New Directions
Posted on Thu 6th Dec, 2012 @ 3:43pm by Colonel Horatio Drake & Commander Brian Windsong & Lieutenant JG Giellun Hitchins
2,319 words; about a 12 minute read
Location: CO's Office
Timeline: MD-01: 1715 Hours
Brian had made the trek to the CO's office enough times to not need Wicker, but he knew she would feel neglected if he continued to get about on his own, so he had brought her along. He didn't know how much longer he would actually need her, as in the not too distant future he planned on dealing with Ricardo and Kale. Dealing with them premanetly, and after that he would be seeking to his sight restored. However he had grown attached to her, loved her in fact, and she had grown attached to him as much as an animal can, so he was planning on keeping her even after he could see again.
He sat in the reception area outside Ashton's office. He had already talked with Paul about his idea and he had agreed. He just had to talk with the Captain and with the man he hoped would be his new recruit, assuming Drake would give permission fot the interdepartmental transfer.
As the Commanding Officer of a starship, there are numerous times throughout the day that you have visitors frequent your Ready Room. On a starbase this figure rises tremendously. He knew that the CO had a waiting area, on a starbase, but it wasn't until he saw his that it sunk in. His days on the ships of the line were over.
He had been made aware of Brian's presence a little over five minutes ago now and was now ready to receive him.
"Please send Commander Windsong in" He tapped on the inter comm. to his assistant... there seemed to be a different assistant everyday.
Brian with Wicker leading him walked into the office and flashed a smile in the Colonel's direction. "Good morning sir, I appreciate you seeing me on such short notice. How are you doing today?"
A dog on a starbase was still such an unusual sight for Ashton - he just hadn't got used to it yet.
"It's a pleasure, Commander. Thank you, I'm very well - and yourself?" He took Windsong's hand to shake and then gently directed to the seat opposite his desk.
"Something to drink?" He asked, following the same routine that he always took when he had a visitor.
"Yes, thanks, I'd like white tea please," Brian said as Wicker laid down and curled up at his feet, "We talked earlier about staffing in my department and I've spoken to a young Strategic Ops officer named Giellun Hitchins. He and Xavier Lee are seeing each other at the moment, not that that matters, but I think he would be a great fit for the Diplomatic Corps. He is sharp, speaks well, is persuasive and is really good at interacting with people. He has what he calls assets all over the quadrant. Not all of them are, how would you say reputable, but they are diverse."
Drake placed the steaming cup of tea on the desk, in front of Brian. He personally loved tea, but found that coffee, with regards to a hot beverage, better helped him with the trials and tribulations of the day.
"Would this be a secondment or a permanent transfer?" he asked.
Brian found the cup by odor and instinct and took a sip. it was just the right temperature, hot enough to be inviting, but not so hot that it was scalding. "Ahh, just right," he said referring to the tea. "More than likely permanent. I've talked to him at Harvey's and he isn't really happy with his new boss. That's what gave me the idea to look into his file. I didn't even talk to him about the possibility yet so I'm not even sure if he is interested."
'Well, leave it with me Commander. I'll obviously have to look into his service record and see whether a transfer of this nature is going to be beneficial to the base. Naturally all departments are low on staff and I don't want Lieutenant Oaksley to think that you're poaching his staff. I'll also have to look at his qualifications... it would seem a waste of Starfleet tactical training if this transfer did take place. What's more...'
This is along the lines of what Drake's next words would have been a couple of years ago. Playing things by the book and to the letter. However, this was his actual response.
"If he's happy with it and you want him then just clear it was Oaksley" Taking a sip of his coffee he wished he had ordered an Irish coffee... it would have provided him with that little bit extra boost.
"Thank you sir," Brian began, then paused. He could sense the tension and the tiredness in the CO's voice. "Are you sure you're okay sir? I mean really okay, not the same old bullshit 'Of course I'm okay' when you're really far from okay. You don't sound so hot."
Ashton nearly chocked in his coffee - the directness of the Diplomatic Officer was surprising... refreshing... but surprising. It triggered a small smile... he decided to be equally direct.
"Truth be told, Commander... I don't really care. If it's going to benefit your department and make your life easier then why not. I'm lending a hand with tactical at the moment and, honestly, Strategic Operations don't really have a huge part to play on Protector at the moment. They won't until the station is at full operational ability".
"That isn't exactly what I meant sir, though it's nice to hear your honesty. I wasn't talking about whether you were okay with the transfer. I was talking about on a more personal level."
"I don't think I follow, Commander?" Ashton was genuinely confused. Was Brian asking if Ashton minded having somebody else... who was attractive... in his department?
"I simply meant sir, you sound a little tired, maybe even stressed," Brian replied not picking up on all of what Ashton was thinking, "I just meant how are things really going for you personally? Nothing to do with the transfer at all."
"Oh, I see" Ashton felt like slapping himself... another sip of the strong coffee sufficed. Why was he getting so confused recently? Could this be a side effect of the Bretagne? He made a mental note to ask Paul if he had been getting anything like this.
"To be honest, Commander, I'm tired... mentally more than physically. I've spent my entire career on ships of the line - things seem easier on ships. If a repair task needs carrying out, it's not going to open way to ten more tasks. If a decision needs to be made, it's not going to give way to ten more to make." he paused and took another long swig of the hot liquid.
"A certain type of person is a good choice for command of a starbase and I don't think that's me" he didn't go onto say that they were the pen pushers of Starfleet and that the real officers were out there on the ships... so he thought.
"You do seem to be a rugged man of action," Brian replied. He still wasn't fully satisfied with Ashton's answer, he still felt there was more to the man's tiredness than he was letting on, something still under the surface, but he figured he wasn't going to get there by pushing the man any further, so he decided to drop the matter for the moment.
"So would you like to bring Mr. Hitchins in now so we can both speak with him, or do you want me just to handle it myself?"
"Well I'm free for the moment so feel free to bring him up here, may as well get the transfer done as soon as possible" Ashton replied, starting to get ever so slightly interested in how the Strategic Operations Officer would respond to the proposed transfer.
Brian touched his com badge^=^ Lt. Hitchins, this is Commander Windsong. Will you please report to the Captain's Ready Room, urgently.^=^.
About 15 seconds later a reply came ^=^On my way sir.^=^
Gielun had been running some report when the call came. Some rather confidential and personal reports since he was on swing shift and officially off duty. He hid the reports in the middle of his porn videos-used more to keep others away than for his personal amusement-though the lack of sex with his supposed boyfriend and meant he had at least peaked at it once for its intended reason- and closed the PAdD.
He quickly donned a clean uniform from the replicator and made his way to the bridge. Stepping into the Ready Room, he ran a hand through his short blonde hair.
He was feeling a little out of place, but he was used to dealing with unusual and uncomfortable situations. He kept his violet colored eyes fixed on the CO, "Giellun Hitchins reported as ordered sir."
"Lieutenant, please" Ashton motioned at the chair next to Brian with his arm. He still had a third of his coffee left and Brian had the majority of his tea - he felt like he was becoming some sort of coffee vendor, but British politeness demanded it.
"Can I get you a drink?" He forced the smile, but got away with it.
Giellun was not a telepath liks Xavier, Brian, or seemingly half the bloody station, but he had not come to the place he was without being able to read bodylangauge and he could tell something was up, but he had no idea what.
"Thank you sir, an iced mocha would be fine." He noted, in the back of his mind, that Drake was an attractive looking man and that he and Brian made a fine looking couple. "Did I do something wrong? If Lieutenant Lawrence complained I apologize, but the man has no sense of humor. The comment I made about his wig was totally innocent and certainly does not rise to the level of insubordination."
Ashton was already poised at the replicator and had Giellun's drink in front of him, on the desk, in no time.
"No Lieutenant" Ashton replied after a short pause, somewhat taken aback by his comment "Quite the opposite, in fact".
Ashton took another gulp from his large mug, leaving just enough in their for one last sip.
"Commander Windsong and I were just discussing the possibility of your transferring departments. It appears that you've got some useful skills that'd be utilized to their fullest potential in the Diplomatic Department. Of course, it's a bit of an unusual step from such a tactical focused position. Perhaps there's some way that we can bridge the gap?" Ashton directed the question to both the officers. Perhaps some strategic operations knowledge in the Diplomatic department might be of help?
Brian nodded he had been thinking the same thing, but he wanted the junior officer to reply, he wanted to see how he would react.
Giellun glanced at Brian before turning to the CO. "This is really a surprise," he said, "But the idea does appeal to me. I mean I do know a lot about other races and relating to them. I have, shall we say, friends in high and low places. And I believe I think differently than most diplomats. It might take some adjustment and there will be a learning curve, but I can handle it and I expect it will make a great match.
And I really want to thank you. My current boss and I aren't seeing eye to eye on things. In fact that's why I thought I was here. I made some comment about his wig, which I thought was funny and he said he was going to report me for insubordination. I also had some personal information which I had stored on a PAaD I had modified and he was going to report me for that as well."
"Personal information?" Ashton asked, considering whether to have the last sip now or save it.
Giellun looked at both men weighing how truthful he should be. He didn't mind bending the truth now and then, but he thought it was a bad idea to out and out lie to a superior officer, well two superior officers, especially since one of them was a telepath. So he decided that honesty was best. Though of course the honesty could wind up back-firing on him in a big way.
"Well I have a cousin who is a member of a Romulan association that has a well deserved rather negative reputation. He isn't too fond of being a member but is in fear for his life should he try to leave. He was asking me for my advice. My mere correspondance with him could, at least by some be constured as treason. Which is why I keep it secret. Mr. Lawerence is one who would probably have me hanging from the proverbial yard arm without a trial.
There is also information on some of my other friends and connections, none of them as controversial as my cousin Ahira, but information that is nonetheless personal. It is however relevant to my job as Strat Ops because they have provided vaulable informtion in the past. So it is a job-related."
"I see" Ashton had made his decision... the last of the coffee went hurtling down this throat. Was it not time for a scotch yet? He decided that there really wasn't much to say on that point. Of course it was an option to get involved but he saw no reason to do so - it wasn't affecting his performance.
"So, we're all agreed then?" He smiled at the two officers the other side of his desk.
"Of course," Brian replied.
"Yes and thank you for the opportunity." answered Giellun.
Lt. Commander Brian Windsong
Chief Diplomatic Officer
SB Protector
Lt.(jg) Giellun Hitchins
Diplomatic Officer
SB Protector
Lt. Colonel Ashton Drake
Commanding Officer
SB Protector