Forward Dawn Part IV
Posted on Tue 21st May, 2013 @ 5:06pm by
931 words; about a 5 minute read
Location: Shuttle Argo / Starbase Protector
Timeline: Current
The shuttle Argo began to slow its speed to port-impulse as the Stardock was apparently busy, as it should be. The massive structure was the first of it’s kind that Jennings laid eyes on that was in command of the Starfleet Marine Corps. A fitting asset indeed as he stood behind and center of the two pilots as they made their way out of the warp lane and towards to stardock.
“Shuttlepod-Argo to Starbase Protector, requesting docking location for flight 23B-Lima.”
Sergeant Major Jennings watched the base closely, his new home for the foreseeable future. Turning away, he walked over to his travel bag and opened it up as the shuttle continued to communicate with Protector’s Flight Operations. As he placed his PADD and other travelable items inside, he continued to listen to the comms chatter.
“Protector to Shuttle-Argo, you are cleared for landing pod 12, shuttle bay 4, please send landing clearance prior to embarkation.” The Lieutenant(JG) began to input the landing protocols and responded back in kind. “Transmitted, thanks Protector.” She said turning off her station as the shuttle began it’s auto-piloting towards the station. The co-pilot, ensign began to follow suit as Protector responded. “Welcome back Lieutenant, and welcome aboard Starbase Protector Sergeant Major Jennings.”
Jennings smirked a little as the Lieutenant and Ensign glanced at each other before moving past the Sergeant Major to gather their own belongings. The dock doors were off limits to shuttle as capital starships were the only ones permitted to travel through. The bases various shuttle bays where the only authorized points of entire for shuttle as they performed different types of security screenings. Once through however, they were able to move about the inside of the mass drydock as they wished. Jennings, a veteran of moving throughout Starfleet, had this unshakeable nervousness in the pit of his stomach that came only when he was moving to a new command. It wasn’t like anything else, but more of the anticipation of the unknown. He didn’t know of his the state of the unit, he didn’t know of his CO and XO, he didn’t know of a lot of things.
This usually disappears after interacting with staff and marines realizing he made them at times more uncomfortable than he was. The shuttle moved along the starboard side of an Intrepid-class Starship, it’s Designator USS Odyssey seemed to be preparing to leave the drydock as it’s indicators lights began to pulse signaling all over dock traffic that it was preparing to move. The shuttle flew into a shuttle bay which was used heavily by the 75th as it found it’s pod and came to a soft landing. As the three of them began to move, the shuttle bay doors opened to the smell of a shuttle bay and the noise and bustle of a busy Stardock. They three of them exited the shuttle as the next shuttle crew stood off to the side and nodded towards the officers and the Sergeant Major. Shuttlebay crew began to perform standard maintenance on the shuttle as it’s new crew boarded and got situated.
Holding their bags, the two officers stopped as Jennings turned towards the two of them and looked at them for a few seconds.
“Good job getting me here in one piece Starfleet. I appreciate that.” Joking without smiling was a quirk of his than some found a little funny, others just found confusing as it was hard to tell if he was being serious or sarcastic. Looking over at the Ensign. he spoke. “Your next assignment?”
“I have another shuttle mission Sergeant Major, more time behind the wheel for me.” Jennings saluted the Ensign who returned it quickly. The two shook hands before the Ensign looked over at the Lieutenant and nodded before disappearing into the crowd of techs, pilots and marines. Jennings then looked at the Lieutenant (JG) who had a slight smirk on her face. This pilot was a firecracker, but good starfleet and he appreciated good leadership.
“What about you ma’am, another shuttle for you before your next trip in the void?”
The Lieutenant said no, then looked towards the dock at the portside view of the USS Odyssey as she spoke. “I’m riding shotgun in her, got my orders on the way here, I’m one of her flight officers.” Jennings wanted to smile as he liked hearing good things happening to good people. Instead, he nodded as replied, “Well, if you had to outdo someone, that’d be a good place to start.” Smiling, she shook her head as Jennings rendered a salute. Returning it, she spoke. “Stay frosty Sergeant Major.” Impressed that she even knew what that meant, Jennings dropped his salute and shook her hand responding. “Same to you ma’am. don’t miss you ride.” The two exchanged glances one last time before she moved towards the shuttle marked USS Odyssey. Watching her board, Jennings turned towards the crowd and made his way towards one of the smaller corridors which lead to the main corridor rings around the station.
He began to relax a little as marines moving throughout the walk way nodded, acknowledge and some walking space for the Sergeant Major.

Sergeant Major Troy Jennings
Battalion Sergeant Major
75th Marine Battalion