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Meeting the Diplomatic Department

Posted on Sat 2nd Mar, 2013 @ 10:23am by Lieutenant Thomas Jorrel & Commander Brian Windsong & Lieutenant JG Giellun Hitchins

1,953 words; about a 10 minute read

Location: SB Protector - Deck : Diplomatic Offices
Timeline: MD 05 1400

Jorrel discovered he was certainly earning some frequent turbolift miles today, but it was important thim that he get to meeting those that he'll need to work with right away. Delays could cause hurt feelings or unintended animosity and, as raw at the job he was, he couldn't afford to alienate any of his contemporaries and those that he'll have to rely on in order to be at least adequate at his job.

Getting in good with the diplomatic corps was going to be very important for him to be able to keep up on the sector's alliances, loyalties, anger and enemies - and how things were shifting one way or another. He sighed. There were so many things in his head already that he thought it might explode and now he was trying to shove more into it.

He just hoped that the Commander wasn't able to see just how inexperienced he was at his new job. He did a last check to make sure he was presentable before hitting the door chime. Closing his eyes he reminded himself that this officer was Fleeter - he had to dial back the Marine that had been popping out of him all day long since he's been dealing with a combination of Fleet and Marine officers.

Brain hadn't been expecting anyone in his office and had been tossing the ball to Wicker. She would scurry to pick it up and bring it back to her master, dropping it his feet then poking at his hand with her nose. When the chime sounded she stopped her play and gave off a low growl. She then sat down close by Brian her back leaning against his knee.

"Easy girl," he said, before calling out. "Come in."

Jorrel entered the door and stopped in the middle of the office, stopping himself from saluting. "Commander," he said in simple greeting. "I hope I'm not disturbing you, sir. I'm Lieutenant Thomas Jorrel, new Tactical and Strategic Operations Chief. I'd like to just have a meeting, but faces to names and see what I need to do to make sure our departments run smoothly and operate well with each other."

His eyes fell on the dog at the Commander's side and he stopped, his face splitting into his goofy grin. "You have a dog, sir?" he asked, surprised to see the animal.

Wicker looked up cocking her head slightly. She didn't move from Alpha's side but she wanted to. Man smell, she liked the new man smell. Different than Alpha, different from Alpha's woman's smell. Especially when they wrestled. She didn't like that smell.

Brian turned to face the voice, taking a few seocnds to orient himself to it. He smiled at the man. "Her name is Wicker. She's my guide dog. How are you tonight Lieutenant?"

"Doing good, Commander," Jorrel said, looking around the office but mostly the dog. "Guide dog, sir? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with-" he broke off as he got his first good look at the Commander. His whole body seemed to slump. "I'm sorry, sir, I didn't realize."

"It's okay Lieutenant, I've adapated. It's been five years and its a long story. Besides I'm a fairly adept telepath. I have... a project to take care of in the near future, and then I'll get my sight restored. I just promised my fiance I would avenge his death before I did so. Now that I know who did this to us, that day isn't far off.

But you didn't come to hear me rattle one. Pull up a chair make yourself at home. Can I get you something to eat or drink?"

The yellow lab whined softly and gently licked Apha's fingers. "Go on girl, Brian encouraged, then with tail wagging she approached the new man smell. She sat down about two feet in front of him and looked up expectantly.

"I'm good, sir," Jorrel said as he knelt in front of the dog, trying to remember the things he learned about them - don't loom over them, let them come to you. "I had lunch not too long ago." He slowly reached out, letting the dog know it was okay to be sniffed and - hopefully if she approved - he'd like to pet her. He really liked dogs as much as he liked children. He didn't know just how much he liked dogs until after he left home. They weren't very common in his colony - the original colony planners didn't consider it effective to engineer domestic pets. There were some things he didn't like about coming from a Jovian world. "I'm hoping, though, you could get me a quick run down report on the various factions and what I'll need to know about relations in this sector. It'll sure help me to get going on getting to know the tactical capabilities of hostiles."

Wicker looked up at him again and then moved closer. She sniffed his hand then licked it Man Smell was good. He wasn't scared and he didn't want to hurt Alpaha.

"I will be glad to do that Lieutenant." He reached into his desk and pulled out a PAdD and sat it on top of the desk "If that is the blue one, it should have all the informaion you need on it. Otherwise let me know and I will get you the right one."

Jorrel smiled wider as he reached out to scratch the dog's ear, looking up at the Commander. "That'll be just great," Jorrel said, noting that it was the right PADD, or at least the one Windsong wanted to give him. He turned back to the dog, rubbing both ears now. "I appreciate the help, sir." It struck him that the station was big. His quarters were big and kids and dogs seemed to go together. Maybe little Tomas could use a playmate when he came to Uncle Jorrel's quarters?

"Is there anything pressing I should know about?"

Wicker liked the new man smell. He scratched in just the right spots just like Alpha, he had other smells, new smells. Wicker liked new smells. She laid down beside New Man Smell her tail thumping against the floor.

"Not that I know of. I think everything should be in there. You might check with my assisstant. He used to be in your deaprtment. He's into all the cloak and dagger stuff even has some times to the Tal' Shiar from what I hear. He has friends in high and low places just about everywhere." His name is Giellun Hitchins. Just don't try to steal him back."

"No, sir!" Jorrel said as he moved his hands down to rub at the sides of the dog. "That wouldn't be right, sir. If somebody wants to transfer to the Tactical department then I'd want them to have the permission of their current depeartment head. 'Sides, sir, wouldn't be right to ask for all your help and then steal your people."

Wicker looked over at Alpha then back at New Man Smell. She whined softly and rolled over on her side. She liked being rubbed there. New Man Smell smart. Almost as smart as Alpha.

"I appreicate that and he just might be tempted to transfer back. Your deaprtment was really the area where he shinned, but I can use those same skills here. However I could loan him to you. Especially in light of everrything that is going on here at the station. He might prove very useful.

Have you been brought up to speed on what has happened?"

"Happened?" Jorrel asked, rubbing friskly, "No. Is there something I should know about?"

Wicker leaned into the man's hands moving her legs back and forth. New Man Smell very GOOD rubbed Wicker GOOD

"You better sit down, Lieutenant. Lieutenant Lee made a rather grisly discovery yesterday. An area of the station that had been camouflaged for many years. It looks like some human experimenation-"

He was interrupted by a youngish looking blond man that on closer inspection didn't look fully human. His ears were slightly pointed and he could have been either partially Vulcan or Romulan. On one side of his purple collar were Lt.(jg)pips, but one of the pips was missing on the other side.

He wore a slight smile on his face, "Hey Commander, I just wanted to let you .... " he stopped short when he saw the rather large visitor bent over petting the dog. "Excuse me, Lieutenant, I didn't see you standing there. You must be new to the base."

"Yes," Jorrel said, holding out his hand and chuckling, "You must be Lieutenant Hitchins? Though you might want to have your eyes checked if you didn't see me. That's a rather large blind spot you've got." Then he sighed as he realized what he said. "Sorry, Commander, I didn't mean to be rude."

"It's okay Lieutenant, i've heard worse. I am used to it now, I even catch myself saying things like that."

Wicker looked up at Alpha's voice and rolled on to her paws, then she walked back over and laid down at his feet. She like New Man Smell He knew how to make her happy. Scratch her in the right places. She liked G Man too. Usually. He scractched her too, just behind her ears, antoher of her favorite spots. He gave her treats Alpha would not. He was good man too. But she didn't like the way he smelled.Too clean but still he could not get rid of the bad bad smell The Wrestling Smell.

Giellun nodded, "Not blind, just had other things on my mind, that's all. Welcome to the station."

"Thanks," Jorrel said as he turned back to Windsong, "could you forward me the reports on the situation you were telling me about? Doesn't immediately sound like something for my department to worry about but..." he shrugged, "I'd still like to be informed in case my men or I need to get involved."

"Of course I will, "Brian said, "I think you're right. Your department probably won't be too involved too much, but I have a feeling that when all is said and done all of us are going to be affected."

"Thank you, Commander," Jorrel said as he turned, "Lieutenant, Commander Windsong has said you're the best person to get updated diplomatic intelligence from, I hope I can meet with you later or tomorrow to get caught up, as much as you can at least?"

"Of course," Giellun replied, "Anything I can do to help. As I am sure he told you. I used to be part of your department. I think we should be able to have a close working relationship between our two departments."

"Yes," Jorrel said, hearing a subtext to what the junior officer was saying. He wondered if there was ill will built up between the departments - which made very little sense, his job depended on receiving information from Diplo and Intel, as well as Security. "I want that as well. There shouldn't be any reason why the departments can't work together smoothly. Like now, I'm totally dependant on what information I can get from you guys."

"Yes, well your predcessor was a bit eccentric. A good man mind you, but a bit strange in some ways. I am hoping that we will have a better relationship," said Giellun.

"Well, I'm not eccentric so hopefully we'll all get along just fine. How about tomorrow at oh nine hundred? I'll come find your office."

With several new documents on his PADD to go over, Jorrel said his goodbyes to the two men and headed out for his next stop.


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