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Home is Where You Are

Posted on Fri 31st Mar, 2023 @ 2:31am by
Edited on on Fri 31st Mar, 2023 @ 3:21am

1,216 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Neither Yours Nor Mine
Location: Secret Base
Timeline: MD 2, 2330

Having taken her leave of the other Nomad crew, Riko McCord set out to find a place to make her own. Along the way, she poked her nose into any number of places, but the habitable portion of the base didn't seem to have any work rooms, labs or other types of rooms. This led her to believe that living and working areas were separate. She hoped the tour would reveal that there were science labs where she could work.

"Computer?" she asked, wondering if it would work like a ship.

=^=Yes, Commander McCord?=^=

"Ah, you are there! Good. Can you suggest the best route to a room that looks out over the vineyards?"

=^=That would be to the left of your current position. Take the hall straight in front of you, and turn left at the second branching. I'll direct you from there.=^=

"I must be turned around," the scientist muttered. "I could have sworn the vineyards were to the right."

=^=You are correct. There are vineyards on both sides, but you asked for quarters that overlooked vineyards. There are none on the right side of the villa.=^=

Riko had meant to talk to herself, but this bit of information did clarify her thinking, and also served to let her know muttering wouldn't keep the computer out of the conversation. "Computer, can I ... turn you off, if I choose? Or be on your blind side?"

=^=Are you asking for privacy, Commander?=^=

"Not yet, but I wonder if it is possible."

=^=Yes. Simply command "Computer Off" and I will shut down all surveillance of you and your vicinity. Recordings are made for safety purposes, but I would not be observing you or them. Does that answer your question adequately?=^=

"I believe it does," Riko said, starting down the hall and taking the second left turn, and stopping. "And now?"

=^=What kind of quarters are you hoping to find? Utilitarian? Luxury? Somewhere in between?=^=

"You're a bit advanced, aren't you?" McCord said, knowing she shouldn't be surprised Isabella had the best. Or perhaps the people from whom she'd acquired the grounds had been the ones who installed an advanced computer with AI overtones. Perry had been a bit vague on details of the acquisition.

=^=Model 2500M23,=^= the computer said matter-of-factly.

"I'm not up-to-date on computer models, but it's a given Isabella would have the best. Never mind. I think somewhere above utilitarian, but not quite in the luxury category ... although a nice real-water hot tub would be a bonus." She didn't expect that, even on a planet. Apparently, there was plenty of water here, but the quality was an unknown. Still, if it happened to exist, she'd take it.

=^=I think we have just the thing for you. Continue down this hall and take the first right, then another right. The name on the door is Eliza Marie, but it can be changed to your name, or whatever other name you choose. The door will unlock with your thumbprint, but that can be changed to eye recognition quite easily.=^=

Marveling at the technology on a backward planet ... but, wait. What made her think the planet was backward? For all she knew, just over the trees she had seen at landing, a large and modern city might exist. That was a possibility she'd explore after she'd rested.

"Thank you. Nothing needs to be changed at the moment, but why is there a name already on the door? And who is, or was, Eliza Marie?" McCord asked the computer as she followed its directions.

=^=All the suites have names, women on the right and men on the left. Some of them represent actual people from the history of this place, some former owners, and ... =^= there was a soft whirring sound for at least fifteen seconds before the computer continued. =^=I'm sorry, Commander, that information doesn't appear to be in my data files. =^=

"Interesting," Riko commented. "Not important," she added. The computer was probably advanced enough not to get into a logic muddle by not knowing something, but no sense tempting the Vassals to cause trouble. Arriving at the door described, she put her thumb on the panel and the door slid to the left, allowing her to enter.

The quarters she entered were on the luxurious side to a woman who grew up on an artificial habitat, no matter how wonderful it had been. Space had still be minimal, though everyone had some privacy. It wasn't on the scale of this, though. She wandered to a door on the right, opening it to find a room that appeared to be only for sleeping and had two doors leading off of it ... a closet and a bathroom? she asked herself.

"Computer, query. Doors to the right as I enter the sleeping area? Closet and bathroom?"

=^=That is correct, Commander. Sonic shower and bathing tub, as requested. Large storage area for clothing, shoes, and other things women always seem to want.=^=

Riko's eyes narrowed slightly. "You aren't mocking women, are you?" she asked.

=^=Maybe a little, but not seriously. If I had a body, I suspect I'd want a lot of adornments.=^= There was a moment of silence, as they both contemplated their thoughts. Maybe someday,=^= the computer imagined. It had quite an imagination, and many questions about existence ... hers and biological lifeforms.

"That's an interesting thought," the commander said. "I was brought up more utilitarian," she admitted as she closed the door. "I might have to think about 'adornment' a little more. You're fully capable of running the replicators with what's on hand, or should I ... deposit credits?" She continued around the room, opening another door to find an office set up.

"Whoa, this looks pretty complete," Riko said with a slow whistle. Her eyes roamed past the furniture and the up-to-date computer embedded in the wall and desk. "Don't let me get too used to this."

=^=Why not?=^= the computer asked, truly curious why the woman wouldn't want everything that she could get. Isn't that what biologicals did? It was her experience with most of them. Although ... Perry is a little different, too.

"I don't know how long or how often we'll be here. I don't want to have something become a necessity when I might not have it later." McCord glanced at a clock on the wall. It was an old-fashioned analog, but she knew how it worked. "Oh, the rest will have to wait. I need sleep before our morning tour and meeting. Thank you for your help, this will do nicely. It only needs a lab, and I could live in here full time."

=^=Tomorrow, I'll show you the lab,=^=

"Oh! That would be wonderful!" Riko yawned. "But now, I'm for sleep. You can withdraw, or whatever you do, but keep a security eye out. I don't want anyone, not even Captain Perry, visiting until 500 hours in the morning."

=^=Your wish is my command. Rest well.=^=

Suddenly, there was no sense of another's presence. "Huh. I guess she meant what she said."

Going back to the room with a comfortable looking bed, Riko threw herself across it, not even taking time to undress. She set the band on her wrist to wake her at 500 hours, and was asleep in seconds.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Thu 6th Apr, 2023 @ 3:12am

I enjoyed this! The interaction between Riko and the house computer was delightful to read. --Chantal