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Confrontation & Capture

Posted on Sat 6th Apr, 2013 @ 6:15am by Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar & Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller

1,486 words; about a 7 minute read

Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current


Nyx sat at her desk with a smile on her face this time. The cares of the last few days forgotten for just a little while as she admired the ring on her finger. It mean't more than an engagement, it meant Kell had chosen her. At least for now, she felt secure in their relationship and with Devyn as her personal security, she was safe from Dobbs. Devyn smiled as he sat in the chair nearby keeping watch over her. He was off duty so she had been spared the Marine Barracks today.

Tallus came walking into sickbay with Cara close in tow. He was beginning to worry about her. She was trying her best but she was not a full Vulcan and she was only hurting herself. "Lieutenant Adanyxia, I need to speak with you. Privately." Tallus said leaving Cara on a biobed.

"Of course." Nyx jumped up from her desk and followed the colonel. She still felt contempt for the man, but he had escorted her to sick bay when she was injured on his obstacle course and he had agreed to keep her secret about the baby. She felt she owed him at least a professional bed side manner.

Devyn stayed in the chair at his desk. Tallus held was no danger to Nyx and neither was Cara. He nodded to the Vulcan.

"What can I do for you Colonel? Is she ill? Injured?" She asked. Being a doctor, she couldn't let anyone suffer. It wasn't in her nature. Friend or foe, she would be professional toward any patient that walked through her doors in need.

Shuddering as a wave of pain and need hit her Cara let out a soft whimper.

She followed Karikkar away from the bio bed to hear what he had to say.

***Nyx's Office***

"I have some medication in the database that I need medical authorization to have. Lieutenant Treia is not being able to handle this deal as well as she needs to." Tallus said keeping his face on but inside he was in a panic. Cara was beginning to mean more and more to him then he thought that anyone would. At least since Torpak.

"Authorization for what medication?" Nyx looked at the man. Like it or not she owed him at least one favor. He hadn't torn her head off when he found out she was pregnant and he very well could have. She wouldn't ever admit it to him, but she would have deserved whatever he wanted to do to her for keeping her secret and training in full combat mode without telling the man in charge. "I'll need to know what I'm authorizing."

"It is medication that allows me to control my Pon Farr. I made it with a doctor that I used to know. It is for Cara. I am afraid that she will die without it." Tallus said keeping the face as well as he could.

"So the good Colonel is suffering from Pon Farr." Nyx sniffed. "I can authorize the medication but I can't promise that it will work for Colonel Treia. Genetically she is not Vulcan."

"I realize that but at this point I have no choice." Tallus said looking at the Chameloid.

Nyx typed some commands on her console. "Just type in the formula for the medication and the replicator will pull it from the database."

"Thank you Lieutenant." Tallus said as he moved to the replicator.

***Main Sickbay***

Following them with her eyes Cara realised there was someone else male in the room and she was acting on instincts as she sniffed the air. The second person smelled male and compatible but not in the way that Tallus did. Tallus smelled like chocolate and cinnamon all rolled into one perfect package while the other that she blearily identified as Devyn in part of her mind smelled only as cinnamon which to her spoke of strength.

Devyn watched as Karikkar took Nyx aside. His eyes on the one he was meant to protect; he didn't watch Cara. Tallus had said she wasn't injured and didn't feel overly concerned for her so Kell was satisfied keeping his distance. No need to upset Nyx again over Cara.

Moving closer to Deyvn she sniffed him growling and grabbing his hands when he tried to push her away. Holding him firmly she sniffed his neck before pulling away and sneezing. Muttering she said "Strong mate ... "

"Cara?! What the hell are you doing?" Devyn leaned back away from her.

Pulling back from Devyn in shock Cara shock her head "Kell? Wh ... what?"

"A little intoxicated Cara?" Devyn asked with grin thinking Cara must need something to sober her up.

Her mind falling back into the fog Cara let out a growl again and moved in closer to him "Mate?" She knew at some level that he wasnt what she was looking for but she couldnt control it no matter how hard she fought.

"No." Devyn pushed her away a little more firmly. "Cara what the hell has gotten into you?" He asked.

Cara was getting frustrated and something in the room exploded. She spun like a trapped animal not realising she had been the one to cause the explosion, but it was enough to bring her back to the fore long enough to growl at Kell "For F's sake Kell stop gawping at me and stun me or something or we'll both be in deep shit with your mate!" Her nails were digging into her hands hard enough to draw blood as she tried to control what was happening.

"I'm not going to shoot you Cara." He watched his friend acting like a wild animal cornered and caged.

"Don't make me make it an order ..." Her eyes were pleading with him even as she winced as something else blew in the background "Please ... I need you to do this while I'm still me ..."

"I am not going to shoot you Cara." He stood up to support her.

Cara backed off holding her hands up "Don't Kell ... I can't ... I can't be trusted to control myself right now ..."

"I'm sure Tallus and Nyx will find some way to help you. Just come and sit down." He held his hands up and took a step back. "Tallus will know what you need and Nyx is a great doc, she'll know what to do."

She was starting to fog out again and it was made worse by the fact that she could suddenly smell chocolate and cinamon on the air again as Nyx and Tallus came out of the office. Acting on instinct she moved towards Devyn again sniffing trying to find the source.

Nyx watched for a second as she realized what Cara was doing. In beast form a Chameloid will inhale the scent of its mate before pouncing. Knowing she couldn't risk harming her baby by attacking the woman, Nor would she get away with attacking a ranking officer, she fought the urge to jump the woman sniffing around her mate. Remembering her father's tactic when Argo was in heat and Max couldn't control himself, she grabbed the glass of ice water she'd been sipping. Walking over to Cara, she dumped the water over the woman's head.

"This is how we cool off dogs in heat!" She growled. Without another word, without a glance at Karikkar or Kell, Nyx stormed out of Sick bay.

Tallus looked at what just happened. "Bath'paik." He said for the second time today. He ran over to Devyn. "Follow her you fool." He said picking up Cara after injecting her. He quickly walked out of sick-bay towards his quarters.

Devyn was one step ahead of Tallus and already heading after Nyx. He'd deal with her temper after he was sure she was safe. Heading out into the corridor, he turned first left and then right but couldn't tell which way she'd gone. Tapping his badge, he called for support. =A= Security team beta, I need two officers to Sick bay ASAP." =A= How could she have disappeared so quickly?

=A= Kell to Lieutenant Nyx.=A= He tapped his badge. "Computer locate Lieutenant Nyx." Kell was getting frustrated. It had now been five minutes and he couldn't find her.

"Lieutenant Nyx is in corridor seven on Level 49." The metallic voice rang in Kell's ears. Level 49 had been closed off because of the secret lab that had been discovered...Dobb's secret lab. It hadn't been determined yet that it was his but Kell was sure the man was behind the horrid experimentation that went on down there. Why would she head there and how would she have gotten there that fast?"


Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar
Marine Commanding Officer and Acting Executive Officer


Lt. Nyx
Chief Medical Officer


Lt. Commander Devyn Kell
Chief of Security


Lt Colonel Cara Treia
Executive officer (in protective custody)



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