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Come On In, the Door's Open

Posted on Sun 21st Apr, 2013 @ 5:41am by Jalor

985 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Reader's Nest
Timeline: Current, 0930

Between the early morning coffee crowd and the lunch bunch, Jade Lantz found herself with a little time. She looked at the promenade directory on her computer, skimming down names of shops until her eyes landed on the book store, Reader's Nest. A book store owner should be interested in a project like Tivoli Gardens, she thought. She shut down her computer and walked out into Orchids & Jazz.

She saw Jenna restocking liquor and approached the long bar that fronted shelves filled with colorful bottles. The bar had cost a fortune, but she had a beren-wood surface installed as the bar top over the warm antique wood. It was light-weight, but very durable, water-proofed with a golden stain which brought out the intricate swirls of the natural wood, blending in perfectly with the antique oak.   She ran her hand along the bar every time she passed, for the sensual feel of it.

Stopping a moment, Jade said, "Tell Serena I'm going down to the book store. I'll be back shortly."

Jenna nodded, "Will do. She should be back in a minute. She was checking with the promenade maintenance crew. One of the bathrooms has a cracked mirror."

"If it isn't one thing, it's another." Jade turned away and ambled out of the club, heading down a few decks to the book shop. When she arrived, her interest was piqued by the appearance of the shop. She went in the narrow door and a bell startled her, causing her to look up. She'd only seen shop bells like this in holofilms.

Jalor rather liked his shop. Not too big and not too small. He had imported the flooring from Earth. It was teak. He found hardwood flooring fascinating and he thought they added a nice touch. Just like the bell.

He was putting away a series of books by a Terran named Zane Grey. Western violence never had an appeal to him, but it did to others so he kept a few on hand.

He looked up as a woman he vaguely recognized entered and gave a slight smile, well at least for a Vulcan it was a smile.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" he asked.

"I'm Jade Lantz, owner of Orchids & Jazz," Jade said, glancing around. The shop had a warm, cozy feeling and she loved handling books instead of reading them on tech devices. "You have a wonderful shop here. I'll be in to shop soon, but today," she brought her eyes back to his, "I stopped by for another reason entirely. Have you heard of the Tivoli Gardens project we're going to build?"

Jalor's brow raised slightly as he sat the books on a shelf and turned to fully face his visitor. "Only bits and pieces," he said in a modulated voice. "Why do you ask? Wait before you answer. I am forgetting my manners. Would you like some tea and scones? I was just about to take a break."

"Tea and scones would be lovely," Jade responded, pleased. Scones were among her favorite Earth foods. She followed him to a small round table with three slightly curved benches in an alcove and watched as he prepared the snack. "We're building a five-deck ... I'm not sure what to call it! It's more than a pleasure garden, more than a housing development, less than an amusement park, though it could be considered all of those. There will be a train, paddle steamer, fishing, river view condos - and I need people to help us decide what else we need to include. I was hoping you would agree to be on the committee to make those decisions."

Jalor thought for a moment before he spoke, "I could be open to that possiblity. Could you tell me what kind of time commitment that would involve. I have my family and business to think about."

"Oh, we'll have a few meetings, and that's about it," Ms Lantz replied. "We want to get a plan in place for what to include, and then the scientists and architects will figure out how to take our plan and make it happen. Even the first meetings won't be every day in a row. I will understand, of course, if you don't feel you can take the time, but I hope you will join us. We could use your expertise and creativity."

He took another sip of his tea and cocked his head slightly considering. The corners of his lips lifted slightly. Not exactly a smile but about as much of one that a Vulcan would normally give. "I suppose I could spare the time then. It would be illogical to refuse and then complain if the area was not to my liking."

"Most illogical," Jade agreed, not smiling, but her eyes were twinkling. "This tea is quite good. It isn't one I carry, but I may have to look into doing so." She set her empty cup down next to an empty plate, eying it regretfully. "And the scones were among the best I've tasted since I came to Protector. Thank you. It was a lovely treat." She stood and gathered her PADD. "I'm so pleased you're going to join us. I believe we have quite a good team now. I'll send a message with the date and time of our first meeting in a few days. Until then ... live long and prosper."

Jalor's left brow quirked slightly as he could not help but notice the twinkle in the woman's eye. He felt as if, as Terrans were want to say, that his leg was being pulled. "The compliment was unnecessary, but thank you. I will pass it on to my wife, she prepared the scones, I'm afraid I can barely use a replicator. I will bring you some of the tea, it is one of my favorites."

Bookstore Owner

Jade Lantz
President, Promenade Business Association


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