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Letting Go

Posted on Tue 30th Jun, 2020 @ 3:17am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs

477 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Briggs' Quarters
Timeline: MD 13 1400 hours

Dallas jumped up to his feet when Victoria began to fade, “Wait! Please wait! I’m not ready for you to go!” Victoria faded into nothingness. Dallas dropped to his knees and buried his face in his hands. “I still need you, I’m not ready for this.” He mumbled softly.

Dallas was never one to actually cry, he normally kept things bottled up until they wound up exploding in some way. This time was different, he actually began to weep for a time. He knew that life with Victory was already gone when she became a ghost, but at least he had her to talk to since the explosion and now he didn’t have her. Her departure this time seemed to have a sense of finally to it he knew that he would never see her again. He was thankful for all the time that they talked after the explosion. Most people wouldn’t get an opportunity like that.

Deep down inside, Dallas knew that the last year with Victoria actually helped soften the inevitability of her departure from his life completely. Non the less he was still hurting tremendously inside. Victoria had been the love of his life, but now there was another possibility. He cared for another deeply in just a short time after meeting her. It is also possible that Kiara would be so much more to him right now if the ghost of Victoria hadn’t been around and had given Dallas the time, he needed to morn properly, but he had held onto her. Now he had to let go, he had no choice.

Dallas looked up at the ceiling through bloodshot eyes, “I will always love you and there is a piece of me that died with you on that day. I am so grateful for the time that we spent together since then. You have helped me to get past it because I don’t know if I could have otherwise. I don’t even know if you can hear me, but I have to think so.” Dallas wiped his eyes as new tears began to threaten and could feel the lump in his throat with every word. “Today another piece of me died, but I will be okay and I know deep down in my heart that you will be okay too. I think you were here to watch over me and to make sure that I will be alright and now that I found someone that I can love it was time for you to go, so I will do what I must and that is to let you go. Goodbye Victoria Briggs, I will always love you.”

Dallas wiped his eyes again before he stood up. The threatening tears had gone along with the lump in his throat. He knew everything would be alright now.


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Comments (2)

By Yuliette Marayan Dr. on Thu 2nd Jul, 2020 @ 3:41am

I get the feeling I'm tuning in at the end of a very long personal journey. Very sad stuff. Even though he's moving on, you really feel like he's always going to be missing that part of his heart <3

By on Sat 4th Jul, 2020 @ 11:49pm

That was a great finish to Victoria's goodbye. They are both moving on. Beautifully done.