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A Pint for Breakfast - Part 4

Posted on Tue 26th Jan, 2021 @ 6:00am by Sipov Boros & Mary Elizabeth Gregory
Edited on on Tue 26th Jan, 2021 @ 11:40am

1,379 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: Deck 650, The Hangman's Noose
Timeline: MD-10, 0740 hours

Previously ... Seeing the owner heading their way with the Vulcan's breakfast, Tieran added, just loudly enough for Mary Elizabeth to hear, "I think our lovely businesswoman might be inclined to vouch for me being an honest man."

Mary Elizabeth laughed as she set Sipov's plate down along with a set of silverware rolled into a napkin. She smiled at Tieran. "If I were my cook, I'd say, 'Away with you, you flatterer!' But since I'm not her, I'll offer you a refill of your coffee and a blueberry scone, instead."

"Sold!" the Andorian said in delight. He turned to Sipov and said, "There's no scone like her blueberry scone, not even at Orchids & Jazz. Which, by the way, is where I'm offering a dinner meeting and conversation."

And now, the rest of the story ....

Sipov turned and looked at the man after acknowledging his food placed in front of him. "Well I'm always down for a meal and discussing business, but I usually make it a point to know the name of whom I'm meeting with first." He picked up his beer and took another sip before picking up his English muffin and taking a bite. He had no clue who or what the race of this blue man was but as long as he had the latinum to pay him at the end of a contract they likely would reach an accord.

The Andorian offered his hand, a habit he'd picked up from humans. "Tieran th'Elex, at your service. I own a tech shop in the promenade." His antennae automatically gestured a hello, as if the Vulcan were his own species. "Shall we say 1830 at Orchids & Jazz? It's on Deck 600, and once you're there, everyone can direct you ... or you can find an actual directory kiosk or ask the computer for help. Just tell Reon, at the door, that you are meeting me and they'll take care of you. If you're interested, that is. If you aren't, then there was no harm meant in suggesting it."

Mary Elizabeth refilled Tieran's coffee cup and went into the kitchen. She reappeared a few moments later with two plates, each laden with a blueberry scone. She set one plate in front of each man. "This is the daily special, and it's free of charge," she explained to Sipov. "It changes every day, so you never know what you might get."

"But you're never disappointed, either," th'Elex grinned at the owner. "I have just enough time to clean my plate, and then off to work." He didn't plan to say more to the Vulcan. If he wanted to accept the invitation, he would, and if he didn't ... there were other Targ hiding in the dirt.

Sipov returned the handshake to Tieran and gave a nod. "1830 hours it is then, I'll be there. I may even have need at some point to stop by your business, so I'll keep it in mind as the first place to check." He then turned to Mary. "Thank you, I'm quite excited to try this meal and this scone looks to be quite good as well."

He looked back at Tieran. "I'll buy you a drink tonight then, and since your time left is short this morning I'll let you eat. I'm quite hungry myself, and, to be honest, I'm still waking up. Mornings aren't quite my thing." Sipov turned back to face the bar and take another sip of beer.

The Andorian took him at his word, and devoured the blueberry scone quickly. He'd already paid his bill, and left a nice bit of extra for Mary Elizabeth. It was good business practice to be good to those you might need sometime, and besides, she was good people. He licked his finger tips as he walked out the door, thinking that some of the habits picked up from humans were both practical and tasty.

"Morning person or not, you'll be in for a delightful meal," Mary Elizabeth said as she went off to serve a customer farther down the bar. "The chef over at Orchids & Jazz is really good!"

"I look forward to it! I need to find a few places around here to frequent for meals. Replicators do okay but I tend to prefer things freshly cooked." It was a luxury he'd been accustomed to when piloting cruise liners on and off, being fed some very fine dishes that cost more than a few strips of latinum.

"I know several hole-in-the-wall places that serve good food, but they're scattered all over the place," Mary Elizabeth said a couple of minutes later. "There's Mapa Per Moba in Brown Sector--Bajoran comfort food--Vargas Tamales y Mas on Deck 1200, Pearl with a Chainsaw on Deck 666, and I think there's a Klingon restaurant, but I haven't had the nerve to try it yet. There are also Ferengi restaurants on the river barges. I don't much like Ferengi food, but the things I knew I would eat there tasted delicious."

Having been famished, Sipov was now about a third of he way through his meal. The eggs were good as was the bacon. The texture and some of the greasiness were a bit different but the flavor kept him going back for more. It reminded him of another type of meat he ate growing up, a staple in his adoptive parents household. Part of him wished he could go and see them and bring them here to experience this food, but they were long gone. After taking another bite of the English muffin he washed down the rest of the second beer and motioned for another to be brought.

When Mary spoke to him once more he gave a nod. "I'll make a note and once I message you, feel free to reply with anything else you come up with. Maybe we both could try the Klingon place when we make our first deal. New business, new beginnings." He then took his fork and cut another piece of bacon before stabbing it and eating another piece. It didn't take long before his empty glass was taken and another beer was provided. This place was certainly somewhere he could find himself spending more time, what with the atmosphere and the food. It didn't take much longer before his meal was almost complete and the scone was the last item remaining. Another bartender grabbed his empty plate as he picked up the scone and took a bite.

"What sorts of foods do you primarily like to eat?" Mary Elizabeth asked Sipov as she came back by him after serving a couple of other customers large mugs of rich, hot coffee.

"Well...just about anything hearty. I'd say a good dish with meat, some sort of sauce and a vegetable. Beyond that I don't pay too much attention unless you are talking fine dining, then the more exotic, the better. I like trying new things and seeing what I do or don't like. My family was always cooking and trying new things while growing up." Being an only child it meant more so that his aunts, uncles, and cousins where coming up with different ideas, but culturally that's how the Adraxians were.

"We can certainly fill the 'hearty' bill here," Mary Elizabeth said. "For fine dining, you might try the restaurant through that door." She nodded off to her right. "There's also Orchids & Jazz, as Mr. th'Elex said, or Pearl with a Chainsaw, or even La Virage d'Or, though I've never been there."

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you," Sipov replied. Just as he took another bite, his pocket beeped. It was the notification he'd set up for when new piloting jobs were posted. It was an opportunity to scan for what one hoped to be a decent payday but would need to be caught sooner than later. He had no clue how many other pilots would be checking the posting just as it came out, and who might beat him to the better opportunities. He stood up from the bar, "If you'll excuse me, I have to see if I can go make more latinum to keep paying for these outstanding meals. It's been a pleasure meeting you, until next time."


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