Friends in High places
Posted on Sat 11th Jan, 2025 @ 5:29pm by Kya Adtanis & Commander Paul Graves PsyD
1,546 words; about a 8 minute read
The Phoenix Gamble
Location: SB109
{CRC-Garden District}
Kya slept light, one ear always attuned for danger like the doe in a meadow. When the panel chimed to sound her incoming message she awoke to full alert.
“Sid, play the message.” They had named their computer after a sloth from some silly holo-program Hasskin loved.
A young woman appeared on the screen, with the distinctive brow ridges of an Ullian. Young, barely out of childhood but a few wory lines etched into her face marked the bloom of maturity had begun. She saw the smile which was always there and caring eyes that made her trust so immediately and knew it was Renato’s sister. They looked so much alike, even if two decades removed from one another. Renato had a constant stubble and graying hair, she still had a blush and wore tight outfits. They had also never met in person, of all the Ullians in Renato’s life, only his sister had kept contact.
“I am Celia Lasco-Solis. My Brother is Renato Solis. This message is to the community who has kept my brother alive for so long. I know much of you, I have heard of Kya, and Tannis, of Mozalthom... of the refugee center he built. He spoke of the lives changed, the redemption he found, in helping all of you. I am not seeking repayment, but I am asking if there is anyone who can help… please…”
The message showed text from several legal documents.
“Renato was exiled under a series of acts and laws we call the Stigma. It is forbidden for Ullians to use their abilities on another against their will or for violence. The state claims Renato did, but he had been trying to help someone and got framed for the crimes of others. They were going to lobotomize him and he escaped, attacking two guards in the process.”
The visual went back to her. She was near tears, but doing a good job keeping a steady composure.
“The Federation agreed Renato was right to flee persecution without a proper investigation. Our government maintained the Stigma all the same. No Ullian can stand to help him without being affected deeply as well. Three months ago they announced they would hear cases to remove the Stigma and Renato was told by an
Advocate from the Federation Asylum program that his case was up for review. It was a trap. They took him away for a sentencing and I haven’t seen him since. I am confined by my parents, so this is my only hope left.”
She fell silent, “He needs a friend now more than ever; is anyone out there able to help him?”
Kya sat, stunned. That was why he had been gone so long, with no messages. She had let herself wonder over whether he had left her behind. The frozen image of Renato’s sister was all the proof she needed.
Renato needed help, and she was going to bring everything she could.
“Sid, compose message for Paul Graves, “Renato has been imprisoned on Ullia; forwarding message from his sister. I am rallying who I can from my end. Are you able to help?”
* * *
It was stupid o'clock in the morning when Paul's message alert chimed. He took long enough to ensure that it wasn't something from Captain Francis. That would have sounded something like, "Francis to Graves, Report to Ops, pronto." Apparently, in Earth Standard, "pronto" meant the same thing as "now" or "stat."
It wasn't from Francis; therefore it could wait until morning. Paul rolled back over until his brain kicked in and reminded him that he was Chief Counselor; therefore, a message at this hour could be any sort of emergency. He groaned, sat up in bed, and spoke: "Computer, lights on. What's the message?"
The recording from Kya Adtanis played back, complete with images of legal documents. Paul got out of bed, threw on a robe, and asked the computer to translate the documents into Betazoid.
Even in Betazoid, the documents looked distinctly unfriendly. Paul ordered a cup of English Breakfast tea from his replicator and drank it as he studied the charges. They looked serious, and the punishment, lobotomization, made Paul's gut churn with nausea, as it always did when he thought of Renato's charges. There was no mention of extenuating circumstances or of leniency.
He remembered the first time Renato had told him of the charges, several years ago, back when he'd been an active drug addict. Renato had been coming down off a drug-induced high, and Paul had said to him, "So, instead of letting the courts lobotomize you, you're doing it to yourself with joy dust?"
Even now, Paul winced at that memory and at how infuriated it had made Renato; they'd come to blows, but he still wasn't sorry for saying it. The accusation had shifted Renato's mood from stupor to anger, and anger had forced the man to think. When Renato thought about a problem, he was a relentless genius with it until he arrived at an answer. Eventually, Renato's answer had been to quit the drugs, for which Paul was eternally thankful. He had gained a very good friend from it, a friendship he still valued now.
"Computer, reply to Kya Adtanis in the Garden District, message to read: 'Kya, thank you for sending your message and the attachments. This is alarming. I recommend requesting Federation legal aid to frame a defense. When can we meet? I can meet now, or would you prefer later this morning? I have a staff meeting and will be busy between 0900 and 1130. After that, I'll be free until 1300 hours. Say when. Paul."
{CRC- 6 hours later}
Kya had sourced Renato's contact list from his computer and sent messages to anyone who owed a favor, or had any hope of helping. The results were pleasing, and she had a dozen folks from their past ready to make character statements. Her appointment with Paul was only now arriving, so she glanced to the open door, hoping to see a form walk through. She looked back at her work, it was just as Celia had asked.
Paul arrived exactly on the minute, and she rose to greet him.
"Commander Graves, over here! Thank you for coming. I have a channel waiting to the magistrate to hear our appeal request."
Paul walked over to Kya. "I'm glad to help. What grounds do we have to request an appeal that the magistrate will listen to?"
Kya had it all on her padd, pointing as she spoke, "Yes we did as you suggested, Starfleet provided the grounds for his asylum in writing and appointed a legal aid who's gotten the embassy to respond favorably. They've got an appeal begun as Renato's case has not been seen by the public yet, plus the ruling made last month, was that the Stigma was officially no longer recognized. He is being held for a crime that's not a crime anymore. Federation law mandates Habus Corpus or something like that. We can't free him, but we can get him on screen, and speak our testimony when it comes time."
"Habeas corpus," Paul said. "It means that a prisoner must appear in court so the court can determine if his imprisonment was lawful."
There were quite a few people in the room, and a holographic triad beam array denoting a witness stand had been erected. The phases of the trial were also outlined in simple terms. First the state presented its findings and formally issued a charge. The defense spoke, presented its evidence, and deliberation of the evidence began. The evidence which will be presented to the public is decided after some debate and then released to the Judicium. Then, the defense gets to make a statement, and then the witnesses speak. Once it was done, the whole planet randomly selects 10% of the people watching to make their verdict. The results were universally accepted. Appeals took monumental effort and resources.
With a slight distortion, the holographic stand appearing within the triad beam. Anyone who stepped within the beams was represented in the courtroom on Ullia.
A voice issued from the video feed, silent until now. The opulent room of polished woods and leather creaking formed a classic amphitheater where five seats, each with an isolated desk and terminal could assume center stage and hear their daily petitions. Their faces were obscured, the identities protected. The slow pan of the monitoring drone revealed a busy Judiciary, and in restraints before the seat of five judges, Renato stood in chains from wrists to ankles, gloves placed on his hands to prevent him touching.
"The Witness Statements will now be taken. For the Prosecution, present your litany."
Kya looked alarmed, her understanding of the process told her this was the final stage. The trial had already nearly finished!
She sent a furious text to the counselor representing Renato, it would take half a minute to get there. "Paul! they've already assessed evidence and judgement... public favor isn't with him."
"They've what?!" Paul studied the proceedings and swore beneath his breath.
Their reply came form the Federation Advocate- {I've never seen a trial move this fast, our appeal is coming soon in the forum. Do not go anywhere!}