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The Finest Detail

Posted on Mon 20th May, 2013 @ 11:58am by Colonel Horatio Drake & Commander Brian Windsong & Lieutenant Samantha O'Dell

2,124 words; about a 11 minute read

Location: Intelligence office
Timeline: later than late

Sam had spent time with Brian since the attempt to connect with the residual energy of section 49Alpha... she was afraid he was telling her little white lies to make her feel better. She couldn’t place the feeling but she knew he wasn’t “all right.” no matter how much he tried to convince her otherwise.

Samantha looked at her computer, over and over and was letting the computer run through all known starfleet officers, it was doing a side by side facial recognition. She’d been at it for hours n

When the intelligence officer in charge contacted her she was resting with Brian, the only reason she’d gotten off the couch was because he had used to words. “Not good.” Simple as it sounded not good meant get your butt down here this is going to rock the foundations of starfleet not good. Some words just said so much more than the basics. So she got up got into uniform and went to her office, that was 4 hours ago.

Now Samantha could understand why, the fragments of information they had been able to recover were pixelated but there were faces visible... which was why Samantha was running the side by sides. Only a bit of audio had been recovered, muffled and garbled it was impossible to make out, still the face was there and the image was clear enough for Samantha to know this man... this monster was inside that section of the station.

She rubbed her eyes, her sunkissed blonde hair was usually done up professionally for work was in a straggly half organized bun that had strands coming down wherever they cared to fall,her eyes burned from watching the computer screen, and the cup of tea she’d gotten herself earlier was now room temperature at best and barely touched, Sam was exhausted. Samantha could do little but wait for the computer to find a match and yet she didn’t want to leave, she didn’t want to not be there when the computer ruptured and spilled out the name of the filth that she’d demand answers from. As she sat there her mind drifted off to Brian, she was hoping he wasn’t having nightmares.

He wasn’t having nightmares but that was only because he couldn’t sleep. He was exhausted but no matter how hard he tried sleep just kept eluding him. A thought came to him and he decided to go and pay a visit to Giellun, then he thought better of that idea and decided to run it through past Sam first

It was devious and underhanded and one he felt she would probably object to, but he wanted her opinion anyway, because he was pretty sure that even in the likely event she said no, she wouldn’t go running to Drake and tattle on him and he knew that Hitchins wouldn’t turn him down.

The computer told him she was in Intelligence and he approached and chimed her door. Samantha looked up with her eyes, “Come in.” She offered half heartedly assumed it was one of her staff telling her it was late.

He stepped into the room and just watched her for a few minutes before saying anything. Then
he walked over to her, “Hey Sam,” he said in a low voice, “You okay, because I kind of get the sense there is something wrong. Call it bad vibes or whateve

Samantha looked up to see him and her features lightened up, but it was still very easy to see how tired she was. “the geniuses managed to reconstruct a few fragments of this data, we have a face, I’m running it against everything in starfleet.” She offered, “and have been for the last few hours.” She smirked a sleepy goofy grin. “Are you ok? It’s late.”

“I couldn’t sleep,” he admitted, “But I did come up with an idea for dealing with the person behind this. You may not want to hear it though.”

Samantha smirked. “I’m intelligence, Brian not security.” She pushed herself out of her chair. “Go ahead spill.” Samantha took her cup to the replicator.

“Some of those bodies that were found were Romulans weren’t they?”

She nodded her head as she ordered a fresh cup of tea from the replicator. “Do you want anything?”

“Just some ice water,” he replied. After she had given him a glass he said, “You know despite how carefully we try to conceal this matter and keep things under wraps going through the right channels and so forth, well the Protector is big place and its likely to have.. how would you humans put it, have more leaks than church roof.

Samantha smirked at him and shook her head. “I would hope that the Federation would let every empire who has a part in this aware and allow them some say in the outcome.” Her computer started chirping. She turned to her desk...

The computer had found a match... and the color drained from Samantha’s face. “oh my god...” her lips parted and the words were barely audible. Her eyes darted upwards at Brian as if he
he could see her face. He walked over to her, “Hey Sam,” he said in a low voice, “You okay, because I kind of get the sense there is something wrong. Call it bad vibes or whatever

Samantha lifted an eyebrow, she had been walking back to her desk and computer, her steps slowed the more he spoke and before she realized it she’d stopped walking all together. “And strain already relations between the federation and the Empire.” She retorted. “Not entirely sure, the Colonel will back that. Besides we don’t even know who it is yet.”

“I very much doubt that he would either, but you’re assuming two things. You’re assuming I’d tell him what I had in mind and that the Tal ‘Shiar would make it obvious who made this person, whoever they might be disappear.”

Samantha smirked at him and shook her head. “I would hope that the Federation would let every empire who has a part in this aware and allow them some say in the outcome.” Her computer started chirping. She turned to her desk...

Samantha lifted an eyebrow, she had been walking back to her desk and computer, her steps slowed the more he spoke and before she realized it she’d stopped walking all together. “And strain already relations between the federation and the Empire.” She retorted. “Not entirely sure, the Colonel will back that. Besides we don’t even know who it is yet.”

“I very much doubt that he would either, but you’re assuming two things. You’re assuming I’d tell him what I had in mind and that the Tal ‘Shiar would make it obvious who made this person, whoever they might be disappear.”

Samantha smirked at him and shook her head. “I would hope that the Federation would let every empire who has a part in this aware and allow them some say in the outcome.” Her computer started chirping. She turned to her desk...

The computer had found a match... and the color drained from Samantha’s face. “oh my god...” her lips parted and the words were barely audible. Her eyes darted upwards at Brian as if he

Sam frowned looking back down at the computer. “The computer matched the facial features of the image we were able to recover from the fragmented data we found in Section 49Alpha.” She took in a deep breath. Her body was trembling and she didn’t know if it was rage or fear that made her do so. “It’s Dobbs.”

“SON OF A BITCH!” he shouted, “I knew that guy was a sick Teurek, but I didn’t know how bad. We have to do something.”

Samantha nodded her head, she was sending her data to Drake as she nodded. “What is a Teurek?” She asked as she worked. “I’m sending our information to the Colonel, and security.” She offered. “We’ll get the bastard.”

“Teurek as an Akadain slang word for intercourse. A rather vulgar term actually.”

Samantha erupted in laughter suddenly realizing what he meant. “I got it.” She took in a deep breath. “do you want to go with me and take this directly to the colonel?”

“I’d rather take off my uniform and go find the little weasley bastard myself and deal with him, how do you Terrans put it, mono el mono?”

Samantha had to admire the gusto, “you’re more of a man than he is, love.” She expressed. “As much as I like the Akadian way, there are times when I have to follow the rules.” She came over to him hugged him. “Sorry.”

“Sometimes it is difficult to wear this uniform, I still do not understand your rules and regulations. Especially when they stand in the way of justice. Still I do wear the uniform so I guess I will have to play like a Fleeter. For now anyway. If he gets away with this the rules are off.

I know you see the atrocities, can imagine them, but you don’t feel them, you don’t sense the pain that still lingers.”

Samantha sighed heavily, no she didn’t see things the way he did. She couldn’t feel the pain of all those souls Dobbs had tortured, Samantha took his hand in hers. “Do you know why I’m a low ranking officer?” She asked. “Once... just once I took matters into my own hands, because I felt the same way, strongly disagreed with the system and someone else died because of my hot headedness.” If he opened himself up to her he’d feel the rage she had for Dobbs, what she really wanted to do to the man, in Samantha’s mind she wanted to do everything to him he’d done to others, keep him alive to suffer through every last ounce of torment. Emotionally and physically. But those feelings were kept until tight wraps, so tight she didn’t even show them because she didn’t want to lose anyone else. “I don’t have to agree with the rules to follow them.” She finally admitted. “And IF if Dobbs gets through the cracks, I’ll take my uniform off hang it up nice and neatly and hunt his backside to the far corners of the galaxy and he’ll beg for federation justice.”

He sighed heavily. “You won’t go there alone. I’ll be right beside you. Where I belong. But let’s try it your way, the Federation way first. And Sam, whatever you did, the choices you made, its behind you now.”

“It still haunts me, Brian.” She admitted. “Someone trusted me and I got him killed.” She shook her head. “I can’t forgive myself for that, not ever.” She hugged him, he was backing her up or she was backing him up. Either way they supported one another. “Come on, lets go tell the Colonel he was right about Dobbs.”

“Of course, I’ll go with you, but when this is done, I can take some of that pain and guilt from you if you’ll let me.”

Samantha leaned against him for a moment or two considering his offer. “Are you pain and guilt free?” She asked him simply. He had his own demons, and they both knew it. It wasn’t fair for her to be without hers if he had to live with his.

“You know I’m not, “ he replied, “That doesn’t mean I don’t want to take yours from you though.” His hand traced a line on her cheek, “But then again there is more than one way to deal with pain.”

The feel of his finger against her cheek sent a pleasant chill throughout her body, it made her close her eyes and daydream for only a moment or two. When her eyes opened again she smirked and kissed his lips softly, a chaste if not passionate implication of endless possibilities. “I need some of my pain, but... I’m sure you and i can work on some way to help each other out with all our guilt.”

“As much as I like the thought of that,” he smirked, “I think we have more pressing things to deal with now. Let’s go get the Colonel. Then we can pay our respect to dear Mr. Dobbs.”

She smirked and nodded her head. “Looking forward to all of it.”

Lt. Samantha O'Dell
Intelligence officer
SB Protector


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