Rumors Abound
Posted on Fri 7th Feb, 2014 @ 4:20am by
508 words; about a 3 minute read
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 400: Jade's Office
Timeline: MD 3, 0930
"So is it true?" Serena said, practically bounding into her boss' office.
Jade looked up from her computer monitor, amused at the question and the enthusiasm. "I hardly know how to answer that question. Could you be a little more specific?"
"Haven't you heard the rumors? It's up and down the Promenade this morning!"
Leaning back in her seat, Miss Lantz laughed. "I'm sure it is, whatever it might be, but I still can't tell you if it's true, because I'm not sure which of many rumors to which you are referring. Are you asking about the Karikkars' wedding? I don't know. In fact, it seems there might be a snag there, so far from pushing the date up, there may be no wedding at all."
"Really?" Serena's eyebrows drew together in a frown. "I hadn't heard that one. I'll need to check it out." After thinking about it a few seconds she dismissed it and threw herself down in a chair in front of Jade's desk.
"Oh then you must mean the one about a new restaurant, Italian, I think that is coming to level 625. I like Italian food," Jade assured her.
Her assistant gawked at her. "An Italian restaurant? Where did you hear that? No, no, never mind it isn't important."
"Oh, I thought you were concerned they might challenge our business, cost us money," Jade said, still amused.
Serena waved that away with her left hand, "Nah, you're too well established. Besides, there are enough people going through this starbase every day. I'm sure we can support yet another restaurant. And that Romulan who was running the Klingon restaurant has closed up shop and left. I don't know how he ever planned to make a go of it here anyway."
"Has he, then? Now that was something I didn't know," Jade mused.
"Well, maybe you don't know this, either. We're going to have a new base commander!" Serena exclaimed.
"Oh, oh, yes, I did hear something about that. A Marine, isn't he? Lieutenant Colonel? Colonel? I'm not sure which," Jade said, sitting straighter in her chair.
Disappointed that she hadn't surprised Jade, her assistant nodded. "Yes, I overheard someone call him Sniper DeSalle."
"Sniper? No, I'm sure I heard his name was Marcus."
"Well, whatever. DeSalle, anyway. Maybe 'Sniper' is a nickname," Serena shrugged.
"Hmmm, maybe. Odd sort of name to carry around. Isn't a sniper someone who kills from a distance?" Jade often checked her understanding of Earth's idioms and unusual words.
"Yes, but he is a Marine, so is that surprising?" Serena shrugged.
"Maybe that's just another rumor," Jade grinned. "I expect we should call him Colonel DeSalle, just to be on the safe side."
"If he's cute, maybe I'll wind up calling him Honey," Serena winked.
Shaking her head, Jade made a shooing motion. "Go on, get out of here. I have work to do, even if you don't."
Laughing, Serena skipped out the door, hoping to find someone else who didn't already know the rumor about the new commander.