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Elliot, Part 1

Posted on Thu 30th Apr, 2020 @ 11:04pm by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho

770 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Undisclosed Secret Pirate Base
Timeline: Back Post, About a month ago

Elliot woke up coughing from all the smoke and dust that he had inhaled. He had no idea how long he had been there or where he was. Slowly things began to come back to him and then he realized that he had been injured. He remembered the explosion and the blast door that didn’t hold when the shock wave hit. He remembered that he had ordered Meghan to run for the other shuttle and then he threw the explosive at the fuel tank. And here he was…

He painfully rolled over onto his back and immediately felt a searing pain in the thigh of his left leg. He looked down at his leg as he lifted his head and noticed a rather sharp piece of metal sticking out of it. He lifted the leg slightly and almost yelled out at the pain, but continued to grit his teeth, he had no idea if any pirates were around and might hear him. He used his left hand to fell underneath his leg to see if the metal had pierced the backside of his leg and it had by a few centimeters, but at least it was only a little, it could have been much worse.

Elliot slowly pulled him towards the wall with the help of his good leg and once there propped his back up. He slowly removed his backpack and dug around in it until he found his first aid kit. First things first, he grabbed the hypo kit and fixed up a dose for the pain and quickly administered it in his neck. He heard the hiss from the hypo and was satisfied when it took the edge off of the pain.

The next thing was to stop the loss of blood when he removed the metal was to get the trauma foam ready. He pulled out the bottle and shook it for a moment to make sure it would be ready and then set it down beside his leg. He began to rip a small length of cloth from the bottom of his tunic and he wrapped it around the metal so he could get a grip on it with both hands, it had been covered with blood making it slippery and was extremely sharp on the jagged edges.

When Elliot was ready, he took a few deep breaths, and then he pulled on the metal quickly and forcefully. He yelled out in pain and things went dark, again.

Elliot woke again, not sure how long he had been out and looked down at his leg. He was successful in removing the jagged piece of metal, but he had passed out before he could seal the wound with the foam. A large pool of blood surrounded his leg. He picked up the can of foam and sprayed it in the wound on top. He winced as the foam entered the wound and expanded preventing any more blood loss. He rolled to his right slightly so he could see the wound on the backside of his thigh and did the same thing to it. He found the hypo and administered another dose for the pain, he had to get moving soon.

He gathered up his first aid gear and put it loosely back in his backpack. With some effort, he was able to stand up and slowly he limped towards the Prototype. Elliot found a metal bar to use as a walking stick as he continued to limp. He thought about Meghan and wondered if he had done the right thing by ordering her away. Was she okay? He certainly hoped so.

The main power to this place was offline and auxiliary or battery back up was what the sporadic dim light relied on which gave Elliot just enough light to see. Once he made it to the blast door that opened up into the hanger where the Prototype was Elliot grasped the handle of the door and tried to open it, but it didn’t seem to budge.

Elliot took the metal bar that he had been using as a walking stick and placed it under the handle and use all his might to force it, he nearly passed out as he became light-headed from his efforts. The handle reluctantly moved. Elliot hoped that it wouldn’t break from all that pressure, he didn’t have the tools nor the time to make a repair. He dropped the metal bar and grasped the edge of the blast door with both hands and slowly pulled it open to reveal what he had been in search for.....


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 11th Sep, 2020 @ 2:46am

Yay! Mission almost accomplished! Brave guy, too.