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Posted on Wed 10th Apr, 2013 @ 4:26am by Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar

1,084 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Tallus' Quarters
Timeline: After Confrontation & Capture


Cara could feel someone's arms around her and she knew she was being carried somewhere but between the sedative and the other shot that Nyx had given her to keep her calmed she wasn't fully sure what was going on. She was aware of the smell of chocolate and cinnamon though and took a guess "Tallus?"

"Yes, I am here. Lieutenant Adanyxia gave you something that should help you." Tallus said worriedly.

"Feel funny ... I ... did I do something to Dev?" She had vague memories of asking Dev to stun her. "I'm sorry ... I tried to control it ... but it was too strong."

"Do not worry about that. Lieutenant Kell is fine. It is you that you need to worry about." Tallus said as they arrived at his quarters. The marine had a confused look on his face but Tallus just nodded to him and the marine opened the door and sealed it behind them.

Tallus walked over to the bed. "You should feel better soon."

"It hurt ... and went all foggy ... Feels better when you're there." She was holding him so that he wouldn't let go of her.

"I gave you some medicine. How are you feeling now?" Tallus said with worry on his face. He hoped that he hadn't been too late.

"More in control ... but ... I don't think we're going to be able to wait as long as I hoped ..." She hid her face in his shoulder embarrassed that she hadn't been able to control it.

Tallus moved Cara's face out of his shoulder. "There is nothing to be embarrassed about. You should be commended." Tallus said smiling the best that he could as he nodded knowing that she was right.

Her hand found a warm piece of skin on his neck and she rested it there needing the contact "I just ..." She couldnt put it into words. How was she supposed to say out loud that she wanted it to mean more than something biological.

"I understand." Tallus said laying her down in the bed.

Focusing on him she raised a hand to his cheek as she said softly "It's more than just ... biology."

"Yes, I understand." Tallus said silencing her by kissing her.

Kissing him back Cara let herself fall into the warmth that was created between the two of them. Her hands moved restlessly to his top tugging gently at the fastenings.

Tallus helped to remove his top as it fell off his chest.

Slowly stripping them both she explored with her fingers fascinated at the differences between the two of them before letting one hand move up to his face asking for permission to link them deeper.

Tallus nodded his head as he made the connection between them that few non-telepaths could ever hope to experience. Letting all the years that Tallus had pushed down finally come up. Mentally the two were linked therefore making them lifetime mates.

**2 hours later**

Cara lay curled in against Tallus' side half dozing enjoying the higher body temperature he had. She felt a bit like a cat sleeping on a heat pad and was tempted to almost purr. She had a soft smile on her face that she couldn't seem to wipe off.

Tallus was laying there with Cara right next to him. He looked at her and saw the smile on her face. It was more then just biological and he knew it. They had made a true connection. He was living in bliss.

Her smile widening she purred softly. "How long until it builds up again?"

"For a Vulcan it would be 7 years. For a non-Vulcan I am not sure. But you will never have to worry about that again." Tallus said hugging Cara closer.

Snuggling into his embrace she sent a soft wave of feeling across their bond.

Tallus breathed in the scent of Cara. It was sweet and caring. Feeling the wave that she sent was more the he had ever hoped to experience again. "I just wanted you to know that this is more then just biological for me. I sensed something about you the moment you stepped into the briefing room."

Nodding Cara grinned "Even when you were being all Vulcany on us I felt a pull to you." She couldn't say they hadn't deserved it as they had been misbehaving.

"Vulcany?" Tallus asked amused.

"Stone faced?" She grinned unrepentantly as she was now well aware that emotions ran underneath his Vulcan facade.

"Stone faced huh?" Tallus said with a raised eyebrow as he cracked a smile and started tickling Cara getting all the spots that she was ticklish in.

Laughing she squirmed under his fingers even as she enjoyed his playful side "Uh huh ... I saw the raised eyebrow." She dissolved panting into giggles again.

"I'll show you raised eyebrow." Tallus said as he tickled her even harder.

Giggling she pulled him in for a kiss "Love you."

"And I love you." Tallus said as he embraced her kiss.

Deepening it she felt his emotions brush hers and smiled sending ~At least Nyx wont have to worry about Dev and I~

~Indeed she will not. But you let me worry about Lieutenant Adanyxia. I have high plans for her.~ Tallus sent to Cara.

~Oh?~ Hopefully it would leave Nyx too tired to be pissed at Cara.

~Yes, she is unbalanced and undisciplined. And that collar of hers is too risky.~ Tallus said shaking his head.

~And leaves her feeling like nothing but a weapon.~ Cara could understand the feeling.

~Indeed. I hope to get her in a better control of her life.~ Tallus said with a sigh.

Matching his sigh she said ~Good luck love ... she's more stubborn than Dev and I put together.~

~Have you not met me? I am a Vulcan still. There is no force in the Universe more stubborn then a Klingon or a Vulcan.~ Tallus said laughing.

Collapsing into giggles at that she had to nod ~True ... but at least your cute when your stubborn.~

~Cute, I am a Marine. Marine's are not considered cute.~ Tallus said laughing.

Cara grinned ~cute and deadly.~

Tallus looked at Cara with a raised eyebrow. ~Deadly, yes. Cute, no.~ He said grinning.

Raising her eyebrow in counterpart she teased ~I promise not to tell.~

Tallus just laughed as he enjoyed the moment.

Chuckling softly she curled in against him enjoying the quiet time.


Lt Colonel Tallus Karrikar
Marine CO and Acting XO


Lt Colonel Cara Treia
Executive Officer (On protective leave)


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