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Pieces out of Sequence

Posted on Fri 18th Dec, 2020 @ 12:11am by

440 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: N/A
Timeline: N/A

It is a fact that theoretical physicists believe that time is merely a way to ensure that we can experience everything fully, instead of everything happening all at the same juncture. They are right. They are also wrong. Time exists; it has a reality to it. All Forerunner-descended lifeforms experience a three-plus-one reality... three dimensions of space, and one of time.

But that is not the extent of what is. Somewhere, somewhen, outside the borders of three-plus one reality, a group of Q exist. This is a label; it means nothing. Someplace else, somewhen else, the Squire of Gothos plays the harpsichord and laughs. The label is one he gave himself; it means nothing. Yet elsewhere, elsewhen, the Echos stand (they do not stand) in a circle (a circle has no meaning). They are several; they are one. They are paying attention to an experience that one of them is having, has had, will have. The label is one given to them by the malevolence which created them, but still -- it means nothing.

There is a little girl. She is one of them (she is not one of them). She is an alternative, a possibility. She knows only what she has learned (she knows all that is to be known). She is sitting under a tree outside her Aunt's (mother's) house. (She is standing in a circle with her sisters). She is speaking to a raven. (She is speaking to her sisters, who do not exist and are not her sisters).

"At its base," the girl says, "telepathy is simple. Our brains, our minds, are made up of tiny processors. Millions -- billions of them. A billion is a very large number."

The raven tilts his head, watching the girl with one eye.

"These processors speak to each other using electrical impulses. Bone is not an insulator. Some people can pick up those communications, those electrical signals, from other people's minds. With fine perception, you get telepathy. With course perception, you get less information. Emotions." The girl sips her tea, and places the mug in front of her. The raven takes a drink with a single, bobbing, movement of its head.

"The other so-called 'psychic' powers are more complex, but they all have a single basis: the perception and manipulation of energy. It's all... we're all... energy, communicating with other energy." For a moment, the girl sees that other place, where her sisters consider what she has said. They agree with her premise. She smiles, and the moment is gone; Time spools by at one second per second, leaving only a girl, a tree, and a raven.


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Comments (2)

By Yuliette Marayan Dr. on Wed 20th Jan, 2021 @ 7:24am

Wow, gorgeous. Simply complex. What is in this tea......

By on Mon 25th Jan, 2021 @ 7:01am

I love you (there is no you) at your philosophical (you have no philosophy) level.