Memory Locke: The Subconcious Shadows of a Coma Patient - Part I
Posted on Mon 20th May, 2013 @ 7:06pm by Commander Mikaela Locke
638 words; about a 3 minute read
"Daddy, I'm cold."
"It's okay, sweetie... here."
He wraps his jacket around my shoulders, and then places his arm around them too, pulling me in close. It feels nice.
It's the first day out we've had in what seems like forever and he's brought me to the beach.
I love the beach, but it's a grey day in February.
The beach isn't very nice today.
We can't go swimming - it's far too cold and the water is too rough. It looked dark and oily as it crashes up on to the shore.
The sand looks dirty - not the bright yellow that it is in the summer.
I love it here in the summer - we build sandcastles, I can go swimming and we have ice-cream.
I don't want ice-cream today.
And so we sit on the wall and look out to sea.
The sea is grey. The sky is grey. You can't tell where one finishes and the other begins.
It's cold and I'm unhappy. I want to go home, but I don't.
I don't get to spend much time with Daddy anymore. Mummy always says he's busy working. I don't understand why that's more important than spending time with me.
I want him to take me home, but I'm afraid. I'm afraid that if we go home, he'll go away again, back to his work.
And so I sit here, in the cold, looking out over the ugly beach and the grey sea.
"You don't seem very happy," he asks.
"I'm fine," I lie. If I tell him the truth he'll take me home.
"I thought you liked the beach?"
"I do." I'm not lying now. I do like it... Just not today.
"Then why aren't you happy?"
I want to tell him that I'm not happy because I never see him anymore... I want to tell him that Mummy is always sad because he's never at home... I want to tell him that I miss him...
"I'm fine, Daddy," I lie again, more earnestly this time.
"I hope you're not lying to me, young lady?" he says. His expression has changed, he seems angry with me.
"No, Daddy, I'm not!" I reassure him. "I'm having a good time."
"Because you know what happens when little girls lie..."
I've seen him like this with Mummy - but never with me. He's really cross.
"I'm sorry," I tell him. I start to cry... I can't stop myself. "I'm sorry," I say again, through my tears. "I'll be a good girl, I promise... I won't I lie anymore."
I try to reassure him, but he seems angrier than ever.
I don't even know what he's saying anymore. Through my sobbing, his voice is lost in a blur.
Suddenly, he stands up and he's holding a phaser - I don't know where it came from. In fact, I don't even know how I know what it is.
But I do...
And he's pointing it at me.
I'm scared. I've never been so scared in all my life. I don't understand what's going on. A million things go through my mind all at once.
"Daddy..?" I whimper.
And suddenly he's smiling and for a second I think everything will be okay.
But it's not a nice smile. Not a smile that makes me feel warm and loved... It's a sick smile, and evil smile, a smile that chills me to my very core...
"This is what happens to little girls who lie..."
And I suddenly I know what he's going to do...
I try to scream but no sound comes out...
And he presses the trigger...
And then everything is black...

Mikaela Locke...
or, at least, what's left of her...