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Settling in

Posted on Fri 22nd Jun, 2012 @ 12:32am by 1st Lieutenant Ian Knapp & Commander Brian Windsong

637 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Ian Quarters
Timeline: present


Ian walked into his quarters with his 3 daughters "well girls this is gonna be our new home for awhile" he told the girls.

He walks into his room and places his bag on the bed before walking back out and leading the girls to their room and helping them unpack. but only sees 1 bed and sighs. "i told them i needed 3 beds not 1" he said to himself "Wait here girls I am gonna go check something out" he walked our of the room and explored the quarters a little more and finds that there are two other rooms "sweet they each can have their own rooms now" he said as he walked into the other room."well girls you each get your own rooms"

All three girls starts jumping excitedly and in unison "yay we each get our own rooms"

he smiles watching them "alright Leah this is your room" he grabs Anni and Lizzy bags and leads them each to their room.

Brian was walking the halls, just trying to stretch his lega after his session of playing cat and mouse in the holodeck and he heard excited children's voices coming from a door that had to have been open. Wicker nudged him in that direction, "Okay girl, I know you like kids,I've had my fun I guess its your turn, just don't expect them to have treats."

He made his way inside the room and knocked on the side of the door, "Hello," he called, "Anybody home?"

Ian walked out of the room when he heard someone calling "Hello there I must have left my door open oh well. I am 1st Lt. Ian Knapp," he replied then looked down at the dog "Nice pet you have there"

Leah walked out of her room and her little eyes go wide seeing the dog "Doggy" she yelled and ran towards the dog.

Wicker laid down on the floor wagging her tail and Brian let go of her harness as she did so. "She is actually a guide dog, not a petm" he said it Ian. The turning to the sound of the girl's voice he said, "Her name is Wicker. She is a yellow lab"

he smiled "you might find it hard to get her out of here now my kids loves animals especially dogs"

Leah pets wicker "Nice dog sir" Leah said looking up.

Wicker licked the Leah's hand.

"So a guide dog eh? Well she's a beautiful one" Ian said as he watches Leah pet the dog "want something to drink?"

"Sure," Brian replied, "I'll have some lemonade if you don't mind and thanks for the compliment about the dog."

"You're welcome" he said as eh walked to the replicator and orders a glass of lemonade,3 fruit punch and a coke and brings them over "Please have a seat" he said as he handed out the drinks.

Brian reached out and managed to grab the glass without spilling anything. He took a sip, 'That hits the spot. Thank you Lieutenant."

"You are quite welcome" he replied as he took a sip of his Coke "Hate to cut this short but i have to take the kids to the holodeck before i officially go on duty but your more than welcome to accompany us" he had said.

"Actually, I just got back from the holodeck. I think I'll pass for now, but I thank you for you offer."

Ian nodded as he gathered the girls up and headed out of his quarters and made their way to the holodeck, 5 mintues later they arrived at the holodeck where Ian started the babysitter program he brought and went inside with the girls. "alright i'll be back after i get off duty behave girls." Ian told them as he turned and headed for the briefing room.


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