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All The Children, Part 4

Posted on Wed 30th Sep, 2020 @ 9:03am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs

942 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Deep Space
Timeline: Back Story, about a month ago


Zed looked up at the ceiling, "Activate the EMH." An attractive woman appeared out of thin air. The woman wore a skin-tight black jumpsuit made from an unknown shiny black material with a stripe running down the side. She had shoulder-length dark brown hair and had dark brown eyes. She smiled and spoke in a pleasant voice, "So, how can I help you, Captain?"

And now.....

Zed nearly smiled at the hologram, she was so much more pleasant than the last model. "I have an away mission for you Doctor, but first, how many stasis pods do we have aboard the Thunder Child?"

"We have 11 stasis pods in Cargo Bay six." the EMH replied.

"Can you have the away team transported to those pods until we can figure out what's going on with them, oh and there is a child over on that ship. HE could be some kind of carrier. Put him in one as well." Zed ordered.

"I will add a containment field as an extra precaution." The EMH replied.

Zed nodded, "Sounds good, I want you to go over to the Berlin and download their logs. We need to find out what happened. Also, go to Sick Bay and see if they were working on anything. We need to know as much as possible."

The EMH nodded and then vanished back to Sick Bay where she would oversee the movement of the away team and the child. After that, she would go over to the Berlin and download as much of the ship's log as she could then head for their Sick Bay and find out what they were doing.

A few minutes later the EMH had contacted the Transporter Room, =A=I am ready to begin transporting the away team and one child from the Berlin to the stasis chambers, begin when ready.=A=

=A=Aknowled.=A= Replied the Transporter Room Officer, =A=Transporting them now.=A=

One by one four of the stasis chambers filled with shimmering light and then an individual that would be suspended in animation, perfectly preserved until they were ready to be awakened.

The EMH thought of one other thing that she might need to for her research into what happened, =A=EMH to Transporter Room, I need one of the deceased from the Berlin, please transport one of the bodies to an empty stasis chamber.=A=

=A=Will do, Doctor.=A= A fifth chamber glowed with light and a body appeared.

Now that that was done she needed to go over to the Berlin and gather information and try to begin the process of finding out what happened.

The EMH shimmered into existence on the Bridge of the Berlin. She grabbed an isolinear optical chip from her pocket and plugged it into the nearest console and booted the console up and began searching for ships logs, Captain's personal logs, or anything that would help her figure out what was going on. She spent several minutes scanning through the files. The ship's logs indicated that they had stopped by a research outpost near the Romulan border and once they had departed the system things began to happen to the crew. They began falling ill and then dying a day or so later.

Once the files were downloaded onto the isolinear optical chip, she pulled the chip and placed it back into her pocket. She was now transported to the Sick Bay where she would see if the Doctors had any luck with whatever this was. She scanned the files that the Doctor had saved after they left the outpost. It looks like the Doctor may have been on the right track with his research, he just ran out of time. She downloaded all the files onto another of the isolinear chips and yanked it out. In a moment she was back aboard the Thunder Child and was downloading all she had on the isolinear chips. In a few minutes, she would have to brief the Captain with what she knew, which wasn't much at the moment.

[Captain's Ready Room]

Zed was at her desk in the Ready Room waiting for something, anything from the EMH that would explain what happened to the Crew of the Berlin and the away team. She started looking over the files since she had a background in medicine. She had been a Medical Examiner for high profile deaths before joining Starfleet.

The EMH faded in thanks to the holo emitters that were installed in the Read Room and every other part of the ship. "What do you have for me?" Zed asked. She was very concerned about the away team.

"The only thing that I can tell you right now is that it's a virus. It's probably airborne and seems to attack and kill adults. Environmental suits she protect anyone from it."

"I wonder how it got aboard the Berlin?" Zed thought out loud. "If they used the transporter, the virus should have been eradicated."

"The virus could have come aboard the BErlin in several different ways. To speculate at this point and time is pointless." The EMH said.

"I agree, we need to go to this outpost and see if we cant find out what happened. Doctor, please return to Sick Bay and continue your work." Zed said to her.

The EMH nodded and was gone, faded into nothingness.

Zed tapped her com badge, =A=Bridge, take us to that outpost in the Taurine system. The coordinates are in your console, best speed.=A=

=A=Aya Captain we're in route, about two days at maximum warp.=A= The helmsman replied.

=A=Thank you, Zed out.=A=


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