The Confrontation
Posted on Fri 22nd Feb, 2013 @ 12:50am by Commander Brian Windsong & Lieutenant Samantha O'Dell
6,323 words; about a 32 minute read
Location: Commander Windsong's Cabin
Timeline: TBD
It was late, Samantha could sleep and all she did was toss and turn, to the point where everything about Brian was bubbling up inside her and making her sick. When she did sleep she had dreams of him, and he was laughing at her stupidity and innocence. "You're so naive" his voice startled her awake every single time.
To the point where Samantha got dressed, slacks and a tank top, bare footed she headed to his cabin. Samantha was confrontational when it came to standing up for what she thought was right.. or wrong. But not against senior officers and she'd never been in a relationship this long or this intense. She had never confronted Brian about anything, there hadn't been anything before this... and Samantha had been letting this fester since, well too long.
She stood at his door for a moment or two trying to figure out what she was going to say... she didn't want to fight with Brian but she felt like there was nothing left but to figure this out. She chimmed his door and waited. Did he love her, or were they too culturally different? Hell she'd agreed sharing him with someone else, if he didn't realize how hard that was for her then well... maybe. Samantha bit her lower lip... "This isn't a good idea." She said feeling the bitter stinging of tears in her eyes.
Brian had felt as though he might be coming down with a cold. A few sniffles and a scrachy throat. He didn't think it would be anything serious, but he found it better to nip those symptoms in the bud so to speak. He had loaded up on vitamin C and had gone to bed early.
The sound of the chime wakened him and he threw off the covers. He wasn't sure who would be calling on him in the middle of the night, but he figured it would be better for him to at least put some clothing on as he generally slept in the nude.
He tossed on a pair of gym shorts and for good measure put on a tee shirt as well. He went to the door and opened it. Seeing Sam there was a surprise of course. Seeing her there with tears in her eyes was more of a shock, that tore at his heart strings. He could not help but feel that he was some how responsible for her condition.
A look of concern crossed his face as he stepped aside and allowed her entrance. "Sam, my gods what is wrong?"
She hesitated before going into his cabin in the door. "I'm sorry I know it's late, I couldn't sleep." She could tell by the way he was haphazardly dressed that he on the other hand had been asleep when she came calling. At least she knew he was sleeping now instead of having nightmares. She pushed the tears out of her eyes. "I.... was having nightmares." She admitted sheepishly. "I...." Now she felt stupid. God she never felt stupid about confronting someone on something that was bothering her why him?! "I'm confused lately...and now I'm losing sleep over it." She said. "You talked about bonding the other day in the holodeck and now you're talking about whether we're culturally compatible."
"I was talking about bonding with you and I am serious about it. Bonding is like sex though. It changes a relationship. Usually for the better, but not always, but sit down you look like you need to talk."
Sam shook her head and folded her arms a very stand offish position any diplomat would know that stance. "I don't want to sit, sitting with you takes my guard down and I don't want it down right now." She wanted to stay a bit mad, although for the life of her she knew it wasn't him she was supposed to be mad at. "Brian, I'd go through hell to help you. I'd do just anything you ask me to do because it makes you happy and I want to see you happy... but it just doesn't seem like it's enough." Her arms relaxed, "Brian what the hell do you want from me?!"
He gave he a long look before replying."I want a relationship with you, one that goes beyond the bedroom. That is what I want. I know you say that you're okay with my bonding with Paul, I'm just not sure if you really are. That bonding, I don't even think will be a full premanaent bonding, shouldn't affect our relationship because it is strictly platonic. But there may be, down the road other people I'm attracted to.
I know you said you were okay with that too, but saying it before the fact is one thing, living it when the time comes might be entirely different.
The last thing I want to do is hurt you now or in the future. So I guess that is why I am showing some hesitation."
Samantha could understand that much, she knew that it was going to be harder for her when and if that time came facing it head on, but she also knew that she'd promised and her word was unbreakable. "Brian, when I make a promise I don't go back on it. Doesn't matter how hard it gets for me. You don't understand, you're the first love for me. I'm not jealous of Paul, when I'm in a room with you the whole world feels better. But when I find out you're talking to other people about how you feel or don't feel about me it really really pisses me off." She added. "If you've got your doubts about me, tell me damnitt not the guys in the locker room."
"It really wasn't doubts about you. It was more doubts about myself, but the only reason it came up at all is because Giellun and Xavier are having... growing pains. Remember when I said that bonding is like sex it changes a relationship? Well Xavier is reluctant to take that step, sex not bonding, and Giellun loves the man undersands where he is coming from, but is still concerned.
"Culturally compatible..." She offered. "Your culture is so more open and free about relationships and sexuality. Brian, I get that I'm a stick in the mud as far as sexuality goes, I'm not good at it, new to it and haven't a clue what I'm doing most of the time. But please, let me be a big girl... and if I get hurt I get hurt." She admitted. "Nothing hurts worse then not knowing if how you feel is understood or reciprocated."
"You are quite good at it, that's for sure, but I want what we have to be more than just about the sex." He leaned in then and kissed her.
Samantha cursed those kisses because they always made her feel wonderful. "You know it drives me insane with you kiss me." She said after the chase kiss broke. "Being around you always makes me feel better." She offered. "I thought our relationship was about more than sex... " She said coming to sit down with him. "I thought it was fencing and caring about each other. Dealing with our demons together and being there for each other. Learning new foods and me trying to keep you safe." She smirked.
"You're right, or at least that's what I want. The sex is just icing on the... the cake, I believe is the right term. So I promise to stop worrying about hurting you and most certainly talking to others about it. You and I will talk things through and like I said, if I do want to fool around with anyone, then like I said before, I'll let you know."
Samantha smirked at him and held up her hand. "Just try not to worry about hurting me, you don't have to promise because you're going to worry from time to time. I'm realistic, most of the time." She kissed his cheek softly and could feel how warm he was. "Don't yell at Giellun for telling me, I think he just wants you to be happy. Are you feeling ok? You're really warm."
"Actually, it may not have been the best idea for me to kiss you. I think I'm coming down with a cold or something. Sniffles, a little sore throat, and achy, and I feel exhausted. I took some vitamin C and was going to zone out when you chimed."
Now it was Sam's turn to feel like shit, "Well don't I feel like an ass now." She offered. "I'm sorry, I needed to get that all off my chest I didn't want it to fester and be all stupid girlie about it. I'm so used to speaking my mind." She frowned. "I wasn't being very considerate. Let me help you back to bed."
"I appreicate your concern Sam, but I'm a big boy. It's just a cold or at worst the flu. It's not like its Rigelian Fever or the Plague. It was important to you to get those things off your chest and if its important to you its important to me.
However I wouldn't mind your helping me back to bed, perhaps even getting in there with me, if you're not concerned with your health, but it would be sleep and cuddling and little else I am afraid.
Samantha smirked that small smile that admitted she really did love him, no matter how mad at him she got. "I can accept those terms." She retorted.
"Then by all means help me to bed. I promise to be good. At least until I'm feeling better. Then, well then I'll be quite bad. But I am very, very good at being bad."
She shook her head ask she laughed. Samantha didn't know what to say to that. "How is it you've been single for so long." She retorted as she helped him out of the seat. She walked with him towards his bed.
Brian turned towards her a serious expression crossing his face. "Because up until recently I still thought of Morgan as my partner. Its hard to put that ghost behind me but I have no choice. And with him still so much a part of my life I wasn't thinking with the right head.
Now, well now perhaps I can start thinking with my heart."
Samantha kissed him softly on the cheek. She'd only been teasing him, "Brian..." She looked at him with bid sad eyes know that he couldn't see them but the burden he had over Morgan wasn't his alone anymore. "You do not have to put Morgan memories behind you. You can live everyday and think about him as much as your heart desires... Morgan would never want you to forget him, but he wouldn't want you to dwell in the shadow of those horrific events either." She told him holding onto him and standing there in the doorway of his bedroom. "When Morgan died, I know a part of you died too. Loving me, won't make you forget Morgan, it'll make his memories all the more precious."
He took several deep breaths to center himself. He had promised himself he wasn't going to breakdown again, was't going to cry. He knew that Sam had been through a lot too, not all of which he knew, and he wasn't going to start feeling sorry for himself and blubbering now, though hhad he nt centered himself he thought he wuold have.
The second reason he centered himself was so he could reach out to her mentally. He located her first with his mind then his hands. He kissed her then, forgetting the cold, or flu or whatever his ailment was. This kiss, unlike his first one, was far from chaste.
She felt the connection somehow, a clarity that he was there more than physically with her. Her own nightmares and fears of being alone and the dangers of a relationship were just beneath the surface. A duck on the pond Samantha's thoughts were awash the instant he kissed her, it was deep and passionate full of compassion and feelings.She didn't care if she got sick, she cared that Brian was suffering in his own personal hell. She found herself closing her eyes and giving into the kiss.
He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. Memories flooded through his mind. Flashes of those he had been intimate with in the past, threatened to come to the surface, he pushed all of those aside with only minimal effort.
Morgan, the last person that he had truly ever loved couldn't be pushed down or tossed aside. But he realized that what he needed was to make peace with him. He did so and then he released those memories to elsewhere. Then as before, there was only one other person in the room, one other person in the universe.
His passion erupted and he pushed her hard, but not too hard against the wall. The symptoms hadn't gone away, he just wasn't paying attention to them any more.
Samantha back hit the wall, her head butted against the doorframe, but it didn't phase her and she felt his passion ignite, more so it was flooding into her thoughts... a fire of desire that she wanted to feed and be consumed by. One hand moved around to the back of his neck, warm to the touch she ran her finger through his hair, twirling a lock in her fingers she pulled slightly. Her body was instantly aware of where things were going and there wasn't an inch of her being that objected.
He pressed himself against her, the heat of their bodies escalating with their passion. He pulled away from the kiss and said something he had not said for more than five years. Four simple words, "Sam... I love you."
Her blue eyes opened to those words, words she'd wanted to hear but was so afraid she never would from him. Samantha was completely speechless, she wanted to ask if he was sure.... or if he was sick, she knew he was sick. She didn't have his mental skills, couldn't reach out to feel him with her thoughts... but she could do other things. Samantha smirked. "I love you too, Brian." She entangled her fingers in his hand and brought him into his own bedroom... pulled him down onto his bed with her.
Her words both soothed his soul and stoked the fire of passion. He'd heard those words, 'I love you', perhaps half a dozen times in five years. Eleven or so of the times he had heard it, they had been manipulative, to get him into the sack, none of those efforts had produced results for potential bedmates. Once they had been uttered by a young man who had misunderstood Brian's intent.
He knew though, even without reaching out with his mind, that she was sincere and the words had been easy to hear. They had been harder to utter, but now that they were said, he knew they were true. It may not have been a love that was in full blossom, but it was a real love nonetheless.
As she pulled him down, he said, "Tell me what you want me to do, what you want us to do. This is your night."
Samantha smirked. "If you were feeling better I'd say all of you. Every ounce... " She offered. "But I know you're not feeling well so I'm completely content to stay here with you, stroke your ego, let you sleep and keep the bad dreams away." She offered. Truth was that she did want him, she wanted physical contact and passion that last into the wee hours of the morning. She wanted to ask him about bonding again, since the subject had been so hot a topic before.
His right brow quirked, "We can do that if you want, I would be quite content, or we can..." he paused for a moment searching for the right Terran term, "Carpe diem, sieze the day. Am I sick? Yeah and if we do anything beyond cuddling you will be too,but that's tomorrow. This is tonight."
Samantha pulled him closer to her. "You make a very convincing argument." Samantha pulled the tank top off with little effort and less sound the coolness in the air made groosebumps speckle her mounds. Samantha took his hand kissed his open palm and places his hand against her breasts. "I guess I'm going to be sick in the morning."
He grinned at her as his hands began to gently massage her and his mouth found hers.
Samantha felt his hands, the hands of an experienced man. Akadians were definitely great lovers, Samantha would never complain about that. She moved closer until she could feel him against her. They were kissing again, deeply. Passionately. She wanted him to know that he could use his mind to learn anything he wanted to about her. She let her defenses drop, all of them her whole body relaxed into him as her hand found his thigh. Her long blonde hair feel over her shoulder.
He felt her defenses drop then lowerd his own, allowing her to see his doubts, his fears, his demons, then past thoughs to the core of his being. He let her see the love he had spoken about had not been mere words but had been sincere and genuine.
Then even as their kiss deepened, his hands moved off of her breasts and began treking down.
Samantha's own fears, had been consuming her for months, maybe years. It was why she had never really made friends on any ship or anywhere else for that matter. Brian had changed that, her fears were subsiding, he could see the near rape in her mind the fears of being intimate with anyone for fear of the pain of it again. How it had marred her judgement... the damage it had done. Those were all in her thoughts, and then there was this warmth, the warmth that started with him, the first time they'd been in the holodeck together:
"Samantha felt where this was going and honestly she wasn't sure she wanted to be a fling of Brian's. He'd just admitted that screwed everything and she wasn't in a state of mind where she felt like being hurt. She leaned close to him and whispered in his ear. "Size never did impress me, it's all about how well you use it." Truth be told Sam had never dated, never been kissed seriously and never been in bed with anyone. That didn't mean she didn't know how to flirt.
Brian lauged out loud, "Nice reply, but I seriously wasn't fliring. Well okay maybe a little, but I really was offering you the use of my wakizashi."
She'd been so embarrassed that she'd ended the program and left... afraid she'd humiliated herself. And yet she had still seen him hours later being lead away by Kale and had come running. Her compassion had come from her desire to protect the only friend she had, and it had blossomed from there. Those thoughts all visible to Brian now that her defenses were down.
She moaned against his touch, softly as her fingers began to pull at his shirt.
He pulled back slightly breaking the kiss to giver her better access. The last time they had made love he had used his tongue a lot, it was one of his favorite things to do and she had seemed to like it enough to return the favor, but this time he wanted to use his figners to stimulate her.
But there was nothing wrong with just kissing for awhile His hands lingered where they were for a few minutes, then once his shirt was off, he pulled her close to him and pressed his lips against hers.
Her body was warm, his was warmer, feverish and for a moment Samantha hesitated only because he was indeed warmer then she expected... but he was a big boy as he'd pointed out. They were both sitting there in, she was in yoga pants and nothing else and he would discover that shook enough, he was in trunks and not not much else. Samantha began to move from kissing his lips to his chin... and his neck... her fingernails moved against this skin, massaging his back. She thought about nothing other then the pleasure of the moment... she wanted to please him and be pleased by him. Keeping up with someone so skilled in the art of pleasure was hard work... and she was really looking forward to it.
He found himself tugging at her pants and finding nothing beneath them but her soft flesh. He wished for a moment for his sight, so he could look into her eyes. He knew they were blue, but he didn't know the exact shade and that bothered him, but the feel of her most feminine part against his fingers quickly drove that thought from him. Replaced with a red hot passion that was as much lust as it was love.
Crefully, teasingly, he moved inside her.
Samantha tried to continue to feel and explore his body as his fingers moved against her curls and further..There was a release of anticipating that waved over her like a small ocean wave. Crashing against her and she heard herself whimper softly a sound of excitement she was still kissing him and found his chest... as far as men go, Brian was firmly muscular, her fingers found imperfections on his shoulder scars from kale maybe... but her lips found the hardness of his chest and more importantly his nipples. She wondered for only a moment if he was as sensitive as she was there and decided to experiment. Sealing her lips over one she flicked her tongue against him and listened for his reaction, felt his fingers exploring her... the more he explored her the more she felt her pulse down between her legs. The more she wanted to make him moan with pleasure.
Her tongoue against his nipples was like an electric shock, that sent currents of pleasure that in turn relased endophins into his bloodstream. His body tensed in excitment and anticpation. His left and continued its manipulation inside her his right hand carressing the curve of her buttocks.
His manhood, still entrapped by his shorts pressed against her.
She felt him press against her, she felt everything his fingers moving inside her, teasing her, stroking parts of her that had never been felt by hand. She blew a soft breath against his nipple as she moved to the other peck and began the same treatment there while her fingers teased his wet chest. Her other hand moved to the seam of his shorts...she wanted to climb into his lap be impaled by his masculinity. The foreplay had brought her to the point were she didn't want to wait any longer.
"Make love to me, Brian." she asked breaking contact with his nipples now rock hard from her touch long enough to beg and then she kissed him deeply.
It wasn't only his nipples that her ministrations had made rock hard. He slid her yoga shorts the rest of the way off her legs and moved so that she was on top of him, without breaking their kiss. Then he entered her, ever so slowly. With her on top, she could control the rhythm and the pattern of their lovemaking.
They were intertwined her legs bends as she was kneeling over him as they both now naked. Their skins feverish and firey from passion, Samantha's body was tense and tight fitting him, he filled her perfectly, and her body gave into the sensations of the passion that they both had. She took her time as her body rose and fell slowly against his hips, each movement stirred her and begged her to go faster, but she knew so little about love making that she did not know what to do. She could only do what came natural to her.
Her body quivered at the new sensation, the last time their love making had been different, and these new sensations were equally as thrilling to explore. She wanted it to last for hours. Again as they kissed and explored each others mouths her fingers continued to play teasing with his chest.
Brian was not only enjoying what was happening between them, he was relishing in it. Everything about it was just RIGHT. The pace, the way she slid down on him, how tight she was, the way they were kissing, her fingers teasing his chest, but most of all, it was the emotional commitment and connection.
It couldn't of course go on forever, though he wished that it could, but it could be more intense. He began mirroring her actions. As she moved down, he moved up, going deeper.
She moaned against his lips... as the rhythm began to pick up pace...her heart thundering in her ears, he was matching every sensation, she hoped that he was enjoying the exploration as much as she was, and with a moment just a nanosecond of clarity between them she was aware that he was. Almost his voice in her mind says, yes of course I am stop worrying.
Samantha ran her finger nails down his back the pressure left red marks on his flesh, and she felt his hand on her back tracking the scar from the knife mark from their holo simulation with Kale and Ricardo. She closed her eyes, as she felt her body beginning to betray her desire of an endless night. She broke their kiss, and clung to Brian's sweaty body.
The nails digging into his flesh, caused a sharp, though not intense pain along his back, but rather than dull his passion, it served only to intensify it, driving him to the edge. He thrust up again, teetering on the precipice of orgasm as his hands moved down to her butt and pulled her down further.
She felt his fingers in her buttock and let out a gasp as she felt him deeper inside her then she thought possible it pushed her over the edge and esctasy rippled over her raining down on her like a spring downpour. She held onto him as her body quivered with pleasure she tried to keep the rhythm. Samantha bit into her lip to keep herself from whimpering against his ear. As the rhythm continued it only prolonged the pleasure of her orgasm, each upward thrust sent her back into the overwhelming joy of it all.
It did not take long, perhaps only twenty to thirty seconds after Sam had climaxed for him to crest the wave he had been riding and climax himself. It was more intense than their first time together, more intense than anyone since Morgan, perhaps the most intense he had experienced period.
When he was done he shuddered, but managed to hold onto her.
She felt him stiffen under her, his body shuddered and they did hold onto each other. She had never been so exhausted and so excited at the same time. She held onto him hearing his breath and hers, rising and falling in unison, their chests heaving as one pressed another each other. She didn't want to move, didn't want to break the magic of the moment.
Though he began to shrink inside her almost instantly after spilling his seed, that didn't seem to matter. What mattered was they still clung to each other, they were together. He moved her hand to his forehead than rested his free hand there creating an emotional link agumenting their physical one.
Samantha could feel him deeper with the emotional link, she could feel how much he loved Morgan and how much he loved her. She could feel the struggles he'd been going through. She could also feel how much at peace he was right at that moment and oddly the curiousity of what shade of blue her eyes were. It made her laugh softly, against him. In turn she opened herself up to him, willingly letting him explore any of her thoughts and feelings. She had put her fears to rest over him hurting her... she trusted him, loved him and wanted nothing but his absolute happiness, that included giving up silly human ideals about one man and one woman. She held a special place in her heart for Morgan, that maybe Brian didn't know about. Because Brian loved him, Sam loved him she thought of him as a friend, as family.
He sensed her opening up to him for him and that only intensified his love for her. His body, now that the lovemaking had passed, was starting to feel achy, unfortuantely in the wrong areas, but it was a cheap price to pay for the pleasure they had given each other. He fought back a sneeze, not wanting to spoil the mood.
Samantha slowly and careful slipped off of him. "Don't hold that in." She offered. "You'll hurt yourself." Her voice was soft and laced with exhaustion. Her big blue eyes were the color of cornflower, a soft spring sky blue... he'd get his chance to see them she was sure of it as soon as Kale was dead. She kissed his cheek, "Let me wash you off and then we'll sleep for a few hours." She offered.
He sneezed then, not once but three times. "Yeah thanks dear," he said, "I think I want you sleeping with me for a long time to come."
Samantha smirked. "I'll sleep with you for as long as you'll have me." She offered. She got off his bed and went to his bathroom to start bathwater. It was amusing to her how the night had started off with the potential for a very serious and heart wrenching fight, only to turn out like this. She had never been this connected to anyone, never felt like she was part of someone else's life before. She tested the water with her fingers and came back into the bedroom half expecting he'd be fast asleep.
He was definitely sick, under his eyes were puffy and he was breathing through his mouth. Just seeing him sitting on the bed made her feel badly for him. "Should I let the Co know you're going to be in bed tomorrow?"
"Yeah, you might want to let him know that and, well I hope you aren't going to get sick, becuase, no offense, but I am really starting to feel shity now."
Sam's face grimaced in a sad puppy dog sort of expression. "come on, the bath water is ready, it'll help with some of your congestion." She came towards him and took his hand to help him stand up. "if I get sick then I guess we'll be in bed together."
"Well there is that," he said in a snuffy nosed voice, "I guess it wouldn't be a total loss."
Samantha couldn't help but grin a little, he was so tired and sick... she helped him into the tub which was oddly big enough for two, she didn't think her quarters even had a bathtub but she spent so little time there it was hard to be sure. She settled in behind him and let the water's heat ease his chest congestion as she suggested he lean back against her body and relax as much as he could. She sponged his chest and held onto him. Offering his achy body whatever comfort she could give him.
Samantha assumed that by the morning she would be well on her way to being sick as well, but for the moment she was the stronger one of the two and she would comfort and aide him in any way that she could. She had questions for him, about bonding and being emotionally connected as it seemed they were now, but now was not the time. Maybe in the silence and heat he could drift off comfortably.
He leaned back a little further. Little carnal thoughts ran through his mind unbidden, but he quickly clamped down on those if only to be practical. He found her free hand with his and entwined his fingers with his.
Samantha couldn't help but smile at the intimate gesture... he loved her... he'd said it. He meant it... She was on the verge of tears with the thoughts of it. The sponge was full of warm soapy water, she washed his abs, and his chest.
"Wow, that feels really good, maybe better than the sex. Just touching you makes me feel special. I think we should spend the whole day tomorrow just sleeping and cuddling. What do you think?"
Samantha smirked, "That sounds like a wonderful idea," She got those warm fuzzy feelings off of him. "You know this is the closest I have ever been to someone in my whole life." She admitted, sponging more of the warm soapy waters on to him. "You have put all my fears at rest, you're the first person I really truly trust."
He craned his neck around to face her, "Yeah about that. I think we should talk about bonding."
She met his eyes as he craned around to look at her. "We've talked about that before." She said stopping for just a moment. "I thought you didn't want to anymore."
"No, not exactly. I just wanted to be sure. I just remember what happened with the last person I was going to bond with. I don't want to lose you too."
Samantha grinned, it was a warm smile that made it all the way to her eyes and then some. "I've been practicing fighting Kale in the holodeck almost nightly now... you're not going to lose me... the only way I am leaving is if you tell me you want me to go." She offered him those words in sincerity.
"Well then I guess you're stuck with me for a very long time."
Her smile widened... "Ok, so tell me about bonding then."
So Brian layed it out to her, just as he had with Paul, "Since this is real bonding and you are an outsider it does require the permission of the Elders. But my family does have some, uh, influence, I don't think it will be a problem."
Samantha had taken it all in... it was a commitment, it cemented their relationship as far as Brian's kind was concerned. It was something very serious, and it was not something that an Akadian went into lightly. The only part that scared her was the part where the Elders could refuse to accept her... Brian's family knew nothing about her. "Have they ever refused someone?" She asked a bit nervously now.
"Yes they have, but that is pretty rare, especially now days.'
Samantha took in a deep breath. "Your family is practically nobility, from what I remember reading. Are you sure they'll be willing to risk an heir mixed with human blood?" She didn't think of herself as a lessor species, but she also knew that some people who did.
"Akadians are pretty loose about such things I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. They're more concerned with whether you are a good person."
Samantha chuckled... softly. "I'm only a good person when the situation warrants good behavior." And teased. "And even then I can't promise anything."
Her lover sneezed, then chuckled. "I think you better help me dry off, then I need to lay down. And you don't have to make any promises to me. We're good."
"Bless you." She offered. Samantha let the sponge float around in the water as she let go of him and helped him up and out of the tub waters. The towels were soft and cool to the touch, she smirked as she looked at him dripping with water. "Yeah, drying you off isn't going to start my mind wandering at all." She teased as she came over to him and began to pat him dry. It was fun she got to pay attention to every inch of his person. She could be as attentive as she wanted to be. Her mind went into places a few times, primarily while she was down around his caves drying off his legs.
Despite himself, when she was drying his lega and thighs he couldn't help his physical reaction, "Damn it really too bad I'm sick."
Samantha smirked, "yes, too sick to be exerting extra energy." she added. As she stood up and kissed his cheek. "Come lover," she hooked her arm in his. "Let me tuck you in and I'll let you get back to sleep."
He sighed, but took her her arm. "Yes mother," he said in a mocky grumpy tone.
She grinned and shook her head. "If your mother gets in the tub with you like that, Mr. Windsong..." She teased him. He walked with him to his bed and pulled back the covers. "Do you want to get dressed?" she asked him as she went hunting for her own clothes. She was not planning on walking back to her cabin in the buff.
"No my mother hasn't gotten in the tub with me since I was an infant. We Akadians do draw the line somewhere. As far as clothes, no I'm good. I usually sleep in the nude."
Samantha smirked at him. "Of course you do." She found her jogging pants in one spot and her shirt in another. "Well I'll let you get some rest."
"Thanks good night."
A joint-post by
Commander Brian Windsong
Chief Diplomatic Officer
SB Protector
Lt Samantha O'Dell
Chief Intelligence Officer
SB Protector