Blankets and Boxes
Posted on Sun 19th May, 2013 @ 7:15am by Lieutenant JG Lys Greystone
752 words; about a 4 minute read
Location: USS Luxembourg - Starbase Protector
USS Luxembourg - Greystone Quarters
Lys stood quietly in their room, now her room, soon to be someone elses room. She folded the lap throw that she kept on the back of the chair. Her husband Orrin was dead it had been 9 months as of today and she was no further along in her grief then when she had first been informed that he had been injured and that there was nothing that they could do. She had ran to Sickbay and held his hand as he screamed in pained.
The loss of her husband was compounded by the fact that a month after that she had lost their child. It had been a tiny hope of something of him and it was gone in a flash, just as he was. Lys had walked around on the ship in a dazed state of being. Her former quick happy self was replaced by a quiet remnant of that.
Her friends and department mates noted it and supported her but slowly the married couples moved away and kept to themselves as she was no longer part of them.
[Two weeks earlier]
"Counselor, I see him every where I turn, I hear his voice, his laughter, his screams!" Lys said out loud
"Lys, maybe a change is needed, a new home, just for you?" The Counselor replied quietly as he made notes, it seemed as if he always made notes Lys had thought.
A puzzled expression, "Maybe" Hesitation was heard in her voice "What you are suggesting is that I leave here, where would I go?" Lys asked
"A ship, another star base, maybe a colony assignment. Lys it doesn't matter. What matters is that something needs to change, no matter what it is. I don't think that you will move beyond what state you are in until it happens." He paused "Lys, I am letting the Chief Medical Officer that you are to be taken off of active duty."
"WHAT?" Lys had burst out loud in an outburst.
"I go somewhere else, right? Counselor?" Lys asked as the Counselor nodded
So here she was packing, the conversation running through her head over and over. She had realized her wasn't really going to relieve her of duty but by the time she had it figured out she had already asked for a reassignment off the ship. "To any where" she had told the Executive Officer.
She had agreed and as she packed Lys realized that she did need a change and that maybe it was time to move on, to leave the place that reminded her of him. She was too young to stay like that forever. In pain and in a daze, so here she was packing, packing things she did not need. A shirt of his, a small tiny outfit. The first one bought because she had so much hope for his child. Tears slid down her face again as she finished packing and then as she looked at the stack she tipped the box over and dumped it out.
"Try again Lys" She said to herself "One thing and one thing alone of his and nothing more."
Lys looked through the stack of items and found his favorite shirt, it had a torn shirt tail but it was flannel and soft, she held it to her nose. It still smelt like him and she hugged it and the folded it and packed it with the lap throw into a smaller crate. The rest of the items she left right where they were. Lys severed her ties, of her loss, her painful memories... just for a while she told herself. Even though it was hard Lys was mostly ready to move on. It would take time she figured but the new place she was headed was very big in comparison to where she currently was and it was different and they weren't there. She smiled with expectation. The first smile she had, had in months, even her step seemed lighter, happier.
[Current Day]
Lys stepped off the ship unto the base she took a deep breath. Arrangements had been made for her belongings. She had a PADD in hand for her new Commanding Officer. She started down the ramp with many other people and blended in with the crown in no time. She paused as she over looked at what could only be called the merchant section or promenade.
Lt.jg Lys Greystone, CSciO
Starbase Protector