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DOA (Disappointed On Arrival)

Posted on Thu 21st Jun, 2012 @ 1:12am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Fihnrilk'Hob"ledn-ardol (Fin)

330 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Shuttle Hangar

It had been a long journey and Fin was tired. She'd been traveling for six days to get to her new assignment on Starbase Protector. Admiral Elgin didn't tell her much about it or give her any significant options about where she was going. When she'd approached him in his office and told him she wanted, no, needed, to lay low for awhile, he'd looked at her as if she had sprouted a third eye.

"I've been handling things for you for a long time, Stanley." She used his given name when she wasn't happy. He hated the name and the fact that she'd found out what it was, because she actually had the balls to use it. "Find me somewhere off the beaten path where I can fade into the background for awhile. And don't look so put out. You'll still know where I am if you need me."

She walked around the plush office picking up small objects d'art and looking them over carefully. "I don't care about rank or job. Just get me someplace where Cross can't find me." Cross was another Skinwalker who wanted to lay claim to Fin and all her worldly goods. He was dangerous and greedy and she thought if she stayed out of sight long enough, he'd forget about her and move on to someone else. There was no way she was going to attach herself to him or give him access to her considerable accounts.

Now, three weeks later, she was finally stepping off the shuttle onto the deck of her new home. With a small duffel of personal items over one shoulder, Fin stopped and looked around. A Klingon male brushed by her while exiting the shuttle, his hand straying to her backside. Instead of reacting indignantly, she smiled. It was nice to know another species found her desirable. Who knew, she might run into him later on and they could share a few hours in a holosuite...



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