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A New Place for Breakfast

Posted on Mon 25th Oct, 2021 @ 9:57am by Sergeant Paul Reilly & Kendra Lincoln

1,046 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Good Day to Hunt
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD 3, 0800 hours

It was Paul's first day back on patrol since the injury to his leg. After the surgery, he had been on light duty and had to complete physical therapy in order to be placed back to full duty. Kendra had stopped by to see him every day. They would hang out and talk about her day, eat dinner, listen to music or watch old movies.

The light duty wasn't particularly long, just about a week while the doctors made sure that he was completely healed and able to be his active self again; his career demanded as much.

He received a warm welcome back during the briefing at the start of shift and then they were off to fight crime.

The Promenade was particularly busy today. The two Law Enforcement Officers were not wearing the full environmental suits, just regular patrol uniforms that consisted of an energy dampening, elastomeric material for clothing in the color of white. White boots, black belt and rig that held their phaser, tricorder and restraints rounded out their gear.

He glanced over at his partner as they weaved in and out of the crowd, "Care for breakfast?"

Glancing at her timepiece, Kendra answered, "Actually, I would. Things were a bit hurried this morning, since I overslept 15 minutes. Good thing the second alarm went off! It's good to be back patrolling with you, but I honestly hope we don't have any shoplifters or other disruptions today. My recent dispatch to Brown Sector was draining and I'm ready for a quiet day. How about you? Are you raring for activity?"

"Being cooped up in my quarters and doing rehab was no fun. I'd rather be tackling a shoplifter or breaking up a drunken brawl to be honest. But, breakfast always comes first. What are you in the mood for?" Paul asked. He wasn't particular about his breakfast and liked many different types.

After thinking it over for a minute, as they continued down the Promenade deck, keeping their eyes open, Kendra said, "Something traditional, I think. Bacon and eggs, maybe? If that sounds good to you. You're the one who's been cooped up for quite a while. We should celebrate your freedom!"

Paul grinned, "That sounds perfect." He looked thoughtful for a moment, "Well, we have to find a good place with impeccable service. Some of these cafes get a little overwhelmed this time of the morning. The service and quantity of food really suffers. How about the new place that just opened up?"

"How do you even know about that? You're the one who's been trapped inside, and on a PT schedule! Do you have some underground network already set up on the base? I'm impressed if you do. We haven't been here that long. My network of news-carriers isn't that impressive!" Kendra said enviously.

"Research, my dear, research. I've been cooped up for so long that I've investigated goings-on on the Promenade. I do keep up with current events that way too." Paul smiled as they continued to walk.

"Kudos to you, and the new spot it is. Can you get us there from here?" she asked. She wouldn't be surprised if he could.

"Of course," he said as he took her hand. "Hang on and I will get us through this soup." He began to lead the way to ... breakfast.

As she was maneuvered through the Promenade traffic, still keeping her eyes open for trouble, she thought about how nice it was to let someone else be in charge for a change. It seemed she had been making decisions for everyone since she left home, not sure what people saw in her that put her in that position. Maybe it was just that she always did whatever was needed. That's why it was especially nice to have Paul take over and lead.

After a couple of minutes of winding through the foot traffic, the couple found themselves in front of the newly opened cafe called "A Piece of Heaven". They mainly served Terran food from earth, and they advertised that none of their food was replicated, all food made by hand.

"Here we are," Paul said as he looked up at the sign above. Out front were small tables with four chairs around each one. The front of the cafe looked like the front of a cafe from a side street in old Italy back on earth in the late 20th century.

Paul found a vacant table and led Kendra toward it. Catching the eye of one of the waitresses, he waved at her and then pointed to the vacant table.

She nodded back at him and then continued to take the order from the people that were seated at the table in front of her.

Paul pulled out the chair for Kendra to sit.

"Oh, this is quite lovely. It reminds me of a greeting card, with the ivy twined around the ... is this actually wrought iron railing?" she asked, reaching out to touch it where it circled near the table. "Oh, it might be! It feels sturdy and," looking down toward the base of it, "it seems to be fastened into the deck. Thanks for suggesting this. I like it!" Glancing around the protected alcove where the outdoor tables were placed, she added, "It could become a favorite spot, if you like it, too."

Paul chuckled, "It's attractive enough, but the food and service still needs to pass the test." He observed the waitress coming towards their table.

She handed them both an electronic menu. "Welcome to A Piece of Heaven, my name is Delray, may I start you off with something to drink?" Her attitude was friendly and genuine.

"Do you have Coke?" Kendra asked, looking for drinks on the menu. "I have really become fond of Coke, even for breakfast."

The waitress smiled, "Are you kidding, we have everything you can think of. Coke, Pepsi, Root beer, we have them all." She winked, "I like coke for breakfast too." She smiled and then turned to Paul, "What do you have love?"

"Hot, black tea for me, thanks," Paul replied.

"You two are too easy." She chuckled and said, "I'll be right back with those and to get your order." She quickly spun around and headed off.


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