes a bit more as she waited for the others to arrive.
"Good morning, Lieutenant Greystone," Zhara said kindly. "I hope you are well." She smiled and then turned back to her PADD.
"I am well, Counselor" Lys replied
Brian had awoken to Wicker licking his face. Not nearly as nice of an experience as Samantha kissing him, but it got him out of bed nevertheless. He took a quick shower and headed towards the Conference Room. He stopped to get Giellun and they arrived together.
Mikaela Locke slipped in through the far entrance of the conference room. She made her way to her 'usual' spot at the table - at the far end, almost as far away from the CO as was possible, without sitting directly opposite him. In her hand was an steaming cup of extra-sweet Klingon coffee. She sat and placed the cup on the table without making eye-contact with any of her colleagues.
With his morning run over, Kell took a quick sonic shower before waking Nyx and Suri. After he dressed, he sat on the bed and fed their daughter while Nyx showered. He activated the holo-nanny program and he and Nyx headed toward the morning briefing. The pair arrived and took seats without much notice. They nodded to the others in the room while they waited on the CO.
"Now that we're all here," Marcus began, "I want to hear the reports from all department heads. After the initial reports, I'll ask specific questions of each of you. CAG, we'll start with you."
"The pilots are among my most experienced." Mabrade began. "The ship itself is in pristine condition..." Mabrade looked to the Colonel. "Scans show 'n-o' pitting of the hull. The lettering of the Hull looks almost to ..." He checked the log. "The pilot said he had his solar shades to maximum to cut down the reflection." Mabrade made a direct quote. "The Shuttle Bay at the front of the secondary hull was sealed and there were regular power readings from the top third Nacelle." He put a holographic representation of the vessel. "The pilots made several passes in descending distance so to be able to peel away at the first sign of aggression." He explained. "There are no life signs according to their sensors and an abnormal amount of automated power signatures, that ship is highly automated and could be run from the Computer? " He said. "That would explain the actions; it charged towards us and is slowing while getting closer, likely from the Pilots observations the Dreadnought will not make station fall but hang back a strategic distance if heading and impulse readings remain constant."
"Very well," said Marcus. "Science?"
Lys looked up and cleared her throat as she picked up another PADD and pressed a button and then turned bright red as she thought. ~Sugar cubes, I have the wrong PADD~ "Um, Sir, I um... accidentally left my pertinent information on my desk perhaps someone else could go in my place while I retrieve it. I'll be right back." With that Greystone slipped out of the room and headed to her office at a rapid clip.
Marcus arched an eyebrow, but said nothing. "Okay, moving right along: Mister Windsong, what have you got for me?"
"Not a great deal sir at least not officially. We're standing by, but there is nothing over there to try to reason with. Unofficially sir, as I am sure some of the other telepaths can attest, there is something out there. I am not an expert on metaphysics, or even a student and I don't believe in ghosts, but there is something over there. And it's not exactly friendly."
Marcus looked at him. "Were you able to make contact with planetary governments between here and where the Anubis vanished to see if they could add anything useful to our research?" He tucked the "not friendly" part into the back of his mind for future reference concerning the safety of a boarding party.
"Well there was not a lot to report on that.I was able to contact several planetary governments and they reported missing personnel, strange disappearences and some unusual power outages. There was a pattern among those I was able to contact but nothing concrete In addition. some that I contacted were unwilling to talk with me, even off the record."
"Very well. Thank you, commander." Marcus focused his gaze on Zhara. "Anything from the "Legends and Lore" department, counsellor?"
"Indeed, Colonel, I found several references to the Anubis, or something like it" Rynn said. "In the Prydain system, parents tell the story of a species of tall, thin aliens who watch everything you do. If you misbehave, they take you away. Once, they took an entire starship and it was never seen again. The origin of this legend was about the time of the disappearance of the Anubis."
"The Galaga system was once said to be haunted. In the mid 2300s there were twenty reports by telepaths of some ethereal voice crying out "Make them stop!". The sector was searched dozens of times. Probes were stationed at strategic locations. Nothing was ever found." Zhara paused and looked at the Colonel. "The Galaga system is along the path between the Anubis' last known location and where it appeared on our scanners. Indeed, it would appear to be along the trajectory taken by the Anubis."
She looked at her PADD and continued. "On Systema II, during the height of their Green Festival, when the moon is full and the sky clear, it is said you can see the ghostly image of a starship named Anubis. It will linger just above the horizon until the moon sets. This continues for three or four days, then it is gone for another season."
Zhara paused to give those around the room a moment to digest the information, then continued. "On Ashani V, when someone dies in the act of a crime, it is believed that their soul is taken by Captain Heinerman to forever serve him aboard the USS Anubis. This is much like the Terran legend of Davy Jones and the Flying Dutchman. The legend itself is not unique, but the fact that they use the name of Captain Heinerman and the Anubis itself is."
"And finally," Zhara concluded, "Between the years 2232 and 2296 there were 382 reported sightings of the USS Anubis. All fit along the trajectory calculated to be that of the Anubis. What happened after that time is unknown."
While the Counselor spoke Greystone slipped back in and took her seat.
Marcus nodded his head, thinking. "Since we accept that all myths have some basis in fact, is it possible that something happened to the Anubis which made it look like a ghost ship, or that its missing crew had some aspect of consciousness after their disappearance, that lends credence to these tales? Never mind," he said abruptly. "We'll explore all possibilities after all the information is available."
He looked pointedly at Lys. "What light can science shed on this strange occurrence in view of the orders issued earlier?"
Lys nodded and swallowed while she tried to formulate her words into something that was more than a jumbled chaotic mess. "Sir, " Lys glanced at her PADD "there have been strange readings picked up by long range sensors and probes sent out, they coincide with the appearance of the ship. So it may be possible that it has shifted in and out of time or actually became lost in a wormhole and the wormhole has now opened again to release her into this section of space but I can neither deny or concur that there is a being or beings aboard the ship. Colonel, we would need to investigate it ourselves to prove or disprove that. I also suggest that the fighter be sent out and probes released so that we can gather more information in the region of space that Anubis came from." Lys paused and looked back down at her PADD she scanned the data to see if more could be added to what she or the other had said.
"That's a good start, lieutenant," said Marcus, nodding. "Are there any known phenomena which could account for a ship vanishing like this, and reappearing in perfect condition almost 200 years later?"
Lys looked up as she spoke quietly "Colonel, many things from a temporal or dimensional rift, as stated, to the being known as Q deciding to play havoc, along with being taken to the alternate universe, to the ship being mothballed and then being recommissioned, Potter Magic, being caught in a transport buffer, Soren's Nexus, even the possibility of being pulled into and through a black hole, goodness Sir, the possibilities are seemingly endless given the correct circumstance, even the Klingon's believe that you ride a ship to Sto'vo Kor when you depart this life. That sounds an awful lot like what the Counselor described and I cannot say that I relish the fact, if that is the reality."
"Well," Marcus said with a wry smile, "something tells me that Sto'vo'Kor and Potter Magic are the least of our concerns at the moment, but thank you. Your opinions and your report are both appreciated."
"You never know, Colonel," Zhara piped in. "Many fables have their origins based on fact. I wouldn't discount anything at this point. Not until we have more information."
Lys glanced up and gave the Counselor a grateful smile. The science office often felt useless with her bits of random data and appreciated the affirmation.
"Mister Kell," the colonel said, fixing his gaze on Devyn, "What have you got for me?"
"There really isn't much to tell right now sir. I've got security on high alert and we're keeping an eye on how close our friend gets. I've got people monitoring for any sort of displacement in the shields that might mean someone or something has beamed aboard uninvited and I have teams reassuring the civilians that are hearing the scuttlebutt." Devyn looked over his notes before clearing his throat. "When the ship gets close enough, I would like to take a team over to take a look around inside...with your permission of course."
A communications console beeped, and Marcus answered it. "Ops here, sir. The Anubis has come to a full stop within fifty kilometers of the station. Its shields are up, but its weapons are powered down, sir."
Marcus nodded. "Mister Kell, you may just get your wish, but not quite yet. I want to hear from the rest of the staff first."
Marcus sighed. He turned to Doctor Nyx. "Medical? What have you got for me? Any known epidemics going through the fleet at that time which could account for there being no life signs detectable aboard that ship?"
"No sir." Nyx shook her head. "There have been records of one or two crew members being taken through spatial rifts from their ships, and out and out kidnappings but never an entire crew. There are many illness that could have spread throughout and affected the entire crew but there would have been some record or plea for assistance and that wouldn't account for the ship disappearing."
Tallus walked in while the Colonel was asking for opinions. "I thoroughly apologize for my tardiness." He said taking his seat next to the Colonel.
"It happens," Marcus remarked, "Just don't make a habit of it." He smiled, giving Tallus the benefit of the doubt. He then filled in his next in command on the situation. "Do you think a boarding party is warranted, colonel?" He looked at Tallus
Tallus pondered for a minute. "Based upon what we know right now, which isn't much, I would say that we at least need an exploratory boarding party. And heavily armed one at that. 'Ghost ships ' are not something to be fooled around with."
"True, but weapons are of little use against a ghost," Zhara reasoned.
"Very true, however they are not of little use against automated defenses."
Zhara nodded. "Indeed. So, I volunteer to go over and talk to the traumatized ghosts. The Marines can take care of the weapons systems and any wandering monsters."
Tallus gave a small grin that was barely noticeable. "I will also go sir. It is necessary to make sure that there is nothing over there be it hostile or friendly."
Greystone spoke up quietly "I'd like to go explore the mysterious ship. If you don't mind."
"Very well," Marcus said as he stood. "Colonel Karikkar, assemble an exploratory boarding party, with heavy Marine escort. I want regular communication with the Protector while you're aboard the Anubis. We'll use the old command code sequences to order the Anubis to lower her shields so you can beam over. Take Misters Mabrade and Windsong over, in case you run into something you need to negotiate with, and anyone else you deem necessary. I also want a secondary team, made up of science personnel, to go over every inch of that ship and find out what happened to her and her crew. This team will be allowed to go as soon as the colonel's team advises that it is safe to do so."
"Understood. Lieutenant Rynn, Major Mabrade, Commander Kell, you'll be with me." Tallus said with a nod. "If that is all sir I'd like to suit up."
Zhara nodded. "I'll grab my bag."
Kell nodded. He was ready to go and explore this ship. He wanted to see what they might be up against should they have to defend the station from something.
Lys nodded. "I'll assemble team two," she said.
"Dismissed," Marcus said.
Colonel Marcus DeSalle
StarBase Protector
Lt. jg Lys Greystone
StarBase Protector
Lieutenant Zhara Rynn
Chief Counselor
StarBase Protector
Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar
Acting Executive Officer & Marine Commanding Officer
Starbase Protector
Lt. Cmder Devyn Kell
Chief Security Officer
Star Base Protector
Commander Brian Windsong
Chief Diplomatic Officer,
StarBase Protector
Lieutenant Nyx (NPC)
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
StarBase Protector
Major Landon Mabrade
StarBase Protector