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I Stand Relieved

Posted on Wed 19th May, 2021 @ 4:16am by
Edited on on Wed 19th May, 2021 @ 4:22am

653 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Waging Peace
Location: Arrow 5, In the Shadow of SB109
Timeline: MD 2, 315

"Another exciting day living the life of the Marine poster children," Helena Nordstrom said, with a yawn.

"You mean sitting around looking beautiful and useless?" Captain Beck asked, keeping her eyes on the instruments that would display anything out of the ordinary.

"Well ... maybe?" the warrant officer said. "Though that wasn't particularly what I was thinking about. You ever notice those posters always show someone standing in front of other Marines who are doing something important, but the one featured is simply a smiling face in a clean uniform, and usually with a few ribbons on the pocket."

Tossing her mate a quick glance and a smile, Rebecca said, "Isn't that what I just said?" Her eyes immediately went back to the display. "Did you join the Marines to be that decorated hero?"

"Me?" Nordstrom spluttered. "Not hardly! I'm a real Marine!"

"Ah, so you're one of the ones in the background, loading ammo maybe, or rushing into a firefight? There've been remarkably few of those firefights at SB109 the last few years," Beck reminded her friend and subordinate.

"Don't remind me. Since the dust up with the pirates about the time that Klingon ambassador arrived ... what's his name? Kinda sounds like an ocean creature on Earth?"


"Yes, that's it. Since the pirates around the time he arrived, we haven't had a lot of excitement. The fly boys do nothing but complain about how quiet it is here, though they have to run a lot of drills ... like we do," Nordstrom said reflectively.

"Ummm, it's how we stay sharp. And what are you doing hanging around with fighter pilots? You know they are a waste of the air they breathe," Rebecca said, making a notation in her log book. "Don't you have anything better to do?"

"Just because you are anti-social doesn't mean your wingman has to be," Helena retorted.

"Is that what you think?" the captain asked, looking at the Master Warrant Officer momentarily before turning back and switching the sensors to a new location. "I'm not anti-social. I'd just like to talk to something that has a higher IQ than a snail."

"Ouch! That smarts!" Nordstrom winced. "Some of the guys are pretty nice," she insisted. "One or two of them can talk about something other than fighters and their conquests on leave."

"Oh, yeah, the Risa Dreams. Tell you what. Find me one who knows what quantum physics is without looking it up, and I'll let you introduce me." The captain never expected that introduction to take place.

"Hey, I'll bet there is one, at least. Starfleet is trusting them with multi-million dollar machines. They have to have some with brains," Helena mused.

"Like I said, find me one. Then we'll discuss it."

Her long-time friend and wingman took on the challenge without saying anything else. She began to run over the pilots she knew. Who had the highest ranks? Who was more likely to know something besides being a fighter jock. "I just realized most of our own crew is female," she said at last. "This is going to take some time."

"Take all you want, but we're done for the day. Let's take Arrow 5 into the doghouse. Here comes our replacement."

Over the coms came a clear bass voice, "Rook Four, this is Rook Niner. Ready to pass the baton? Any news from the Rialto?"

Captain Beck came back, "Rook Niner, this is Rook Four, ready to leave the work to you. No news on Rialto, hopes aside. All clear this shift, so maybe you'll hear something."

"Roger that, Four. Local Space, this is Rook Niner, I am assuming system defense patrol from Rook Four."

A woman's voice, displaying none of the boredom she must be feeling if waiting for her own watch relief, responded, "Roger Niner. I have you on the board. Rook Four, you are clear for Are-Tee-Bee.[1]"

1) RTB: Return To Base.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Thu 20th May, 2021 @ 3:46am

Yea! It's good to see something from the Marines.