Senior Staff Briefing: The Beginning
Posted on Sun 15th Sep, 2013 @ 5:57am by Colonel Horatio Drake & Commander Brian Windsong & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar & Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Samantha O'Dell & Commander Mikaela Locke & Lieutenant JG Lys Greystone
Edited on on Sun 15th Sep, 2013 @ 5:59am
1,376 words; about a 7 minute read
Location: Deck 14: Senior Officers' Conference Room
Timeline: MD-01: 1230
A Mission Post by Jade Lantz & Colonel Ashton Drake & Commander Brian Windsong & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar & Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karrikar & Lieutenant Nyx (Adanyxia) & Lieutenant Samantha O'Dell & Lieutenant JG Mikaela Locke & Lieutenant JG Lys Greystone
Mission: Cloak & Dagger
Location: Deck 14: Senior Officer's Conference Room
Timeline: MD-01: 1230
As was usual Drake had got to the Observation Lounge earlier than everyone else, but this time was on his own. He had spent the last ten minutes staring out the large windows at the stillness of space.
Ten minutes before that, Jade Lantz's staff had just finished laying out a small buffet on the left hand side of the room. He knew that some CO's would be against how he ran briefings, but he always found that someone with a full stomach paid more attention than someone who was wanting.
He had helped himself only to coffee, going over in his mind the report he had just received and how it fell to his Starbase to investigate the mysterious goings on of the local sector. Something didn't sit right in the report, however... something felt ominous.
His attention was directly interrupted by the doors opening.
Devyn and Nyx walked in together and Nyx smiled at the man as she took her seat. "Good morning sir." She sat in her usual spot.
"Morning" Drake smiled.
Devyn took the seat next to his wife they'd been up early with Suri and had already eaten breakfast. Nyx was anxious to get back to work but Devyn was reluctant to let her leave the apartment after everything that had happened with Dobbs. He almost wished they were back in the Marine barracks but knew that Nyx was miserable there.
Jade, satisfied that everything was suitably arranged by her staff, took a cup of hot chocolate and a still-warm raspberry beignet, spooning vanilla dipping sauce in a drizzle over it. She'd missed breakfast to be sure everything was ready for the Colonel's meeting, so she indulged herself now. She chose a set far down the table, leaving the officers space nearer their commander, and savored the first bite of beignet.
Samantha walked thrilled to be back from her venture on Earth with Brian. She looked around the room, she took notice of the buffet, but the idea of food made her stomach queezey. O'Dell too a cup of hot chocolate and blew on it as she sat down in silence. She had more on her mind than a mission brief.
Tallus was the next to arrive. The Marine's were becoming restless. It had been a very long time since they had seen any action and drills could only do so much. He took his usual seat next to the Colonel's left side.
It was different actually being able to see. Different and a bit disorienting. Windsong still had to wear dark glasses and his eyes were extremely sensitive to light. As yet things were still to blurry for him be able to read, but he was told that would clear.
"Good morning everyone," he called out happily as he moved towards Samantha.
Coming in the door Cara stopped seeing Brian actually LOOKING around before walking in with a grin. Grabbing two spiced teas and a couple of Danishes she saw Tallus raise his eyebrow she rolled her eyes on a huff ~Scrambled egg then danish I promise.~ Honestly if he was this bad at 6 weeks it was gonna be a loooooong pregnancy.
Tallus shook his head knowing that Cara would conveniently forget the eggs.
Dropping one drink in front of Tallus she sat on Ash's right and tried not to fidget knowing the three of them had agreed to let the command staff know today about her pregnancy.
The doors slid open again and Mikaela Locke entered quietly. It was a somewhat surreal experience for her as she surveyed the assembled senior staff. She had barely set foot on the station when she was thrust into a fire-fight with a renegade officer - a fire-fight which had left her comatose. As such, she hadn't even met most of the senior staff before spending an unexpectedly long amount of time unconscious in sickbay.
She therefore decided that the appropriate place to sit was at the end of the table, furthest from the Colonel, next to Jade Lantz - the one person, save for Drake, that she had had any meaningful contact with since she arrived. She offered a half-smile to the El-Aurian, and sat down.
Jade smiled back at Mikaela and, seeing that everyone wasn't there yet, she leaned over and whispered, "Go get something to eat. You still look a little pale and could use some fattening up. I highly recommend anything with chocolate in it, if you have no Vulcan blood," she grinned. "It's great to see you back on your feet!"
That made Mikaela laugh, although she managed to subdue it enough not to draw attention to herself. "Thank you, but I'm not hungry," she replied softly, hoping she wasn't offending the restaurant owner, "...and I think my great-grandfather was a Vulcan." She offered an expression of mock-concern. "I wonder how many generations you need to avoid chocolate for?"
"I'm guessing ... but shouldn't it be diluted enough after you are no more than 1/8th? Of course, you might want to try it only when you're with really good friends," Jade speculated.
Lys entered and saw the food her stomach rumbled loudly. She was hungry and grabbed some dark bread, meat slices, cheese and a small salad. Some ice cold tea would help it go down well. She took an open spot at the table and took a big bite of her sandwich as her stomach grumble in protest that she wasn't giving it food fast enough. She blushed and exclaimed "Excuse me."
Playing with her scrambled eggs Cara made a face before sighing and deciding to shock Tallus by eating them instead of avoiding them. She blinked when she realised they actually tasted pretty good with some sort of cheese and what tasted like paprika or something similar. "Wow ... these are really good Jade."
"Thank you," Lantz acknowledge with a smile. "I've enticed the best chef in the quadrant to cook for us. I'm glad you enjoy the results. If you have any favorite foods, stop in and have a chat with him sometime. He loves mining new sources."
Samantha moved over just a bit so that Brian could sit down next to her. Wicker was probably going out of her furry little mind not having to walk everywhere with him. Still, mission complete he had done what he set out to do, and now he had gotten his eyes back. She smiled at the thought, "Good Morning," She said softly.
He leaned in and gave her hand a comforting squeeze. They had been through a lot together. Justice had been served, his eyesight restored, but the price had been a high one. "I love you," he whispered.
She smiled at him a very tired, sort of grin. "I love you too." She offered, it almost brought tears to her eyes, the thought of them losing something so precious so soon. But the doctor had reassured her there was still hope... another chance maybe.
Drake stood, not liking to sit during these sorts of briefings. "Thank you for all coming". He pressed a button on the table controls and the large screen behind him changed to display a pre-loaded diagram of an Intrepid class starship.
"As some of you may know, earlier today an Intrepid class starship jumped out of warp at the edge of the system. All attempts to contact the ship failed and, within two minutes, it was gone... leaving behind a Federation warp signature, with off power readings."
He moved to beside the screen. "Soon after this we received orders to begin an investigation into the attacks on Romulan freighters in nearby sectors. The majority of these attacks have been non-fatal and no cargo has been stolen. Recent reports indicate a Federation vessel has been responsible for some of these. Sufficed to say the Romulans aren't too happy and are launching their own investigation".
He paused, opening up the room to any questions at this point.
To be continued ....