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Night on the Town Part 2, What's for Dinner?

Posted on Sat 30th Sep, 2023 @ 2:12pm by Sergeant Paul Reilly & Kendra Lincoln

1,043 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Neither Yours Nor Mine
Location: Hangman's Noose
Timeline: MD9 1900 Hours

"I hope they at least have good service," Paul whispered as he leaned close to her. "And I hope they don't dress like they are from Medievil times, even though that would be cool to have a holodeck program where we could enjoy a holonovel or something. I'm sure that they have one," he added.

"Oh, that might be fun!" Kendra exclaimed. "I've never done anything like that, but I'd be willing to try it." They came past the entrance hallway to a host waiting to greet them ... and who was not in a costume of any kind. "Kind of reassuring to see him dressed normally for his duties," she added quietly.

Paul nodded. "A table for two, please," he said as they slowly approached.

"Two, coming right up. Do you have a preference for Medievil, modern, or classic Starfleet? There are openings in all three right now, but the classic Starfleet has a show beginning in five minutes."

"What kind of show?" Kendra asked. "We have no idea about what your restaurant is about, but came in to find out."

"It's a lot like a holonovel, but you are not directly involved. You are sitting on the sideline and enjoying your meal while you watch. Back in the 20th century they called it a movie, but this is so much more, it's like you're there." She paused for a moment.

"Classic Starfleet is based around a fictional character in the 2260s, and Medieval is based around 1250AD. Modern is, well current, state-of-the-art enactments."

"A little confusing, but it still sounds like fun," Kendra said, turning to Paul.

"Shall we try the Classic event? It sounds like we have to make an instant decision, my shortcoming!" his date laughed.

"Might as well, dinner and a movie. If we like it we can always come back and try one of the others." He paused and turned toward the woman, "Classic, please."

The server had half-expected that answer, and she nodded. "Right this way. There's just enough time to get you seated, and I have a nice table along the center of one side. I usually save one or two for last-minute arrivals," she smiled as she led them into a room off to the right. "This is a good choice for first-timers. Nothing so out of date you can't relate to it, and nothing so modern as to be boring. Not that I think any of it is boring!"

"Then I'm sure we won't either," Kendra said kindly. Glancing at Paul, she added. "It's kind of exciting to do something new and different. Thanks for encouraging this. I'm not all that adventurous, you know!"

"I think that you are more adventurous than you think." Paul smiled as he indicated the seat beside Kendra, "Ladies first."

Lincoln wasn't used to such courtesy from her colleagues. She'd had to fight a lot of prejudice coming into the line of police work. It wasn't the old-fashioned "she's not a man" sort of prejudice. No, it was because she was pretty, and people tended to underestimate her abilities and her force of character, always to their detriment. But Paul was different. He saw her as a capable colleague, and also as a woman he respected. Or it seemed that way.

"Thank you, kind sir!" she said sliding onto the table's bench that faced the stage in the center of the room. There was just enough time to look around before the lights dimmed to half-way.

Before leaving, the server told them, "Since it's last minute, your best bet is to order the night's special. It's baked ham, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and black nut bread served with both butter and a specially made apple butter. Drink of your choice and the cherry pie with cream for dessert. Heated, that is worth the rest of the meal. This was standard fare at a nice restaurant during the Classic Star Trek era."

Glancing at Paul, Kendra nodded. "It sounds good to me, even today, and definitely heat the dessert!"

Paul smiled and looked up at the server who smiled back down at him, "That sounds great, sweet iced tea for me if you have it?"

The server nodded and looked over to Kendra.

"Oh, just cold water, I think. Thanks. No lemon, but if you have a slice of lime to add to the side of the glass, not in the water, that would be great!" Suddenly she felt a little self-conscious. Was she being high-maintenance? She'd been accused of that by a few men she'd dated, but Paul seemed ... laid back and unconcerned. At least, he was still smiling at her!

The time until the adventure must have been more than five minutes, because their food was being set before them, and the lights hadn't dimmed the rest of the way. Surely, the whole show wouldn't wait until they were served dinner!

The doors swung shut as the last plate was put down, and the server said quietly, "I'll keep watch and bring out your warm desserts when you're seem ready. For now, enjoy the show."

Paul nodded as the lights dimmed and the story began. The couple didn't say much as they ate and watched the holonovel-quality story unfold. The food was delicious and the story was interesting and kept Paul's attention throughout it's entirety. When the show ended and the light brightened slowly, Paul stretched in his seat and said, "That was very interesting."

"And nothing like what I thought," Kendra agreed. "I guess I didn't really expect anything specific, but I've heard things about escape rooms from the same era, and I think I thought it would be more like that." She stretched upward a little and then relaxed. "That dessert was certainly delicious! I could come back here just for that! Thanks for taking a chance on a new adventure." Looking around the room, she saw a few people were standing as if ready to leave. "Is that it, do you suppose?"

Paul looked around the room, "I guess as long as we are finished with our drinks and food, it is. They probably need a little time to clean up before the next show." Paul stood and offered Kendra his hand, "Shall we?"


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