Posted on Wed 11th Jul, 2012 @ 2:30am by Commander Brian Windsong & Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar & Major Kyle Green
3,155 words; about a 16 minute read
Location: Promises Lounge
Timeline: Current(Evening after Briefing) 2130
Promises Lounge had a quiet, intimate, neighborhood pub atmosphere. Brian had come across it quite by accident the afternoon before. They claimed that they cooked real, not replicated food and Brian had decided to try them out. They were only a couple of decks from his cabin and he had decided once again to be adventurous and navigate there on his own without Wicker.
He was now siping on a beer that certainly tasted as though it was real and so he had hopes for the food as well. He had ordered an Terran dish that had become one of his favorites while he was at the Academy, a bacon cheesburger with fries, onion rings.
Cara had talked Kyle into coming with her and Jess to dinner after releasing Kyles blocks. She was still holding shields on him and wasnt sure how to teach him to shield as he was back at a preteen level. Spotting Brian she ushered the other two over to him and after sending a gentle mental pulse to let him know they were there she asked "May we join you?"
"Of course, I'm just waiting for a little snack. Have a seat, all of you. Make yourselves at home."
Sitting Jess looked at him in fascination, her mom had told her he couldnt see but she couldnt really tell that he couldnt by looking.
There was a presence he did not recognize, a young person if he wasn't mistaken, "Hi, my name is Brian," he said as he turned. He was looking at her just slightly off center, "What's your name?"
Jess squeeked in surprise then said "I'm Jessie ... Cara is my Mommy. She rescued me from the bad man."
"Sounds like your mommy is a good lady. How long have you been with her."
Counting on her fingers deep in thought her tongue stuck out then disappeared as she said "About 11 months ... Its my birthday in a week." Cara had chosen the day she rescued Jess as her official birthday.
Brian smile reassuringly, "So how old are you going to be and what would you like for your birthday?"
"8 ... I'm hoping momma will let me have a puppy."
Cara sent Brian and Kyle a mental wink and a picture of the german shepherd puppy that had been picked out for Jessie.
"Well maybe your mom will let you have one, I couldn't say. But I'll have to bring my dog sometime and let you play with her. She likes kids."
"Really?" Jess grinned at his nod and turned pleading eyes on Cara "Pllleeeeease Momma?"
"We'll see after dinner sweetie." Which reminded Cara ~Brian? Do you have any idea how to train a telepath that was blocked and has no shields? I'm holding mine on him at the moment ...~ She didnt add that she currently had no shields herself to keep Kyle safe.
~I have no formal training, with Akadians it is pretty much instinctual. However I have devloped a pretty powerful shield. I think I should be able to help.~
Cara nodded greatfully ~If you can shield him and I can get his permission then I might be able to show his mind how to erect a shield ... I just cant do both.~ Dev would be sitting shock at her admitting she couldnt do something.
~Of course I can help, I won't even require a date, although I am incredibley attractive.~
Chuckling she sent ~Darn ... so much for my nefarious plans.~ She had to admit he was gorgeous ... actually the two men she was sitting with were, she liked them both for different reasons but her traitorous body was sending her confusing signals.
~Well I was talking about dating him. Not that I would object to dating you, you do seem rather cute yourself.~
Her mental chuckling turning into giggles she sent ~Hmmm you could always have both ... Betazoids and Akkadians both seem to do better in groups.~
He paused before replying. There seemed to be a touch of seriousness in her tone.~Groups can be fun, do you think that Kyle would go along. I mean assuming you're not just pulling my leg. I mean I am a notrotious flirt. I'm usually harmless, but then again...~
~I'm not teasing ... I wouldnt do that to you or anyone ... and we can always ask him.~ She shrugged then added ~On the condition that we know what we are all wanting going into this ... and that if anyone decides that they need more from the group ... like bringing in someone else to meet a need not being met that its done in a way that doesnt hurt Jess ... She'll imprint on you guys and she needs parental figures ... god knows i get in nearly as much trouble as her ...~ She looked at him not sure if what she was saying made sense.
~We should have a discussion then. I'm not really seeing anyone and I'm looking for something more than nice shoes let's uh fronicate. But I don't know how much of a commitment I'm willing to make in the long-term.~
Nodding she sent ~In which case before we all have dinner and then talk you should know that Jessie is uh ... special ... shes ... an augment.~
~I would love to know more. She sounds fascinating and I would love to hear the full story about the rescue.. It doesn't scare me off or bother me though~
~I owe Kyle the full story too.~ Changing to verbal she said "So I believe I owe you and Brian the full story about Jessie, Kyle?
Kyle was there and said, "I would like to hear the full story." Kyle wasnt aware of anything else. The girl Jessie seemed nice, he wanted to know more about her. Kyle longed for a family of his own someday.
Now that Kyle had spoken, Brian could focus on him, he reached a hand out towards him, "Major Green, Your ears must me turning red, Cara and I were just talking about you. All good things I might add."
Kyle smiled and said, "What were you discussing?"
Cara grinned at the two men and then looked at the waiter as she brought Brian's meal over and indicated that she would like two plates of what he was having but with fries instead of onion rings. Looking at Kyle she raised an eyebrow silently asking what he would like.
Kyle looked at the waiter and said, "I'll have a an Earth plate Hamburger with french fries."
After Kyle had finished Brian gave him a cat eating the canary grin. "We were discussing our mutual attraction to you debating whether you might share that attraction."
Major Green said, "Im sorry attraction to whom?"
"Why to both of us." Brian returned maintaining the smile.
Kyle was a little off-put and said, "Defiently to Cara, and you're not bad looking. I don't look at men like that, Commander." Kyle was a little nervous.
Brian shurgged his shoulders, "My apologies Major if I offended you, but I'm not a pushy man, I realize Akadains have a different view of such things than most races. I promise to keep my hands to myself."
Kyle said, "No offense taken, Commander. Why do you ask?"
Brian didn't want to be to specific with Jess sitting there. "Cara and I were just discussing the three of us getting to know each other on a.... more personal level."
Kyle didn't have an issue with that and said, "Okay, lets get to know each other!"
"Perhaps we shoul hear Jess's story before we... adjourn
Kyle said, "Whatever you think is best."
Nodding Cara swallowed and then took a deep breath "About a year ago Dev and I were sent on a mission to find out whether a certain scientist was trying to recreate Dr Songs work in augmentation of the human DNA. Dev and I had been sent in as science majors and we were quickly trusted with the more 'sensitive information'." Her hands and voice shook.
Brian reached out to telepathically. One of his gifts was the ability to mute or increase various emotions in others. He used that now to reduce cara's anxiety.
Closing her eyes Cara took slow breaths as she let Brian soothe her so she could continue. "The scientist had definitely been up to no good ... we found a lab where he had all his failed experiments in dissection tubes. " Even with the soothing she was having trouble controlling her emotions as she relived the horror but she wanted to get this over with.
"Down the corridor there was a nursery with a few shildren that had survived their birth ... Jess was the oldest of them." She swallowed against a dry throat. "Dev and I had planned how to get them out safely and shut it down but somehow he found out. He killed all the kids except Jess who had hidden and then tried to kill us."
"Dev and I managed to rescue Jess and get her out but by that time 'Fleet was there and they had found the bodies of the babies and toddlers. Dev had been injured and I wasnt in much better shape so we agreed to tell them that Jess had been kidnapped by him and her parents were dead ... that he hadnt had a chance to experiment on her yet. Eventually after a month they let me adopt her."
Brian had heard about Soon's research. He knew what an agument was. To him the use of such technologly was appaling, inexcusable, and even prosecutable. However he could not blame Jess for someone else's experimintation, he could only feely sympathy for her. "So, she is an agument, I'm blind, other people are unique in their own way. That doesn't mean we have to be outcasts."
Cara nodded her agreement then added "However being an augment still comes with what amounts to a death sentence even though she had no control over it or choice." It was something she believed starfleet was wrong about.
"And do the authorities know about her?"
Cara shook her head "Dev and I lied ... I'm not proud of it but I would do it again if it kept her safe."
"Your secret is safe with me. How about you Major?"
Major Green said, "My lips are sealed."
Her body almost collapsing she relaxed fully for the first time in a year "Thank you. Both of you."
"You're welcome Cara, Brian answered as their food arrived, "We should talk more after dinner."
She nodded at them both knowing Brian would feel it.
Brian found the plate in front of him and picked up the burger and began eating.
Kyle began to enjoy his meal as well.
Cara cut up Jess's burger into quarters for her then picked up her own and started to eat it before asking "Anyone want ketchup?"
"Not for me," Brian replied, "I prefer just salt and pepper and grease, lots of grease"
Jess nodded "Please momma?"
TAG Kyle
Looking at the men Cara couldnt help but give in to Jess "Just a little sweetie ..." She put some on her daughter's chips. Then shrugging she put some on her own before looking at Brian curiously "No gude dog today Bri?"
No one had called him Bri since Morgan and he rather enjoyed it, "No, I'm on my own. Trying to get around on my own, I'm rather independent."
She sent him and Kyle a funny image of her being independent and walking into a wall as she said "I hope you have more luck than me on the independence scale ... I drive Dev up the wall."
tag Kyle and Brian
"Who is Dev?" Brian querried.
"Devyn Kell ... Security Officer here and my partner in crime on deniable missions. He was punished by his last CO for beating up the XO when the XO raped a crew member."
"The CO punished him? I would have cut off his..." he stopped rembering Jess was seated beside him, "I would have made sure he never raped anyone ever again."
"Believe me Dev tried ... if I had been there he would never have been demoted." She shook her head at the unfairness "Dev is the most honourable guy I've ever worked with."
"He sounds like a great guy."
"He is ... and I can't help but feel I failed him on that ... He was the guy keeping Nyx and I in check when Tallus was being his vulcan self."
"Yes, well my people are the opposite of Vulcans, especially the anal retentive kind. Tallus should consider himself lucky that Dev was around."
Kyle could not believe what he was hearing. The previous XO raping someone? That seemed outrageous. He just continued to listen.
"Dev held the security chief position on the Andromeda ... he was doing rounds one day and heard a woman screaming for help ... he used his override to get into the quarters and found the Xo trying to rape her ... he got demoted for beating the guy up."
"I don't understand," Brian said in a grim, frustrated voice, "Akadia is one of the most liberated planets sexually that I know. I mean Deltans could blush at well, I'm not going to go into detail here, but I'm sure you can use your imagantion. But the key is consetuality. Both parties have to agree.
"Why would he have gotten demoted for doing the right thing. I don't understand Star Fleet on this issue."
Rubbing her face tiredly Cara admitted "I dont always understand Starfleet myself ... the marines are at least more sane." She looked at the guys "All I know from Dev is that the CO was unhappy with all of his trips to help me ... Trips that remember werent officially sanctioned."
Brian took a drink then held up the glass, "Here's to unsanctioned missions. They are what make things interesting."
Cara raised her milkshake in return "Definitely ... here's to not having too many from now on."
Kyle just could not believe what he was hearing and just listened in.
"Cara, you look tired, should we postpone our, em, encounter till you are more refreshed?"
Kyle said, "No, I am fine. I am curious what this encounter is, though"
It was impossible for Brian to roll his eyes, so he just gave the Major a smirk. He leaned in towards the other man and whispered quietly in his ear, "I believe we are talking about a carnal encounter, a three way with Cara. If you're up for that, and yes I promise to keep my hands off of you, though I must admit it would be tempting to do otherwise."
Kyle was a little surprised and said, "I see. I'm sorry Brain I don't go that way. If he keeps his hands off me, I have no problem.
"You already made it clear that you were what your people would call straight and I can respect that. And just for you, I'll not only keep my hands off of you, but other parts of my anatomy as well.
Besides I think Cara deserves both of us paying attention to her. Don't you?"
Kyle felt bad and said, "Sorry, Brian. I agree with you about Cara though."
Cara nodded "I'm fine ... Jess is out on her feet so we should have an uninterrupted night.
A smile spread across Brian's face. "Uninterrupted. I like that."
Cara just grinned at them both as she finished her meal. "Might need some help carrying Jess to bed."
Kyle walked over and said to Cara, "What can I do for you?" He then picked up the child and started to walk to her bedroom.
Barely opening her eyes Jess wrapped an arm round his neck and snuggled in closer to him before dropping back into sleep as she mumbled "Night momma ... night daddy ... night papa."
Blinking in surprise at how easily Jess accepted the two men Cara looked at Brian and Kyle as she said "Which of you is which?"
Brian was a bit taken aback by Jess's comment. Like Cara he was surprised by her willing acceptance. He had no problems being a father figure to the girl, it was just part of his nature to be protective of the innocent.
However he was not at the point in his life that he wanted a relationship or even to move in with someone. If he were ready, Paul or Ashton would be more in line with where his taste ran.
He had no problem in a purely physical encounter, he would have preferred it in fact, or dating, or even what humans called friends with benefits, but a relationship, no.
He hoped he had made his position clear, if not he would have to do so.
Cara sent Brian a mental apology not sure why Jess had said what she did. ~Sorry .. look I know your uncomfortable with what she said ...~
Brian sent back. a thought ^ I am only uncomfortable if she thinks that we are going to become a couple or triad. I don't want her to get hurt nor do I want to hurt you. But I am just not in a position to want a relationship.^
Nodding in understanding she sent ~Kyle and I would never push you into anything you didnt want ... just as I know you two would never do to me .. nor would we to him. I know that Kyle and I are long term ... but lets take this day by day you may find someone that you want to stay with forever .. hell you may decide you want to make this long term with us ... I wont be pushing its up to you what feels right.~
~I am open to seeing how things go and I appreciate your openness and your not pressuring me.~
Kyle smiled he was happy to be here and with Cara. Brain was interesting too.
Brain followed behind Cara and Klye and his passanger Jace, back to Cara's place, one hand on Cara's shoulder. He was going to need someone's help to back to his place once tonight's festivties ended, but that was the furthest thing from his mind at that point in time.
Kyle was curious how things would play out.
Cara smiled at the two men walking with her "How do you two want to do this?"
"Well I am pretty much open to anything from mild to wild, but I will let you two take the lead I do however promise to respect your boundaries and keep my hands away from you Kyle, just like I promised, unless of course you change your mind, once you see my studly body."
It was of course a joke, meant to break the ice, but there was a hope, small though it was that Kyle would change his mind.
Lt. Commander Brian Windsong
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Major Kyle Green
Executive Officer
Major Cara Treia
Chief Strategic Operations
Second Officer