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Operating Parameters - Part 1

Posted on Fri 30th Apr, 2021 @ 1:46am by Sipov Boros & Candice
Edited on on Fri 30th Apr, 2021 @ 1:48am

1,108 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Crew Lounge, S.S. Torin
Timeline: MD08 1645 Hrs

" you see, while my system is constantly learning and seems to be chaotic and intrusive, it does have very specific rules it has to follow." She'd been sitting on the couch across from him and acted so real, not quite so rigid as he'd seen in a number of holograms in the past, but then again Sipov never had much use for holograms, for either practical or entertainment purposes.

The room had been completed with new tables and chairs, the walls and ceilings were white. The replicators had been refurbished and a pair of couches along with a couple of more comfortable chairs were placed in the lounge area with a glass coffee table as the centerpiece. The carpeting was a lighter brown and overall, more for practicality than looks. The overall lighting in the room was soft and with the windows on one side of the room it made for a nice backdrop for half the available seating.

"So, what are those rules then? Are you able to hurt or kill anyone living at will or?" He took a sip of his water giving Candice (P) a moment to respond.

"Well, the system prioritizes the crew life over that of anyone else and only in defense, the ship itself will be maintained at all costs except for when it ends up possibly threatening the crew’s life. You however as the captain are the highest priority in the event the crew attempts a mutiny or to harm you, all four templates will defend you with escalating force as necessary. But no harm will come to anyone intentionally unless it's in defense. The engineering template must take actions to keep primary systems on the ship online just as the medical template must treat patients however a crewmember will always be prioritized over a non-crewmember regardless of injury.” She shifted in her seat which in a way seemed odd to Sipov since she didn’t feel anything or have to worry about discomfort. The nuances would take some getting used to.

“As far as the templates themselves, the engineering template is the highest priority to keep online unless the medical template is treating a crewmember. Regarding prioritizing crew treatment, it'll be based on whom is most critical to the ship and keeping it online, which would typically be an engineer versus a pilot or the Captain." Candice (P) finally stopped and waited for Sipov's response. She presumed that him being told he was a lower priority except in the event of mutiny was something he didn't want to hear but it was how she'd been programmed, hardwired if you will.

"That's...interesting. Your system, I'm presuming you've had previous owners? How'd things work out for them, with these parameters?" Part of the man couldn't help but wonder if she'd end up being more trouble that she was worth but that remained to be seen. Having her alone to watch over the Torin if nothing else would hopefully be worth the investment. And she seemed already to be some sort of hostess, in a way.

"Most of my records of past owners were wiped in the system reset except for my adaptive subroutines and what has been learned in interacting with living beings. I'm here to provide assistance with your ship and am always listening so if you need something just say so. One of us will appear and help as needed. I'm always listening, always watching." A pleasing smile, while intending to provide comfort, made Sipov a little uneasy. Having his own ship keeping a watchful eye on him and everyone else caused some concerns considering it was the one place he'd hoped for privacy.

"Are you able to search for and possibly procure items for the ship? If I give you a list of tasks and access to the market and starbase’s computer can you manage your own upgrades and find the data you need?" He presumed so since the engineering template had made the request earlier, but he wanted to make sure.

"I can, just let me know what you need Sipov." Her casual demeanor was something that would take getting used to, but in a way, she gave the ship a personality and could assist him in maintaining it as well. There was a lot she could do that remained to be seen. In the past being more casual allowed living beings to be more comfortable and trust her more.

"Do you have any additional questions for me?" she asked. He seemed quite on edge from what she'd just revealed in the last number of minutes.

He'd been mulling over a number of items in his head but privacy was something he couldn't quite let go of "Do I need to take the holographic projectors out of my quarters to make sure my privacy is maintained or?"

"Oh, no captain. The system doesn't intentionally intrude by any means, it simply is available if need be. All you must do is ask. Otherwise I'll stay focused on making sure things are running as needed and only respond in the event of emergency."

"Very well then, but the moment I feel a line has been crossed don't be surprised if your system gets ripped out and blasted out the nearest airlock..." She didn't quite have the same attitude as the other templates but for all he knew she could've, and programmed or not, he'd only take so much.

"Of course. I'm here to help you, nothing else. It is your ship after all."

"And you're mine as well, don't forget that." Finishing his water, Sipov went to stand up but Candice (P) stood up and stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder. He was surprised.

"Captain" she started "I realize that trusting a hologram can take some getting used to, you're not the first owner I've had with that issue. However, I'll give you some advice and you can do with it what you will." She returned to her seat to give the man a moment to get over the unexpected shock he'd just received.

If Sipov had known exactly how to deactivate her by voice he simply would've right then and there, but considering shutting down the system overall would require him to make his way back down to engineering and take a look at the manual it was possible she could simply force him to take a seat once more. For the moment the Vulcan decided he'd give this hologram a chance to say whatever it was thinking. "Okay, go ahead..."

To be concluded....


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Comments (1)

By on Sun 2nd May, 2021 @ 3:14am

Maybe a little too much personality? I wonder if she's headed in the direction Elizabeth went.