Post and Relief Part II
Posted on Sat 8th Jun, 2013 @ 8:20am by Colonel Horatio Drake & Commander Brian Windsong & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar & Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Lieutenant Thomas Jorrel & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Samantha O'Dell & Captain Valad Tavik & Lieutenant JG Xavier Lee & Commander Mikaela Locke & Lieutenant JG Lys Greystone
Edited on on Sat 8th Jun, 2013 @ 8:20am
1,740 words; about a 9 minute read
Location: Starbase Protector > Deck 45 > 75th Shuttlebay
Timeline: Current
A Staff Sergeant walked up to the Sergeant Major and spoke. “Sergeant Major Covington, if you would like to take your position near the Color Guard, we are about to began. Covington nodded as she gave Liz a kiss on the cheek before moving towards the entrance of the shuttlebay. The Starfleet Marine Corps Band then began to play a little loudly as the ceremony was about to began. The Staff Sergeant then moved towards the podium. Starfleet Operations tapped the microphone into the speakers of the hanger providing a crisp and clear sound to everyone present.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, distinguished guest, Welcome to the Post and Relief ceremony of 75th Marine Battalion of Starbase Protector. If you would please find your seat, Sergeant Major Covington, Battalion Sergeant Major of the 75th Marine Battalion, will march the colors to post.” Many of the officers and Marines began to take their seats as this usually went quickly than the networking and meet and greeting that happened before it.
Lys found an open chair and slid into it and sat on the edge as she waited for everything to occur. This was some thing new to her but she was enjoying it even though she felt out of place.
Nyx and Devyn walked into the room. Devyn in his best dress and hating it while Nyx chose a formal civilian dress over her uniform because of fitting issues with her baby bump. She appeared to grow larger each day and was beginning to think she'd give birth to a full grown Klingon if she gestated too much longer. There was no research on hybrid Chameloids or how long their gestation might be. Klingon gestation was thirty weeks and Chameloids only carried their children for twenty five weeks. However Devyn was also part Betazoid and they carry their offspring for ten months. Today mother and baby were doing fine and Nyx was radiant. At eighteen weeks, her baby bump was round and plump and there was no sign of the trauma she had been put through except for her refusal to leave her husband's side. She'd even gotten used to living in the Marine barracks. She still wouldn't speak to Cara but managed not to run off when she saw her at the celebration.
Tallus saw Nyx and Devyn walking by. "Greetings Lieutenant Adanyxia, Commander Kell." Tallus nodded to each in turn.
Jess peeked out from behind his and her mother's legs and waved chirping "Hi unca Kell ... Hi auntie Nyx."
Nyx wrapped her arm around Devyn's elbow tighter when she saw the three approaching. She was still upset with Cara and, although she wouldn't say it out loud since their wedding, she wasn't sure she trusted Cara around her husband. She did nod politely however and gave them a, "good afternoon Colonel. Jessica." The little one garnered a smiled.
"Colonel, Cara." Devyn knew how Nyx felt and he didn't want to argue with her here and now nor did he want to upset her any during these last weeks of her pregnancy. "Hello little bit." He smiled at the girl behind her mother.
Jess giggled "I grew a whole inch this month unca Kell." Cara gave Kell and Nyx a smile and nodded "Kell, Nyx."
When Nyx didn't say anything, Devyn gave her a nudge and scolded her with his mind.
"Colonel." Nyx nodded and then looked down at the floor. She didn't want to speak to this woman yet and she felt like a child being forced to apologize for something she'd done.
Cara didn't comment knowing it was going to take time for Nyx to realise Cara wasn't interested in Kell.
"We should find a seat Devyn." Nyx just wanted away from them.
"Cara and Tallus haven't heard our news Nyx. Why don't you tell them?"
"Devyn and I were married two days ago." She said. "I think we should sit over there." She gave Devyn another tug on the arm but he didn't budge.
Cara's eyes danced in amusement at her antics as she said solemnly "Congratulations both of you."
Jess asked curiously "Married like you and daddy will be?"
"Just like that little bit."
"I have to get married to?" Jess looked utterly confused and Cara looked at Kell trying not to laugh out loud.
"If you'll excuse us." Devyn said with a nod of his head. If he was going to keep the peace, he needed to let Nyx take him away from Cara now. "Come on Mrs. Kell, we'll sit now." As they walked away, he shook his head and wondered if he and Cara would ever be able to have their relationship back. It was innocent but he needed Nyx to believe that.
Cara sighed and said to Tallus "I think she will thaw to you before she thaws to me."
"Only time will tell." Tallus said watching the Lieutenant.
"Excuse me," Jorrel whispered, "But this may not mean much to officers, but the non-coms take it very seriously, and you people are interrupting the ceremony. Could you find your seats and clamor down?" he asked, a brief indignant flash back to his grunt days coming out of him.
Cara looked at the Lieutenant who had just tried to bawl her out and stated "I think you need your eyes checked Lt., first of all this uniform? Tends to mean we are Marines ... and second of all? My mate and fiancee here is the Marine commanding officer and currently Joint Starbase Executive Officer with me. I'm pretty sure things can't start without him." She looked at Tallus with a raised eyebrow.
"And I'm pretty sure that they have," Jorrel whispered back, pointing to the speaker at the podium and the others who started the Presentation of Colors.
"Indeed not Lieutenant." Tallus said as he looked to the podium. "Colonel Treia, if you will please take your position." Tallus said with a nod to Cara. ~Time to get official.~ He said mentally.
Nodding she shepherded Jess to a seat where Jess would have a good view. Looking sideways at Jorrel she sent an apology ~Sorry if I was a bit abrupt Lt ... Long day ... hell long month.~
Jorrel waved it off as if it weren't an issue. Even though it was, which was a surprise to him. His career started off as a Marine grunt, through enlistment, boot and he'd barely made non-com status when he was 'loaned' to Starfleet as part of this Joint Operations task force they put together. In many ways, he still identified as that young man who was once just Corporal Jorrel. It was also just a reminder of how far he'd come when he was made a department head on a starbase.
Drake shifted in his seat and leaned into Paul, "Do I have to say anything? Should I have written a speech or something?" He asked as inquisitively as he could feign. He had, of course, already written a fitting speech. He would recall it on the podium's computers when he was called up... but he had to get Paul back for the uniform remark.
Paul jerked to face Ashton with a startled look. "You don't have a speech prepared?! Are you nuts--? Then he felt Drake's flash of utter satisfaction and rolled his eyes at him. "But it would have been very entertaining to have seen Covington deck you if you hadn't!" he whispered.
"It would have been very entertaining to have seen..." Drake mirrored Graves in a mock, childish voice. "You're just jealous you're not making a speech". Drake folded his arms and grinned - when he was in this mood he used to love winding Patrick up... saying things to just confuse!
"'Thankful' would be a more accurate description," Paul replied with the flicker of a smile. Then he fell silent as the ceremony began.
The Adjutant of the Ceremony, the Staff Sergeant speaking, moved from behind the podium and sounded off.
On cue, the Starfleet Marine Corps Band began to play the Federation Anthem as all in attendance began to stand. The Company Gunnery Sergeants and the Platoon Sergeants all turned their heads to the right and yelled out to their commands.
Followed by
In nearly perfect unison the entire battalion snapped to attention. Sergeant Major Covington turned around to face the battalion and nodded as she ordered in a loud and commanding voice.
Every marine in uniform at that time, be in the massive formation or not, render a crisp and snapping salute to the colors as SgtMaj. Covington performed an about-face and render her own salute towards the colors. The color guard began to turn and face the crowd as the battalion was ordered to order arms. Everyone dropped their salute as Covington approached the podium to begin speaking.
Looking over the sea of faces, officers, family and friends, Sergeant Major Covington began to speak.
“Friends, Commanders, Department Heads and distinguished guests, thank you for attending the post and relief ceremony for the 75th Marine Battalion here onboard Starbase Protector. I’m Sergeant Major Daphne Covington, Battalion Sergeant Major of the 75th.” Covington looked down at her wife was a smile who was looking on in approval. “I have been the senior enlisted adviser to Colonel Karikkar for the better part of the last three years, we have been through several deployments and seen many things in our tenure together. The 75th has been a true home to me with leadership like this and I’ve been truly lucky to be a part of the legacy that is this Starfleet Marine Battalion.” Looking over at the Colonel, Covington nodded as she spoke.
“To introduce the next Sergeant Major of the 75th Marine Battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar.”
While everyone in attendance clapped, Sergeant Major Covington turned and ordered the battalion to parade rest. In another clean crisp movement, the battalion snapped to parade rest as Covington turned around and looked at the Colonel, signaling him that the battalion was ready for him. Moving off to his left, she waited as she eyed the entrance of the shuttlebay. Soon, everyone would be introduced to Sergeant Major Troy Jennings.
Tallus took up position on the podium. As the Marine Commander it was his job to make sure that all of the Marine's present were presentable. He would not be having any slackers.