Meeting the CO
Posted on Sat 14th Jul, 2012 @ 6:34am by Captain Adam Teague & Colonel Horatio Drake
666 words; about a 3 minute read
Location: Deck 12: Main Ops- Captain's Ready Room
Adam stepped out of the turbolift and walked straight to the Captain's Ready Room. It had been a while since he'd been on a station, but he knew where the important areas were. He pushed the chime button to alert the CO that he was awaiting entrance.
Interruptions were becoming a regular occurrence for Ashton... this would now be the fifth in as many hours. He had given up trying to wade through the pile of PADDS that littered the desk and floor and had lay down on the sofa... ten minutes into his relaxation, the chime had sounded.
He kicked his legs round and, picking his cup from the floor with the remainders of some cold coffee in it, stood up.
"Come in" he tried not to sound annoyed, but didn't do a very good job of masking it.
Adam stepped into the Ready Room, "Sir, Captain Adam Teague reporting as ordered, Sir." Adam stated as he snapped to attention.
"Pleased to meet you" Ashton extended his hand, worried that the stern man's spine was about to snap.
"I must admit, I'm not familiar with your place on Protector... I haven't had a chance to go over everyone's files yet... as can probably see!" He waved an arm over the mess that was his Ready Room.
Adam extended his hand and shook the Colonel's, "I can understand sir. I'm the new Chief of Security."
"Chief of Security? That's probably the tallest order of all the jobs going on this bloody base. With the amount of traffic coming through here, it's going to get quite busy! I know that Security isn't fully manned yet, either. How have you found Protector, thus far?".
"I've only barely arrived sir, but from what I've seen so far, it's a very well oiled machine sir." Adam replied.
That was the last thing Ashton was expecting to hear... was he being kind or genuinely honest? It seemed to him that Protector was falling apart and Starfleet had returned in the nick of time.
"What do you think of how the FCDA treated her over this past decade?" He asked.
Adam smirked slightly, "Lets just say that the FCDA is just that, Civies. I think they did the best they can, but honestly, they could have done a lot better, but that's not for us to judge, sir. I believe that it doesn't matter how run-down the station or ship is, it's how well the crew and command work in tandem."
"Spoken like a true Starfleet Officer" He smirked and leant on the side of his desk. This Captain seemed to remind Ashton of how he used to be a year ago... dutifully minded and knowing a clear cut difference between right and wrong. Was that such a bad thing to be? Had he just assessed and categorised this officer in the two minutes they had been talking?
"Sir, I am well aware that the Marines are a part of Starfleet, but I prefer to be referred to as a Marine Officer. What are my standing orders sir?" Adam asked .
A Marine that didn't like being referred to as a part of Starfleet? Now there was a new thing!
"Standing orders? Well... to begin, every department is going to have to muck in with getting this base cleaned up. This place needs to be at least semi operational by the end of the week. Of course, with our presence comes a dramatic increase in trade and footfall. Doubtlessly, with that comes a certain degree of trouble. Your department's primary task is to seek that trouble out and quell it before it becomes an even larger problem."
Adam nodded, "Understood sir. Anything else I should know?"
"I think not... for the time being anyway. Thanks for dropping by!" He didn't really mean that... he wondered how long it might be before the next disturbance.
Adam nodded, stood, saluted, and turned on his heel, leaving his Commanding Officer to continue his business.