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Memorial? What Memorial?

Posted on Mon 27th Jul, 2020 @ 7:11am by

375 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Tivoli Gardens, Riverfront Village

"Gutzman Memorial Library?" Yucholl asked, looking at the note attached to the top of the stack of books. "Who was Gutzman, and why don't I remember him?"

"They say memory is the first thing to go," Aiko teased, opening one of the paper bags with her family's shop logo on the side. "I forget what the second thing is."

Yucholl looked at the spines of the books in the pile. "Our Bodies, Our Selves; Humanoid Edition, and The Barefoot Doctor's Manual; Humanoid Edition. So... I'm guessing this Gutzman guy was some flavor of Humanoid?"

"Honestly?" Aiko asked rhetorically as she started putting books into the bag, "I have no idea. But Dad sends them down a bag of books every couple of months. They're down in Brown Sector." She held up a book. "Oh, look... The Guide to Getting it On Ninety-second edition, volume three: Humanoids."

"Where's the volume for Lamians?" Yucholl pouted.

"Under my mattress," Aiko answered, her tone teasing. She placed the book in the bag.

Yucholl picked up the next couple of books, looking down at them to hide the blush Aiko's words had brought on. "Oh, Flowers of Luna and Annie on my Mind. I love those!"

"Classics," Aiko agreed, holding out her hands for the volumes.

"Wait... you said this place is in Brown Sector?" Yucholl handed over the books, hesitantly. "And your Dad sends you by yourself?!"

"Point the first," Aiko answered as she stowed the final books and picked up the bag by its string handles, "The library is near a turbolift exit, and the Provost's Officers keep an eye on the area. Point the second: I am old enough to hit my data bracelet, or say my code phrase, if something seems hinky. Point the third: I'm not going alone, I'm taking a scary Naga with me!"

Yucholl looked around for said Naga, then the metaphorical lightbulb went on over her head. "Me? I'm a Medu Sa'id, Aiko! I don't have any venom!"

"I know that," Aiko answered, coming around the counter, "and you know that... but do they know that?"

"I don't even know who they are!" Yucholl protested.

Aiko smiled. "Exactly!"


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 14th Aug, 2020 @ 9:31pm

These two always have such interesting conversations, and make me smile, too.