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Business Tricks, Part 1

Posted on Sun 31st Jan, 2021 @ 3:37pm by Sorra Yarime (Yari) & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Nicha th'Elex
Edited on on Mon 1st Feb, 2021 @ 12:21pm

1,410 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: Conundrum
Timeline: MD 7, 1925 Hours

The business of eating was over, and taken care of quite adequately. Now, Nicha th'Elex waited to see what his boss had in mind for the two who sat across from him.

"So, I'm conducting a purchase of some precious minerals at one location, then we're going to meet another seller, and I'm going to purchase an Orion slave girl or two. I want you two for my personal security." Yari paused for a moment for any reactions from the two.

S'lani raised an eyebrow. She disliked slavery, but she'd been hired to be a bodyguard. She could separate her job from what her boss was doing--at least for now. If that were to change, she could walk away.

Knowing this wasn't the first time his boss had found slave girls to buy, and also knowing he didn't see them hanging around Yari's establishment, Nicha wondered idly why he bought them. What was he doing with them? He had a couple of theories, and it depended on what kind of man he finally decided his boss was which one he'd believe.

The Andorian shrugged, "Okay. Is there some reason to think you need more security than I usually provide? Are we going somewhere we probably shouldn't?"

"I think that its odd that a seller insisted that I show up for a purchase even though its valuable minerals. Then someone locates another item that I'm interested in to purchase on the exact same day and not far away from the location of the first transaction. Perhaps it's just a coincidence, perhaps not." Yari glanced over at the Vulcan, not really getting a read off of her. "Nicha has been with me for a while now, and he knows that I buy Orion Slave Girls and others who have been forced into slavery. Now that you know that I buy slaves, what are your thoughts? Are you disgusted with me?"

"Does it matter what I think?" S'lani asked. "For the other, it doesn't smell like a coincidence. It smells like a trap." She actually did want to know what he did with his slaves, but she didn't think she should ask at this time. "It's smart to go in prepared."

Yari smiled, "It does matter what you think of me." He paused for a moment to let that remark sink in. "I can tell that you are not a bad person and neither I'm I. That's why I chose you. I don't think you would want to work for me nor would you give me your loyalty during any crunch time if I did bad things. Yes, I purchase slaves of all types, but they wind up free. They all pay off their debit to me for acquiring their freedom, its only fair and then some stay and work for me or they leave. About 80 percent of them have a job that I arranged for them, but all have new lives."

She watched him carefully while he spoke, measuring his words, then nodded. "I would have stayed with you for this assignment, but I have no loyalty for slavers. Or those I cannot trust."

Yari nodded, "I understand. If you feel that I'm a slaver or that you don't trust me then we can go our separate ways."

"I didn't say that," S'lani said, growing guarded. "I don't know you, but I also have no cause to doubt your word. I was simply stating my views on the subject. They were not directed at you personally." She looked at him for a long moment. "But if you'd rather, I can leave now."

Yari nodded and smiled once more. "I'd rather you stay, I asked you here for protection. I simply said that if you think I'm a slaver, or that you don't trust me, then you should leave or leave after we return. I didn't accuse you of anything, and its up to you on how you feel about me one way or the other. The choice is yours." Yari stood and stepped over to the replicator. He halfway turned around, "I could use a drink, anybody else want one?"

"Yes," S'lani said. She wasn't sure what to make of Yari, or what she may or may not be getting into.

"Well, that tempest in a teapot is settled peacefully," the Andorian said, having listened to the two of them go back and forth. "I think I'll stick with this nice glass of water. Footing can be tricky around here." He laughed and took a sip from his glass. Turning serious, he added, "I think you're right. What humans term coincidences are rarely what the definition says they are. Someone is setting you up. A ship alone is going to be vulnerable. Do we have scans of the locations, so we can plan how we'll deal with things when they go bad?"

S'lani was grateful to focus on business again. "Any way to go in without using your normal transport?"

"Alvanian brandy okay?" Yari asked before adding, "This ship is equipped with a Romulan cloaking device and we will be using it as soon as we are far enough away from the station. Yari took the two glasses of green fluid from the replicator and walked back over to the table handing one of the glasses to S'lani. "We'll be there before they arrive and will be in the lowest power mode possible."

"It's fine, thank you." She took a sip from her glass. "Yes, but if they know when you're picking up both shipments, they could be watching for you."

Yari nodded, "That's where the three of you come in. The ship will be hidden. It will be when I'm on the other ship making the deal that I'm vulnerable." Yari took a sip from his glass.

The Vulcan nodded. "So, we stick with you while you're making your purchase and make sure nothing happens. I still don't like the timing of the two purchases. If this is a setup, they can get you at either location, or traveling between the two. Your too vulnerable, even with your own ship."

"The ship will be cloaked the entire time and will be safe. I'm not worried about that." Yari took another sip from his glass. "Lucy will keep a constant transporter lock on us and will also be scanning for any incoming vessels. She'll watch our backs."

The Vulcan nodded as he spoke, then asked, "Lucy?" She wasn't sure if that was a person or the ship.

Yari chuckled, "Lucy is the AI that inhabits Conundrum and is the fifth member of our little team."

"Good to know. Is there anything else I should know--or do?" She liked knowing what was expected of her, although she had a feeling she was going to like working for this man.

"Not that I know of. We'll just have to play it by ear for now and be fluid." A light on the wall changed color from green to red caught Yari's eyes, "The cloak has been activated."

S'lani nodded and finished her drink. She recycled her glass and sat back down. "Any special equipment or tactics you prefer?"

Yari chuckled, "Well, its not a special tactic, but if things go bad, don't let your employer get shot or killed otherwise you might not get paid." He tried to be a little light-hearted, but didn't know of anything special.

No, she had no intention of letting her boss get killed. Not on her watch, anyway.

"Ha!" th'Elex laughed. "That's a good one, boss." He'd been listening to the discussion, picking up a few details he didn't already know from his time with Yari already. "What are you thinking about armament? I know, and I expect the Vulcan does, too, plenty of hand-to-hand and tricky attack and defense modes. There's still nothing like a fast deadly weapon when the fins are down. Do you have something in mind?"

Yari pointed at the Andorian, "I figured you would ask about weapons. The Breen has a very nice armory that's well stocked with jusy about anything you can think of and not just everything that Starfleet has either. There's just about something in there from every species. Blade weapons too." He grinned, "Would you like to see it?"

A broad smile crept across her face. "Yes, please." She wanted to have several weapons on her if she could. Something quick to draw and something more...subtle.


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