Dinner with Sergeant Major Covington
Posted on Thu 23rd May, 2013 @ 2:05am by
Edited on on Thu 23rd May, 2013 @ 2:08am
1,732 words; about a 9 minute read
Location: Starbase Protector > Deck 34 > Sergeant Major's Quarters
Timeline: Current
The Delta shift on-board Starbase Protector and begun right on time as the lighting in non-essential areas on the ships began to dim. The countless restaurants, mini-casinos, clubs and other makeshift facilities that had long since been incorporated into the everyday life of the Protector came to life at the exact time, everyday. This evening was no different. The life of the Starfleet Enlisted person was a rather simple one. Much of your worries were taken care of, you aren't bogged down with the tremendous responsibilities of a officer and life after your shift, depending on how fulfilling your job was, started below the command decks.
Tonight, two of Jennings rituals were going to be put to the test, both of which were important aspects to him to gauge exactly what kind of command he was being assigned to. The common misconception about marine units is that they are usually dis-organized and undisciplined if they are being assigned a new senior enlisted non-com. The fact was nine-times out of ten it was just time for their current senior enlisted to move on, it wasn’t due to poor unit state at all. Tonight, Jennings would find out if this rang true of the 75th Marine Battalion.
Sergeant Major Daphne Covington and her wife, Liz Covington extend a dinner invitation to him as both a tradition for outgoing SgtMaj’s to dine the incoming and a means for the the two to meet before the Post and Relief ceremony in which on Sergeant Major turns over responsibility of the enlisted they are charged with to the other. This was a very important dinner as most of the gossip senior enlisted marines talk about tends to come out at this times. When you're about to leave a command and you’re drinking a little more than usually, things tend to come out.
Though it was formal, Jennings didn’t want to tip his hand just yet that he was a incoming Sergeant Major to other marines, so a nice dress outfit was suitable as he looked over the temporary quarters he was staying in. SgtMaj. Covington and her wife were currently occupying his future home. As he looked over himself, grooming slightly in a mirror, the interior view of the drydock looked amazing, he actually preferred to look at the ships and movement inside than a outer quarter and the endless, less active view of space. The position in the drydock of the USS Odyssey could be seen from his room yet the ship had long since departed, a lingering thought toyed with him before Jennings turned and headed towards the exit.
Sergeant Major Daphne Covington’s Quarters
Current Sergeant Major of the 75th Marine Battalion
Daphne, dressed in similar fashion, moved slightly frantically through her quarters as Liz sat plates of food on the table. Liz, in the supportive role of a loving wife, took the liberty to look up SgtMaj. Jennings hometown and prepared a dinner he would find suitable. Looking up at Daphne, she shook her head slightly with a smile before speaking.
“You are wearing down the carpeting Daph, stop being so worrisome.” Daphne stopped mid step and glanced over at her wife as realized she was right, they were after all peers and the status of their quarters (through clean beyond belief) wouldn't matter very much to Jennings. Walking over to a now sitting Liz, Daphne smiled and kiss her quickly before speaking. “This is a blessing, we are luckily to be moving on to better things and I have you to thank for it.” Liz smiled as he caressed her face for a moment before the tone was heard at the door. Daphne pulled away instantly as Liz dropped her hand with a smile. Clearing her throat slightly, he opened the door to reveal SgtMaj. Jennings.
“Jennings.” Daphne said with a smile which was returned in kind by Troy. “Covington.” He said extending his hand to her which she accepted shook.
“Please come in.” Jennings entered the quarters as Liz stood and smoothed out her dress before approaching Jennings. “Sergeant Major Jennings.” she replied. Daphne looked at Liz and spoke. “This is my wife Liz, Troy.” Jennings took her hand as well as he replied. “Please, call me Troy.” Liz looked over the both of them and spoke. “Well, I hope you enjoy dinner, I haven’t been slaving all day, but I’m sure you’ll like it.” Jennings smelled the air and spoke. “That smells like turkey, green beans, mash potatoes and gravy.” The man had a nose for southern cooking.
Liz smiled as she showed him to the dining area before responding. “Devil dog huh? More like bloodhound.” The three of them laughed as they made their way over to the table.
The dinner went without a hitch as they laughed, joked and talked about past experiences, previous commands and starfleet. The night began to wind down with drinks in the living area of SgtMaj. Covingtons quarters as Liz placed a picture of Covington down on the coffee table. The three of them just enjoyed a laugh about her times as a junior marine before the tone of the conversation changed. Jennings looked over at Covington before speaking.
“Is it the jeering and snickering behind your back, or to your face that’s got you wanting out of the 75th Daphne?” Liz quietly took a sip as she looked over at her wife with a straight face. The man was intuitive, she’d give him that. Daphne smirked, a little drunk as she laughed a little before speaking. “Both...actually, CO and XO are ok, they support me, but I can tell I don’t have the respect of the company gunnies and the platoon sergeants. And as you know...” She then downed the rest of her drink as she spoke. “...if you don’t have the gunnies and platoon sergeants respect, you don’t have the marines either.” Jennings scratched the side of his face as he listened to her. “You know, I never thought I’d ever be tapped to lead a battalion, I was a First Sergeant in charge of a procurement office before this, the most I ever command before this post was six, seven marines. Then the orders came around for the 75th.”
Leaning forward, she sat her glass down on the table and continued. “Don’t get me wrong, when it comes to being marines, you could find a better bunch in the fleet. They are disciplined, they do their job, complete their training and qualification with near perfect accuracy. But you can’t punish bigotry, you can’t demote for insensitivity.” Daphne was now staring into space as is was obvious she was reliving her experiences thus far in her mind. Jennings looked over at Liz and spoke. “They ever say anything to you?’ Liz smirk as sat with her leg folded and her arms folded with her wine glass in one hand, tapping it with her finger lightly.
“No offense Jennings, but I’d just as soon rip your marines a new one before they treated me with any type of disrespect.” A strong partner indeed, Jennings smirked as he looked back at a somewhat tearful Daphne. Not all Sergeant Majors were made of fire and brimstone. The human face behind the rank got lost frequently at their level. Jennings sat his glass down as he heard what he needed to at this point. There was no sense in probing for more information on his battalion, she painted a pretty clear picture. Daphne and Liz both stood as the smiled and waited for a response from Jennings. Looking at them both, Jennings spoke. “Where are they sending you?”
Daphne smiled as she responded. “Federation Headquarters, Earth...NCOIC of Marine Developmental Theory.” Jennings nodded as he extended his to her and spoke. “I can assure you Sergeant Major, that type of attitude will be weeded out of our corps before you and I both retire. Knock them dead at headquarters and if you need help, with anything...you give me a call and I WILL answer.” Liz smiled at the commitment as Daphne nodded closing her eyes for a brief moment. It was good to know that a man like Troy not only had your back in spirit, but in actions if need be. “Thank you Sergeant Major Jennings, we appreciate that.” Nodding to both of them, Jennings turned to turn in for the night as he spoke.
“Post and Relief Ceremony tomorrow?” She nodded yes as he stopped before getting to the door and spoke. “Let’s change the venue shall we..say the 75th shuttle-bay, I think you'll appreciate a good ceremony once you board your shuttle for earth.”
“It’s your show Sergeant Major, shuttle-bay it is.” Nodding, Jennings turned and exited the room as he had a few calls to make for the remainder of the afternoon. Liz looked over at Daphne who wiped away a tear before speaking. “I’ll get he dishes started, you get some sleep.” Liz reached over and grabbed Daphne and gave her a big, it was a huge risk for her to take a gamble telling Jennings about her experiences thus far, and it seemed to pay off. Hopefully the two could put everything behind them after tomorrow.
![]() ![]() Sergeant Major Troy Jennings Battalion Sergeant Major (Incoming) 75th Marine Battalion |
![]() ![]() Sergeant Major Daphne Covington Battalion Sergeant Major (Outgoing) 75th Marine Battalion |
![]() ![]() Liz Covington Wife of Sergeant Major Daphne Covington 75th Marine Battalion |