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Mending Wounds

Posted on Fri 1st Jan, 2021 @ 7:18am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Krell House of Mer'uk & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena

643 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: IKS Amar
Timeline: Following the fight to the death

The Klingon Battle Cruiser streaked across space, passing stars as it headed for the coordinates of Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena and Lieutenant Elliot Jericho who had been shot down by the evil assassin in an attempt to draw Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs away from safety and security of SB109. Krell and the Captain of the Amar, Koor, helped Dallas to the Infirmary while the Frist Officer returned to the Bridge to monitor progress.

The door to the infirmary opened quietly and the trio stepped inside a little awkwardly. None of the three were small by any means, they were all massive men. Dallas was helped over to a bed where two Star Fleet nurses were allowed to take care of his wounds.

A short, orange-haired nurse hooked up Dallas so the biobed could monitor his vitals. "My name's Petunia. You don't look very good. What happened?"

"It looks worse than it really is." Dallas said through gritted teeth. Anyone could see that he was in pain. "At least that's what they say." Dallas decided to tell her what had happened, "I had a fight to the death with a Vulcan assassin." He was lucky that Krell got there just in time.

"That's good, because it looks pretty bad. I don't want to give you anything for the pain until the doctor looks you over." She looked at the vitals for a moment and nodded. "At least those look good. Where do you hurt most?"

"Between the top of my head and the bottom of my feet." Dallas smiled. He was in pain all over and couldn't really figure where it hurt the most, everything hurt, but his pain threshold was high so he would manage to deal with any pain without any type of relief.

A tall, blue-skinned woman came over with a medical tricorder. "I'm the triage nurse. Let's see what you've got, shall we?" She ran a thorough scan and shook her head. "You're a lucky man. Broken ribs, internal injuries, a concussion, torn ligaments and cartilage, but nothing life-threatening now that you're here." She turned to the other nurse. "Petunia, give him a strong analgesic. Doc'll be here as soon as he's done with another patient."

The orange-haired nurse prepped the hypospray and gave him a shot in his neck. "There you go, sweetie. You should feel better now."

Dallas winced at the shot in the neck, then all felt better. "Thanks, I feel better already." Dallas smiled up at the nurse.

"Good. Just wait until we get you all fixed up, then you'll be good as new," Petunia smiled. It was always good to help a patient feel better.

"I'm fine now." Dallas said, ready to get up and do what needed to be done. "How far are we from the planet where Commander Lena crash landed?" He asked the nurse even though she probably had no idea.

Petunia pushed him back down. "I'm stronger than I look, so don't try to get up. You need to get well, and the doctor will be here in a few minutes. We're still two hours from the planet, so you have time to recover." She had no idea how far away they were, but she needed him to stay in place for the doctor. She glanced at the Triage nurse who nodded.

A moment later, Dallas was given another hypospray to knock him out until after he was mended.

Dallas' eyes got heavy, he felt that he couldn't keep them open much longer, but needed to find out how far they were from locating Kiara. He fought against the potency of the hypospray, but finally ceased his struggle for the light and allowed the darkness to consume him. He relaxed against the bed and closed his eyes knowing that sleep was inevitable. He soon was asleep and he dreamt of Kiara.


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