
What we leave behind pt 2

Posted on Thu 17th Oct, 2024 @ 6:59pm by Renato Solis

1,610 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Phoenix Gamble
Location: Ullia


The Judge, a hard nosed smaller man of twice Renato's years was sneering at Renato's pushback, "You've got quite the chip on your shoulder eh?"

Renato wasn't in a mood for playing, he stood in the doorway still, "I walked here straight from the pad Your honor Markkon, sorry if that beat your intelligence networks report on me."

The Judge gestured, “Sit please. Your family didnt come did they? I hope you understand how hard this transition has been for them. Surely they wanted to, but a million strong have descended on our fair city to protest or encourage these trials. In their older age-“

This doddering old man knew nothing of Renato and he cut the words short with, “I am the thousandth child of Ullia you have seen today. I feel the words evinced from you in automatic fashion. You know nothing of me, so talk to me without prevarication.”

The attitude astounded both of them. Renato should have been begging, but was giving the judge a narrow gaze instead.

Renato pressed on, “I. Was. Burned. You, all of you in your robes and gilded armchairs so thoroughly desecrated my name, my life, any chance of having a normal life. Do you know the Hells I have endured? What I have built in their void?”

The Judge had overseen so much, who was Renato but another face? However the anger pierced the fog of tedium, and he looked perhaps for the first time at the man sitting across from him. He felt the gleam of his golden inlay keenly, taking the point in stride.

Leering through spectacles at the Federation citizen and expat of Ullia, he made a monotone reply.

“Perhaps so. If you can wait then, I shall give you the attention you deserve.”

Vaunted Judiciaries dont do their own reading, and a scribe brought a written testimony to him. Renato took the seat finally waited in boredom.

Judge Markkon read it over, "An escape from a holding cell oh yes i remember you. They wrote papers on your clever ruse. Shame that third guard took such a beating off you."

Renato said nothing, the choice had been to submit to an unjust punishment and cerebral trauma or escape. A third guard had been too much for his senses to handle another mental assault so the classic club technique was employed.

He made it a presentation, “I hereby grant a hearing request for a removal of legal Stigma. However, Your arguments to dismiss your case were presented by your family, which is why I compel their testimony, or at least would like to. They aren’t here.”

Renato hated it, but what else was there to say but the truth, “My sister entered the plea, she is a thrall to my parents and was not allowed to leave."

"Well I have decided all the same, the hearing will decide is the rest is dismissed as well, gracious isnt it?"

The needle made him want to wince and scream, the man was insufferable trying to provoke Renato. He gritted out, "Is this a matter of debate? I was told to enter a plea of no contest and that was to be granted a reversal of the application of my life ruining Stigma. Is this the case or is it not?”

“Your case is unusual, and the process is far from assured, your crimes will remain to be crimes if the court sees fit, if even after a Stigma is removed.”

Renato felt rage welling up, “I left my new home and family, the ones i built after you all abandoned me, my family included. If you aren’t welcoming me back then what the hell did I come all this way for? I this your way of saying I have to do it all, I have to say your words to get it all back?”

“The Stigma was imposed on many unfairly, yours was a borderline decision. In order to be publicly recognized and returned to the fold, you must say that what you did was wrong!“

“You mean to justify the cerebral castrations done to the innocent as policy for decades!”

The judge balked, ‘Hardly! Have your opinions but those who used their abilities to harm deserved no other treatment. Your case can be deemed self defense," He stamped a form vigorously, "so be it. Now, Say your lines and be done.”

Renato was livid, “This is fear, your regime fears that the culture voted to life Sitgmas. You bring all of us back with a promise, and then sort out the ones who dont cooperate aren’t you? If I don't cooperate you’ll determine my case isn't self defense again or something like that?”

The judge said nothing beyond, “We’ve discussed what best for everyone.”

“Fanvo was a bad egg, I'd use a better agent next time. No. I won’t read your speech or say your lines. If that means my Stigma remains, I dont care anymore. I have a life and family that you cant take it away.”

The Judge stared at the Ullian before him with disdain, “Disappointing Renato, for your contempt I will be placing you into custody." He ripped the stamped dismissal, a lifetime of potential resorted and lost in seconds. He continued, "The ruling will likely not be in your favor. I’ll allow you the night to think, but think of your sister, writing letters associated with and advocating for a man who wants to remain a criminal. If your name isn't clear, none in your family is clear either."

“No, I think not.” Renato stood, “I was prepared for this, I have retained a counselor and my case is in review by the Ethics triumvirates. I only came to this little hearing to make sure my convictions were correct. This is a sham, a furtherance of the criminalization of our innate abilities.”

The Judge stood as well, “You can send your case to the Triumvirates in Halloraffix and the Federation Council itself, I am the one who decides if your name remains marked, the Stigma is broad as you know and my determinations of you as a brutal monster wont ever be disassociated with you or your whole family!”

Moving to the door infuriated the Judge who also moved as though to stop him. Renato stopped moving and they glared at each other in stalemate.

“You already did that. You already slapped me with the worst you could think of. That damage is old and it is done. My new life has been well documented, and I have done well for myself. I see the laws have changed, but you folks in charge want to keep the status quo. Too Bad. Maybe it’ll take the Triumvirate another few years to see my case… that’s ok. I can wait. I won’t beg either.”

The judge threw up his hands in an attempt to seem nonchalant, “I tried Renato. I really tried to get you in line with the program here. I hereby uphold your stigma. Your time in exile might be recognized as time served now, but you are very right. I will make sure your case takes a very ponderous route to their desk. We will need to highlight everything, and really make sure the public is well informed of the numerous assaults and reports of criminal living.”

Renato laughed, “You tried to have Fanvo Adtanis befriend me. Or someone did. I looked him up, canned from Starfleet for his assault of another officer. Well verified too. The man is demented, a case study for the Imzadi effect for sure. And he was pointed my way and told to be my friend. What campaign is this, to associate people who wish to use their ability to the most depraved individuals in our criminal histories?”

“Beyond me son, you chase a shadow. I can give you this last chance. Speak this testimony to the public-“

“And set back the cultural progress which has seen us to this point? No thank you. Your dogmatic domination over me and the others like me is withering, and I will not deign to stop it from crumbling all around you.”

“Ullia will destroy itself, like it did a thousand year ago!”

“Then let the falling edifice be the pan drippings remaining after a brutal conflagration. I didnt set it up to fall nor will I be its death knell.” Renato was done and moved to the door.

The judge pushed a button on his wrist, a police officer entered the chambers. “I will hold you for contempt, you are not dismissed Renato!”

With true pity, Renato answered him, “Do as you must, I am eventually leaving here and going home. I will not speak your propaganda.”

“Then I will rule accordingly at your hearing. I plan to vote for your neurons to be stripped, so really think on that while you can. Take him into holding Officer.”

Renato stood, once again considering if he could us his ability on three people in succession without collapsing. The tattoos of one of the soldiers stopped any such thoughts. They were dogmatic, trained and drugged to follow orders. Even with no memory their martial training could retain simple commands and beliefs.

He let them apply the cuffs. He silently prayed for help as Kya had taught him. The hearing would be soon, days, perhaps even this next day, and Renato felt the very real possibility of living out the rest of his life as a husk of something once living.




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