Semper Fi
Posted on Tue 4th Mar, 2014 @ 6:49am by Colonel Marcus DeSalle & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar
681 words; about a 3 minute read
Location: Commander's Ready Room, Ops
Timeline: The morning after the welcome aboard ceremony
Marcus decided it was high time to meet the Battalion Commander on the starbase. He tapped his comm badge. "This is Colonel DeSalle. Lieutenant Colonel Karikkar, please report to my ready room." He pulled up the Marine's FitRep, and began reading.
Tallus heard the call and headed straight for the CO's office. =A= On my way sir. =A=
Arriving Tallus pressed the button for admission.
The door opened, and Colonel DeSalle stood behind his desk. "Come in, colonel. Have a seat. This is an informal interview, so feel free to relax a little." He went to his replicator and ordered an old-earth soft drink called "mountain Dew". "Can I get you anything?" he asked.
"I am fine thank you sir." Tallus said with a nod as he sat down in the seat in front of the Colonel's desk.
"Not many Vulcans in the Marine Corps," Marcus mentioned casually. "What drew you to it?" He sipped his drink.
"It was just that fact actually. I have always been different from the rest of my people." Tallus said with a nod. "Most of them refer to me as a V'tosh ka'tur."
"I'm not that familiar with the Vulcan language. What exactly does that term mean?"
"The rough translation would be 'Vulcan without logic'. I do not shy away from my emotions unlike others of my race." Tallus said with understanding. The term wasn't used as much anymore because of the fact that it placed a stain on Vulcan history that they would rather forget.
Marcus nodded. "I understand. I have heard of a few others who have followed that same path, but they are the rare exception. Do you attribute your seemingly extraordinary telepathic powers to the absence of the discipline of logic, or is it some other factor which causes you to be able to do what few other Vulcans can do?"
"Don't let typical Vulcan's fool you Colonel. Just because I do not suppress my emotions does not mean that I am without logic. However, that aside, I attribute my abilities to many years of studies, and the fact that I do not completely suppress my emotions." Tallus said with frustration. "I apologize for my tone but my entire family line has been banned from Vulcan because we refuse to follow the teachings of Surrak. Before he came along we ruled over Vulcan for many generations. We are one of the few Vulcan families that still maintain our family name. It literally means 'strongarm'. We get the name from our physical strength that is superior even compared to that of the modern Vulcan."
"Well, I'll make sure I use the phrase, 'Strong arm tactics' with caution around you," Marcus joked, hoping to lighten the mood.
"You've been acting XO for a while, now. What do you think needs changing in order to make this a first class station?" he asked.
"Order. I have noticed that some of the department heads are delayed in filling their daily reports. Our old Commanding Officer was a great man, however he was not the most strict." Tallus said with a nod.
"That's an interesting notion," Marcus said. "Do you think that same level of strictness should extend to the civilian departments as well, or just our military ones?"
"Both sir. But more so for the military departments." Tallus said.
Marcus rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I think that things could be tightened up a little in the Military aspect of things, but I wonder if being too strict with the civilians might be counter-productive. I mean, How would we enforce new regulations? They don't fall under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, they fall under Federation Constitutional law. Shouldn't we follow those guidelines for the civilians, rather than military protocols?"
"Even regarding the Federation Constitutional law they are somewhat lack in their reports." Tallus said going over the logs in his head.
Marcus chuckled. "Very well, colonel. I'll take that into consideration. If there's nothing else, you're dismissed."
Colonel Marcus DeSalle
Star Base Protector
Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar
Acting XO,
Star Base Protector