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Prototype Part VI

Posted on Wed 4th Mar, 2020 @ 10:05am by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho & Lieutenant Meghan [Maggie] Jericho

1,012 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Unidentified Secret Pirate Base
Timeline: Back Story, about a month ago

Elliot had been at the controls of the small spacecraft for about 4 hours now and was feeling some fatigue, especially after what had happened to him. He glanced over at his wife, "Did you see a replicator back there somewhere? I'm getting pretty hungry."

"I didn't notice, but on a craft like this, there has to be some sort of food slot or replicator." She slipped out of her seat with a smile. "I'll see what I can find for us." She patted her husband's shoulder as she walked to the back of the craft. It was a small craft not much bigger than a Captain's runabout, but it was built for luxury and, as Meghan suspected, there was a food slot." Maggie quickly replicated two plates of steak, fresh fruit, and dinner rolls. It was a simple dinner, but one of their favorites.

"There wasn't much of a variety, but this looks good and smells great." She handed one plate to her husband and sat with the other on the counter in front of her. "Take your time and enjoy it." She reminded him, "Who knows when we'll have another hot meal together."

“Elliot took the plate and smiled, “Hopefully we can have a nice meal together real soon if things go well.” Elliot started eating. “Once we catch up to that shuttle, things will more than likely get pretty busy with opposition and I left the equipment bag back on the planet. I only have a couple of explosives and the phasers, so stealth will be our friend in this outing.”

Maggie ate her meal as she listened to her husband's instructions. If she were honest, she'd have to say that her mind was wandering ahead of them and she was wondering how they would pull this off. Not that she doubted that they would, but their plan had definitely changed. They should be in the prototype now heading back home. "They took most of mine when I was held in the room." she sighed and then looked around. "Wonder if he's got anything hidden here? It wouldn't be much, I'm sure." She shrugged. "Man like that probably doesn't go anywhere without armed guards."

"He may have something small hiding around, something that is easy to conceal, but can still be useful at close range," Elliot suggested before he was interrupted by the sensors, "I'm picking up some strange readings coming from an asteroid field up ahead, dropping out of warp." The small ship quickly did as the input was given. "I didn't pick it up until we got close, someone didn't want to be noticed."

"Sounds like it's what we're looking for." Maggie nodded. She would have felt better if they had a cloaking device or weapons. The shuttle had some shielding, but if they met much opposition, they weren't prepared for it.

"It does, doesn't it." He said before adding, "I'm going to take her in nice and medium speed. It should look like we know what we are doing and where we are going."

"Nice and medium speed, huh?" She laughed at her husband. She had expected nice and slow or nice and quiet. "Should I put shields up?" She asked. "It is an asteroid belt after all. Or do you think it would be suspicious?"

"It would be wise to do so with just an okay pilot as a precaution so they don't get hit by an asteroid and they don't know who is the pilot of this ship so, yeah, raise the shields until we get close to the main asteroid which by these readings is their base." Elliot explained.

"Shields are up." She said. She watched as Elliot maneuvered the craft through the asteroid field. He really was an expert pilot. She was skilled, but not like him.

The next couple of minutes were a bit intense as they waited to see if they would be fired upon by the occupants of the asteroid, however, nothing came about as they approached. "Scan for their landing area, there are probably quite a few ships there." Elliot said. It wasn’t that he needed help finding the place to land, he just wanted to keep her busy as much as possible so she wouldn’t think too much on things ahead. There was no doubt that this was going to be the most challenging situation that they had ever faced, even more than what they had just faced on the planet.

"You're doing it again, Mister." Maggie shook her head. "Stop trying to protect me. I was trained for this too." She didn't really scold him. She knew he was protective because he loved her, and she loved him more because of it. "You can land over there, bearing 276."

"Perfect, thanks." Elliott said as he maneuvered the small spacecraft towards the landing area. After a moment the ship landed and Elliott powered the engines down.
He stood up and tucked the type two phaser in the back of his pants, well hidden by his jacket. "Are you ready to do this?" He asked knowing well that they both wanted to get this over with, but he had no idea if they were ready.

"Ready," She nodded. "I just wish we had more than one phaser and a couple of boot knives." She was exaggerating of course. She knew there were some explosives and they both had phasers, but this was her way of coping with nervous energy.

"We'll have to make things up as we go since we have no plan at the moment. I do ask you that if we get separated, come back to this ship and secure yourself in. If you need to, get out of here in it, I'll be fine, I'll still have the Prototype once I find it." Elliot smiled at his wife, "You mean more to me than this mission so if it comes down to it, I will always choose you, always. If we fail our mission, its okay as long as we both make it out alive."


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 11th Sep, 2020 @ 2:35am

Nice build up to the big action coming. Can't wait!