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To Catch A Killer Part 1

Posted on Fri 24th Apr, 2020 @ 3:00am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena
Edited on on Sun 31st May, 2020 @ 10:22pm

1,423 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD: 4 1147 hours

Dallas thought for a moment, "Okay, I won't be around you or near you, but I will have a person from Security paralleling you at all times in plain clothes. If anything happens, I want someone close by."

"Not too close or we defeat the purpose of my going out to find him," she said, smiling reassuringly. "I will be careful. I have no intention of being his next victim."

"Don't worry, the Security Officer will keep a large gap and if you are on the Promenade there would be no way for anyone to spot the tail." Dallas would not take no for an answer this time. Kiara had to have someone that was on the ground with her in case she needed help.

She sighed. "Very well." As long as the person stayed far enough away, Kiara was okay with it. She knew there was a chance something would go wrong, and she really didn't want to face the Andorian alone.

Dallas nodded, "Okay then. I should let you get to it." Dallas would still be on nerves worrying about her, but she had to do this if they had any chance of catching the Andorian killer.

She nodded. "Give me a minute to change into something less formal." She got up and went into a small back room, emerging two minutes later in a pair of chocolate-brown slacks and a cream-colored blouse. "Okay. I'm ready."

She stopped at the front desk. "I'll be out for a few hours. Take any messages."

The young woman manning the front desk looked no older than 19 or 20. She nodded to Kiara, "Yes ma'am."

Kiara walked out of her office and headed for the promenade. It would take her a bit via turbolift and tram, but that would give her more time to feel around.

Dallas watched as Kiara left, he felt bad, but he had to let her go on her own if this plan were to succeed. He would go back to his office and hope to hear good news soon, but the killer might not be aboard the station anymore, he could have left.

Kiara felt nothing as she took the tram around the station, just in case she caught something to give her a direction. It was a shot in the dark, but then, so was anything she tried.

Kiara felt nothing as she took the tram around the station, just in case she caught something to give her a direction. It was a shot in the dark, but then, so was anything she tried.

She took a full lap, then stopped by the turbolift to the promenade. So far, she'd felt a lot of things, both good and bad, but nothing as starkly evil as the Andorian. She got off on one of the upper levels and began to wander around, looking at the various shops as he kept her mind open.

Ensign Lea Loren, a female Bajoran was her escort today. Bajoran custom placed their family name first and then their given name. Loren was no exception, she valued her Bajoran customs and beliefs. Loren was a little over 5 and a half feet and very athletic. Today she had a special task, she was Kiara's shadow and was very discrete about her task. She wasn't wearing a Starfleet uniform even though she was on duty she wore a plain cotton type shirt and form-fitting slacks.

Even so, it didn't take long for the Bajoran woman's thoughts to register. It might have been because Kiara was expecting someone to be watching her, or it might have been the intensity of the thoughts. The woman was determined to do her job well. She had no idea what the woman looked like, which was to her credit, and it was nice to know that someone was there, just in case.

With her shields lowered, Kiara got a lot of noise from the hundreds of people milling through the promenade. It began to give her a headache, but she pushed through it, determined to do something to help Dallas.

There was a loud commotion just up ahead where it was crowded shoulder to shoulder almost. There were several screams by women and then someone yelled out for Medical. Loren began to run as best she could as she pushed people out of the way, but she was nowhere close to getting a look as to what happened.

And then Kiara felt the aura of darkness just before she registered the thoughts. It was the Andorian. People were hurrying either toward the noise or away from it. She moved to the side and listened intently. Was he responsible for what happened? She focused on those thoughts to find out where he was.

Loren passed the area where the man lay and the crowd had gathered. She heard the call for medical attention and was sure that they would be there to help soon. She had a job to do so she continued. She whispered into her com badge, =^=We have a man down, the suspect had advanced into a side corridor between shops, the handle on the door is fried and the door is ajar.=^=

=^=Do not enter, wait for backup.=^= Dallas said as he called for Promenade Police to assist her. Since the station was huge, Dallas and his Security force could not handle the station and the Promenade so a Promenade Police Force was created just recently. The Promenade Police force was still a small entity but it did help with the massive burden, being the Promenade.

Two hoverbikes came down from above near where the crowd had gathered around the man on the ground. The hoverbikes were also a new addition to the station to help the Promenade Police force cover more ground while patrolling and gave them a good advantage point to observe from. The flat black machines that the rider sat on and looked much like a motorcycle operated off of ducted fans. The machine was all-electric and ran off of large batteries so there was no fuel or toxic fumes to contaminate the Promenade.

The first bike landed and the man climbed off of his bike. The stature appeared as a man but was hard to tell since he was in a full environmental suit that was all flat black in color except for the badge painted on his chest and the large white number on his shoulder, 45. His face was also completely covered and looked almost like the face of a robot because instead of a clear visor there were cameras for better vision and sensors that could detect gases and other things much better than a being could and then there was the mouth speaker so the Police office could verbally communicate. The black suit was armored and resistant to many forms of energy weapons and most sharpened metal blades, but it wasn't perfect, some beam weapons would still go through it like butter. He pulled his type two phaser from its holster and walked up to Loren cautiously.

The second bike was right behind him, landing as close as possible to the first. The young man behind the mask was new to the beat and still learning the ropes. He stopped beside his partner, his own phaser in his hand. "Please step back so we have room," he said to the crowd.

Kiara felt the person moving away from the crowds and went to intercept. "Dallas, he's moving."

=^=Alright Rookie, it's time to earn your pay, follow me.=^= The first Officer said over his comms.

"Aye, sir," Peters replied, following his partner. He kept a close eye on his HUD so he didn't miss anything.

The veteran police officer was Paul Reilly. Most of his police career was on Alpha Centari where he was employed for about 12 years. He had decided that he needed a change so he transferred out here. He looked at Loren, =^=Would you like me to take the lead, ma'am?=^=

Loren gave a quick nod. She had been briefed on her back up and red Reilly's file, he was a great Cop with a lot of experience.

=^=45 to Control, Ensign Lea, 91 and myself are in pursuit of the subject, please have additional unit secure the scene.=^= Reilly said over his comms.

=^=Copy 45, keep us informed. Additional units are en route to the scene. A medical unit is already there, the victim didn't make it.=^=

=^=Copy that control, 45 out.=^= Reilly said as he began to move ahead cautiously gripping his phaser tightly.


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