A Disturbing Meet
Posted on Wed 3rd Apr, 2013 @ 12:10pm by Colonel Horatio Drake
666 words; about a 3 minute read
Location: Deck 12: Drake's Ready Room
Timeline: MD-04: 1248 Hours
He tapped the button and a split second later the door to his Ready Room whooshed open - however some of the coffee from the cup he had been precariously balancing had spilt onto the carpet. He cursed under his breath as he re-gripped the PADDs he was holding in his left and entered, only to see his chair already occupied.
"Captain Dobbs..." Drake carefully remarked, as he heard the familiar noise of programmes closing, as Dobbs quickly tapped some controls on the desktop computer terminal.
"Ah Colonel, please... come in" he motioned with both his hands.
'Of course I'm going to come in... it's my bloody Ready Room!', he thought.
He placed the PADDS on his desk and moved over to one of the sofas as the more senior officer clearly had no intention of leaving just yet.
"So, how are you finding commanding a station?" He inquired with a forced smile on his face.
"Er... well..." he had been caught off guard, "it's going well thus far. I mean I still miss my Line Ships, but commanding a station certainly takes more... administrative skills... shall we say." He attempted to inject some light humour into the conversation, it clearly hadn't worked - it was met with an even less plausible smile from the Captain.
"Indeed" he paused for a second, as if trying to choose his next words carefully. "Colonel, it has come to my attention that you're having some problems with a certain discovery made on one of the lower decks?"
How the hell had he found out about that? What was his interest in it?
"Well, I wouldn't say we're having problems... a discovery has been made of what appears to be a laboratory of sorts. We're in the middle of trying to ascertain exactly what happened down there, sir." He took a more serious tone, almost inquisitive.
"Right... well, have you got any leads?"
Taking a sip of his coffee he took a moment or two to ascertain exactly what that meant. "We are pursuing a number of different avenues at the moment, but rest assured we will find out what took place all those years ago, sir." Why was he still calling him sir? He was the equivalent rank to him now!
"Have you considered just letting sleeping dogs lie?" The Captain interjected immediately.
"Sleeping dogs lie? Certainly not Captain... not only have people died through experimentation, but I've now lost two security officers in a recent destructive attempt made on the facility."
He sighed, almost as if he was disappointed Drake hadn't taken his advice. He stood and moved from behind the desk. "Very well Colonel, I would ask that you keep me informed of all future developments, please."
"Why, sir?"
He looked surprised, "That's an order, Colonel."
Now it was Drake's turn to stand, he put his coffee on the desk. "Captain, with all due respect you are not a Line Officer... and you are not my senior either. I'll need authorisation from the Sector Admiral to have you involved in the investigation"
"Come now, Colonel. Let's not play games or make this any more difficult than it already is."
"I'm sorry sir, that's my final word on the matter" Drake crossed his arms.
"In that case, Colonel... I'll go and get that authorisation" he replied, looking as if Ashton had just shot him. With that he turned tale and left the Ready Room.
To say the event unnerved him was an understatement - he felt like a first year cadet who had just stood up to an instructor. He leant on his desk and contemplated what had just taken placed... Why was the Captain suddenly so interested in what was taking place? Was it because it linked in so heavily to his speciality? Perhaps his presence on the station wasn't as much of a coincidence as everyone thought?
He decided to beat him to the punchline. "Computer, get me Admiral Chambers at Starfleet Command."