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Taco Tuesday

Posted on Sun 5th Apr, 2020 @ 11:39pm by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena

1,135 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Deck 1554 The River walk
Timeline: MD:2 1300 hours

After Dallas and Kiara put away the kayaks they made a B line straight for the taco stand that Dallas had mentioned earlier. Dallas could hear his stomach complaining that it was hungry by the growling that it had been making before they got off the water and even now that they were heading to their next location. "I had fun with you kayaking, we should do it more often."

"Yes," she agreed promptly. "I had fun, too. I'd forgotten how much fun kayaking could be."

They walked for a brief time before reaching the taco stand and got in line to wait to order. "So, a taco salad huh?" Dallas asked.

"Yes," she agreed promptly. "With picante sauce and ranch dressing."

Soon it was their time to order, but Dallas got an eerie feeling again and looked around, he felt like he was being watched again. "Two taco salads with picante sauce and ranch dressing." He said to the man that took their orders, then he glanced at Kiara, "Ah, what would you like to drink?"

Something was going on, but Kiara wasn't sure she should ask about it. Not here, anyway. "I think I'll live dangerously and have whatever you are."

"Two lemonades please, that should take care of our thirst." Dallas said to the man that was taken their order. In a minute they had their drinks and were told they could sit down while their taco salads were being prepared.

She found an empty table that would give them some privacy and sat down. "So, what's going on?"

Dallas smiled, "We're about to have taco salads for lunch?" He wasn't sure where she was going with that question but didn't want to alarm her about the feeling that he had after all was just a feeling.

She smiled sweetly. "I'm an empath. While I love a good taco salad, I know how you're feeling." She leaned closer, her smile teasing in case they were still being watched. "I'd like to know why."

"I have developed a sort of Spidey Sense and I can tell or at least have a feeling when I am being watched. If not completely accurate but for the most part, it works. I feel that I am being watched while here on the river with you." Dallas explained as they waited for their food.

"I understand. So, we need to find out who and why, yes?"

"We do, but we need to identify him and then capture him so we can get our information," Dallas replied.

"That's not asking much, is it?" she teased. "Well, I will keep my eyes open and see if I can pick up anything."

"Maybe we will get lucky and he will slip up or maybe he will just go away, how knows." Dallas smiled at his companion, "I'm starving, I wonder what's taking so long with our food."

Kiara looked around. "I don't know. I don't see the waiter, either." She raised an eyebrow. "Let's go back to where we ordered and ask. I think we should go together." After what he'd said about being watched, she didn't want them to get separated just now.

Dallas nodded and stood up when Kiara did, "I think you would be safe here in public." Dallas took her hand in his, "But I like holding you hand." Dallas led Kiara back over to the taco stand.

She smiled. She liked holding his hand, too.

The man at the taco stand watched as the couple approached holding hands, "I apologize for the wait. They are very fresh and hot." He handed the meal to Dallas and Kiara.

"Thank you." Dallas said as he took his tray with both hands and smiled back at the man.

Kiara watched the man for a moment and then smiled. This was odd, but she didn't have to show her thoughts. "Thank you," she said, taking her tray and following Dallas.

Dallas led Kiara back over to the table where they were sitting before and sat back down in his chair at the same time Kiara did. "Well, it looks good even though we had to wait for a long time for it. I am pretty hungry..."

"So am I," she said, mixing it up a bit. "It's been a long time since I had one of these."

Dallas simply nodded, not wanting to talk with his mouth full.

They ate in silence, both more interested in eating than talking. It was a comfortable silence. It gave Kiara a chance to listen, both with her ears and her mind, to her surroundings.

Once Dallas had finished eating he took a sip from his drink and sat back eyeing Kiara. She seemed slightly preoccupied with something at the moment. "Everything alright?" He asked curiously.

"Listening," she said. "I want to see if I can pick up on what you did." She shook her head. "No luck."

"As far as I know, I haven't done anything." Dallas thought for a moment and couldn't recollect offending anyone, especially not to kill him unless it had to do with the unofficial investigation that he was doing on the death of his wife, but even that was growing cold.

She put a hand over his. "That's something you can look into. Right now, let's keep you safe."

"The question is, is this person watching me or you? If it's the same person that tried to kill me then why hasn't he tried again?" Dallas thought for a moment, "Maybe he hasn't found a perfect spot yet and I should get you home and safe then I can set a trap to see if he tries to again." Dallas didn't want Kiara near him if the person tried to kill him again.

"Good questions," she said. "But you shouldn't set a trap. Just be watchful and call for help if you need it." She was concerned that he might be the one walking into a trap and she wanted him to be safe.

"Don't worry." Dallas said with a reassuring smile, "I'll have people watching my back when I decide to do the catching. How about we get you home..."

She wasn't sure if she wanted to go home just yet. It could mean he was planning something and wanted her safely out of the way. At the same time, she knew she had no claim on him and no reason to insist he stay with her. "All right." She picked up her tray to recycle. "I'll take care of this and we can go."

Dallas followed Kiara over to the recycler and put his tray in after she had put her's in. They both turned to leave and he took her hand.

She smiled and gave his hand a squeeze. "I enjoyed today. Thank you."


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