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First Order of Business

Posted on Tue 26th Jan, 2021 @ 5:34am by Sipov Boros

1,417 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: Deck 600, Orchids & Jazz
Timeline: MD-10, 1825

Having spent most of the morning walking around the promenade and familiarizing himself with the station after breakfast, Sipov discovered he was allowed back in his room for a time and took a nap after lunch. He was feeling better and his sleep cycle was adjusting to that of the station's chronometer, for what would be a normal day shift worker. Having spent some time walking around the current deck he found himself once more in front of Orchids and Jazz with only a few minutes before he was supposed to meet this Tieran. Part of him wanted this business deal to go well so he could hopefully afford a semi permanent place to live and not have to feel like such a transient. Plus it would be great to be able to come and go as he pleased in his own quarters. He wasn't a child after all.

th'Elex was used to arriving earlier than others at meetings, but when he walked toward the entrance of Orchids & Jazz, he saw that his dinner guest was already waiting. Was it good manners, or something more, an eagerness to do business, perhaps? He'd soon figure it out.

"Ah, right on time," Tieran said, nearing Sipov. "Are you familiar with Earth jazz music? I've come to like it from my visits here."

He turned and flashed his signature grin before his face changed to show some confusion "Earth jazz? I can't say I am but I'm also not very picky when it comes to different types of music. I'm sure it'll be an experience." Sipov joined the other man making their way towards their intended destination.

The two men moved into the entrance where they were greeted by the doorman. "Good evening, gentlemen. Nice to see you back, Mr. th'Elex," Reon Velasquez said with a smile. "Table for two or are you expecting more guests?"

"Thank you, Reon. No just the two of us this time. This is my new friend, and new to 109, Sipov Boros. He's a private pilot, if you know anyone who needs one."

"I'll keep that in mind, Sir. Jenna will show you to your table. Enjoy your meal," Reon said, handing them off to the server.

"Right this way, gentle sirs," Jenna said, leading them to a table slightly removed from the six-piece jazz combo playing Begin the Beguine. "Menus are the PADD fastened to the wall. What can I get you to drink?"

"I'll have a lemon coke, please. What's the dinner special this evening?" the Andorian asked.

"I'm glad you asked!" Jenna said. "It's a new recipe for Marin, Spiedis from the United States in the 1930s. Tonight's is lightly seasoned venison grilled on skewers, accompanied by spinach soufflé, scalloped potatoes, and dinner rolls. Our special dessert is homemade lemon pie."

Sipov raised an eyebrow at how unique the music was, something smooth and rather relaxing but with more flair at given points. It certainly set a mood that would be conducive to their discussions. He took note of the menu affixed to the wall and didn't take bother to look over. It was obvious it wouldn't come off. Instead he sat down and took a guess. "I'll take a gin and tonic, two limes. The best gin you have, no rotgut please. As for what to eat, your special sounds about as good as anything." He didn't want to seem short, but he also wanted to maximize the time that he and Tieran would have to discuss business. The Vulcan did, however, make sure to give the server a genuine smile considering he was appreciative to receive such prompt and courteous service.

Jenna laughed. "Oh, boy, you need to meet the owner, Miss Jade Lantz. She'd never serve anything anyone could refer to as "rotgut", trust me. It'll be the best gin and tonic you ever had, and two limes it is. I'll be back with your drinks after I give Marin your order." Still smiling, she walked away from the table.

"She's right you know. You do need to meet Jade. It's a unique experience, as unique as this restaurant and the music," Tieran assured him, leaning back against the soft backing of the bench that ran around three-quarters of their table. "Let's get to know each other a little bit, trade facts, as it were. Here's one from me. I moved from Andoria to this starbase when it was first turned back to Starfleet ... about 4 years ago now. I wanted a larger audience for products many Andorians aren't interested in buying ... technology of all sorts. Where were you before you landed here?"

Sipov gave back a nod. "I didn't intend to be rude, it's just when you've been to as many restaurants and bars as I have, you never know what you're actually going to get served. And when you've drank as much as I have, you know what you like. Meeting the owner is always a good idea." He leaned back in his seat as well and mused while thinking of what to share. "Well... I'm from Adraxia, it's on the other side of the Breen Confederacy. I was orphaned and raised out there, I also spent most of my life up to this point in that region so I have to admit the ideas and the Federation itself are foreign to me. I don't personally take a political stance one way or another, but I'm trying to get a grasp on my new environment."

"So, you're Vulcan, but not brought up in the Vulcan way? What has influenced your attitudes the most? The Breen?" Tieran asked, very curious about the man sitting across from him.

Raising an eyebrow "The Vulcan way?" Truth be told, Sipov hadn't actually met any of his own people, at least not that he could recall. He only really knew what he'd read after his adoptive parents passed away.

"If you mean emotionless and acting on logic alone, no. My parents who raised me gave me the best life they could and meant a great deal to me. I suppose, in ways, they set my expectations of life too high by giving me everything they could, but my time working within Breen territory and learning the ropes of life as it were, on my own, certainly helped form this fine individual you see before you now."

In truth without having grown up in either a Vulcan or Romulan household, Sipov had turned to different vices over the years to help maintain the vast changes in his emotions, never having been taught how to manage them. "I suppose you could say living on the edge is what's made me who I am. What about yourself?" he replied.

"Totally boring and normal Andorian upbringing. I have a younger brother who has a penchant for trouble, but not the worst of troubles." He frowned as he thought of Nicha's way of life, living as body guard to someone about whom Tieran couldn't find much information. "How normal Andoria is to the rest of Starfleet I'm still trying to figure out," he laughed. "Ah, food. This I like!"

Jenna had one of what Tieran thought of as the "odd servers" with her. He was dressed much the same as the doorman, but the clothing looked totally different on him. It wasn't that it looked wrong ... it just didn't look right, either.

"Thank you, Elijah," Jenna said, reaching for the first plate on the tray table. She served the person she thought of as the guest, simply because he was new to her and the jazz club. Then she set th'Elex's plate in front of him, as well, sending Elijah on his way to another table.

"Dessert will be along when you've had time to make a leisurely meal of these skewers. Jade will probably arrive with it," Miss Clark assured them with a wink. "Let me know what you think of the venison. It's an Earth animal which is raised on farms now, but was long hunted even by primitives on that planet. Is there anything else I can get for you right now? Refills on the drinks, perhaps?"

"Thank you," Sipov replied, looking forward to trying it. "Anytime you see my drink half empty, feel free to bring another one." Otherwise, he was ready to begin eating and getting down to business. The sooner the better before he ended up having way too much to drink.


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