Life is a Circus
Posted on Sun 28th Jul, 2013 @ 3:46pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Lieutenant Jareth Dalton
1,129 words; about a 6 minute read
Nyx carried the popcorn as she and Devyn made their way to the seats near the front row for the main show. Her belly large enough to change her center of balance, Devyn kept a firm grip on her arm to steady her as she made her way past the others that were already seated. In his other hand he juggled a bag of cotton candy and two drinks. He laughed when Nyx had told him she'd never tried anything like cotton candy before. Although she wasn't overly fond of it, she found it intriguing how simple sugar could be stretched and spun into fibrous cotton full of color and had insisted on having some.
"Are those real animals?" Nyx asked. It was amazing to see how many in the audience were awestruck by the live animals of the show. Nyx had Max and had seen several other dogs. She'd seen several small animals from exotic places but the lions, the elephants, the bears, and tigers had her gazing and mesmerized. She didn't even notice the tightening across her belly as she sat down.
The Trapeze went first and Nyx clapped with each aerial stunt. It looked much like a ballet in the air. Twice her hand went to her belly as she felt a tinge of pain. She blew it off as the food she'd eaten and went back to watching the show. The aerial acrobats spun, jumped, swung and twirled for nearly twenty minutes before finishing. The entire arena stood and clapped as the team members took their bows.
Rhiannon saw the woman in front of her and tapped her on the shoulder. "Nyx!" She grinned. "I didn't know you were coming to the circus today." She gave the woman a hug. "I'm glad to see you're feeling up to it."
Nyx smiled. "Better than sitting at home and wondering when my daughter is going to make her appearance." She looked at Jareth and then on the other side of Rhiannon. "Where is Maia? I thought she'd enjoy the circus."
Jathen shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Maia hates the circus. She's afraid of clowns and thinks that the animals are mistreated."
Nyx's smile faded. "Are they? Mistreated?" She looked at Devyn.
"It used to be believed that the animals weren't taken care of, locked in cages, beaten for bad performance and training was very rigorous. But a lot has changed. Animals are not mistreated and there are rules and regulations that govern the way they are trained and cared for." Devyn slipped his hand over hers to reassure. "They are happy and enjoy what they're doing." He smiled. "Telepaths are brought in to check on the animals monthly."
Rhiannon watched as Nyx's hand went to her belly again. She still didn't say anything as the next show started. A young woman walking a tightrope from nearly forty meters up. The house was silent as the music struck and the spot light hit her but Rhiannon's eyes were set elsewhere as Nyx leaned on Devyn's shoulder and her hand once again went to her belly.
Rhiannon leaned over to Jareth. "I should say something."
"She's a doctor wouldn't she know the symptoms?" He asked as he shook his head.
"Doctors are the worst patients." She shook her head as well as she leaned toward Nyx to see if she were at least timing the pains. "I sincerely believe she's oblivious or in denial."
Jareth tapped Kell on the shoulder and when he looked back at him, Rhiannon gave him a questioning look and rubbed her own belly before nodding in Nyx's direction. By the time the woman reached the end of the tight rope and turned to bow, Devyn had Nyx up and was once again escorting her precariously past the other spectators. Rhiannon and Jareth were right behind them. By the time they reached the exit, Nyx was doubled over in pain. Devyn scooped her into his arms and carried her to Sick Bay.
Once in sick bay, Devyn set his wife down on the nearest bio bed. He stepped back. "Doc what's going on?" He asked nervously.
Rhiannon smiled. "Well, I'd say she was finally giving birth Commander." She stepped between the man and the bio bed. "Nyx, do you want something for the pain?"
Nyx smiled and shook her head. "Not now. Too risky." She went into another contraction.
"Remember your breathing Nyx. Deep breath." She inhaled with her patient, "And let it out." After about forty five seconds, the pain was gone and Nyx was comfortable again. "Let's get you undressed and ready to have this little girl. Shall we?"
Nyx nodded and Rhiannon helped her out of bed. "If you gentlemen will excuse us for a couple of minutes. I'm sure Nyx would like some privacy."
Jareth quickly exited the room but Devyn stood there. "She's my wife. I've seen her naked many times..."
"GET OUT!" Nyx yelled as another contraction doubled her over.
Raising his hands in surrender, Devyn backed out of the room.
Rhiannon stifled a laugh. How could such a tiny creature frighten a Klingon Hybrid as big as Devyn Kell?
Within a few minutes, Nyx was back on the bio bed and Devyn was at her side.
"Just a few more pushes Nyx and you're going to be a momma." Rhiannon encouraged. "This little girl is anxious to enter the world."
By now Nyx was too far into the continuous contractions to be aware of much that was being said.
"Pushing!" She growled through gritted teeth as she grabbed Devyn's hand and squeezed.
Rhiannon moved into position. "The baby's head is crowning. Good girl Nyx."
---forty minutes later---
"Commander, would you like to welcome your daughter into the world?"
Devyn grinned. "You know I do." He took the beautiful baby girl into his arms and looked down at her. She had a mop of black hair and deep blue eyes. Devyn was already in love. He and Nyx had yet to agree on a name for their child so he dubbed her, 'Angel eyes'.
He sat next to his sleeping wife cradling his daughter in his arms and waiting for Nyx to open her eyes so she could delight in the beautiful creation he held.
Rhiannon smiled at the three of them. "She's going to be out for a few hours. You should let me put the baby in the bassinet and get some sleep yourself."
Devyn shook his head. "No, I think I'll sit here and hold her a little longer if that's okay."
"Of course sir. But you're going to need your rest too you know." She reminded him.
Devyn nodded. "I know, but right now, I just want to look at her."