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Elliot's Physical

Posted on Sat 6th Mar, 2021 @ 2:48am by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Lieutenant JG Sorrel Yezechi Dr

991 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Thunder Child Sick Bay
Timeline: About three weeks ago

Elliot was escorted to Sick Bay by the XO Lieutenant Commander Gemma Craven after his arrival. He needed a thorough Physical so he could be cleared for duty. Once done, he would be shown to his quarters so he could get some rest, and later the Captain wanted to see him. He and Gemma stepped into Sick Bay and looked around for the Chief Medical Officer or someone that could conduct the physical.

The Flaxian Doctor took stock of the new arrival, the fins of her face flexing with her curious expression. She hadn't met this man before and he didn't seem to be part of the crew. They must have picked something up along the way. "Can I help you?"

"This is Lieutenant Jericho. He will be joining us for a while and is in need of medical treatment," Gemma said by way of introduction.

"Hello, Doctor." Elliot handed the Doctor a PADD with orders assigning him to the Thunder Child temporarily. "I have been rescued by the Thunder Child. I need a complete physical. It may not look like it now, but just over a week ago my body experienced extreme trauma during an explosion. I received the help of unique origin and I appear to be in perfect health." Elliot paused then added an afterthought, "At least I feel that way."

"Alright then, sounds like a call for a whole work up to be sure. Let's have you sit on one of the exam beds over here. Seeing as you express some kind of curious recovery from extreme trauma, it's probably prudent not to just make you say 'ah'." she motioned across the space to a bed with a full set of more complex monitors. "I presume we have access to Mr. Jericho's health records prior to the trauma?" She looked between the First Officer and the newcomer for an answer. "Something with which I can compare the medical scans?"

"They should have been sent along with his transfer orders," Gemma said. "If not, I'll get them from his shuttle." She glanced at Elliot to make sure that was acceptable.

"I was wounded by the explosion before I got aboard the shuttle. Any readings will corrupted by the wounds." Elliot shook his head, "Sorry." He sat on the biobed then leaned back and relaxed. The bed activated and began listing his bio readings.

"Then I'll see if I can track them down." She nodded to Elliot and the doctor. "I'll be back shortly." At least, she hoped so.

It took her almost twenty minutes. But, with the aid of Jericho's transfer orders Gemma was able to track down his medical records and have them sent to the Thunder Child. It would have taken ten, but she had to first convince a smarmy Commander that she really was the first officer and she really did have the right to request the files.

Her eyes were still sparkling with frustration when she again entered sickbay and handed the doctor a PADD. "Here you go."

By the time the executive officer returned, Doctor Yezeshi had completed some detailed scans and was prepared to run the comparisons against the medical history. She stood with one arm crossed, propping her chin in her hand and looking at the evidence before her. "You claim to have suffered trauma only a week ago, but there appear no evidences of breaks or knitted bones or regenerated joints or ligaments. Moreover, your record includes the evidence of childhood mended injuries and I do not see these either. I would wonder, in fact if you've been completely replaced by a clone, because your cellular regeneration levels are impossibly through the roof. I would indeed have to confirm that whatever help you have received is beyond that of modern medicine and may have even added years to your life. I'd like to take some samples for records and research and have your statement as to the nature of your unorthodox treatment."

Elliot chuckled at the idea of being a clone. "Okay Doctor, whatever you need." Deep down inside Elliot trusted the people of Kendar and knew with all certainty that the Mage was honest when she said she cured him by magic. He was not conscious for the procedure, but in his gut, he trusted her.

"I'd like to hear about this, too," Gemma said.

Dr Yezeshi presented the hypo that would painlessly take the samples, "Why don't you make a written statement? Include all of the injuries you recall and how they were inflicted, and as much as you know about the treatment. When the samples are processed we can compare."

Elliot nodded in understanding, "I've already promised a report to Commander Zed so that shouldn't be a problem. I just need to rest some first, then I can work on the report."

"As soon as the doctor clears you, I can show you to your quarters," Gemma said. "I'm sure the Captain will give you a few hours." She knew Zed would give him the time he needed before asking him to do anything else.

The doctor took the samples and lined them up to be properly labeled, tested, and analyzed. "Well," She said, "I can hardly keep you here on account of being too healthy. You're free to go."

Elliot hopped down off the bio bed and smiled with his boyish grin, "Thanks Doc." Then he glanced over at the XO, "Lead the way, Ma'am."

Gemma couldn't help but smile back. "Aye, aye." She thanked the doctor and headed out the door. She'd looked up his room assignment before returning to sickbay so turned and headed for the turbolift.

Elliot was eager to get to his quarters to get some rest. The last few weeks had been rough on him and he was looking forward to a real bed for some real rest. He followed closely behind the XO so he would not get lost.



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