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Poster Child for Poverty, Part 1

Posted on Fri 27th Dec, 2019 @ 11:39pm by Elizabeth Anderson M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro
Edited on on Tue 9th Jun, 2020 @ 7:19pm

1,042 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Various, Brown Sector, Deck 2445
Timeline: MD -15, 0915

Since her first trip down to deck 2245, Elizabeth had been twice more. She'd rented a small office, near a street market. Her closest identification of the market in the database was a souk. It wasn't as large, as well-stocked, as such a thing on Earth, nor was it as varied in products, but it was what it reminded her of the most.*

She could afford to hire staff, but she didn't know people yet, and wasn't entirely comfortable with them. Who could she ask to go down with her? Who would be efficient, adventurous, and non-censorious? As she mulled it over, she dressed in the same clothing she'd worn before. Slipping on the comfortable shoes, she sat down at her computer and thought about everyone she knew, or at least every woman she knew.

After a few moments, she decided to try Alora Baro. For one thing, Baro would be familiar with the plight of refugees. At least, she was more likely to be than many of those who could be asked. For another, Elizabeth actually knew her slightly, having run into her several times around the base. The worst thing she could do was say no ... and it wasn't as if Elizabeth's feelings could be hurt by that. So far, feelings had developed around Damion, and somewhat around her clients, but not generally around situations such as this one.

"Computer, please contact Alora Baro and see if she's available," Elizabeth said.

=^=Working ... =^=

=^=Commander Baro, you have an incoming call from Dr. Elizabeth Anderson.=^=

It took Alora moment as she poked her head out the shower and thumbed the combadge on the counter with one reaching arm. "Go for Baro." she called, pulling her head and arm back in the shower to quickly get rid of the shampoo.

=^=Commander, this is Dr. Elizabeth Anderson. If I'm not interrupting anything, I have a request to make. Let me explain a bit, because I don't even know if you are available today. I'm starting a free clinic in the Brown Sector, on deck 2445. It would be very helpful to have someone as an assistant to keep track of people, do a minimal intake, that sort of thing, but I haven't found someone to hire yet. I'm wondering if you'd be interested in donating your morning to helping me?=^=

Alora blinked at the seemingly from nowhere request. She wasn't close to the Counselor but knew her from around and tended to treat her like anyone else. As Elizabeth didn't tend to make frivolous requests Alora was not inclined to slap this one down. She did think of her pajamas that she'd planned to bum around in on her day off. Alas, after a moment she replied, =/\="Sure, give me a little time to get myself around, where shall I meet you?" she asked turning off the water.

"Since it's on the way down from your area, why not meet at my office in Riverside Village. You know where Pale Moon Books is? I'm on the perpendicular street that runs down to the river, above the dance studio. You can't miss their sign! Then we can travel down together. Dress down. The people there are poor, for the most part, and I'd prefer not to stand out or look too much like Starfleet. I'm not sure they'll come for help if we do. Actually, I'm not sure they'll come for help anyway, but I have to try."

"I understand. I'll be right there." And she did. She still remembered a childhood of lean times after the occupation, proud Bajorans darning a pair of socks just one more time. She quickly got around, choosing her most loved cargo pants, a pair of battered boots and a clean (if a little worn) t-shirt. She covered it in an old jacket and slipped a pocket phaser, just in case, into one pocket and few other handy tools in other pockets. Then, tying up her hair, she headed out and made her way to the office. About 20 minutes later, she walked into the outer office, glancing around. She'd never actually be in here before. It was quite stylish.

Elizabeth emerged from the consulting room in what she was coming to think of as her brown clothes. They were drab, and she only wore them down to the Brown Sector. "Oh, great! You're here!" she exclaimed enthusiastically. "Thank you so much for being willing to come on short notice this morning. I'm sure it isn't the way you thought you'd spend the day, but I know we can do some good and the people really need someone who isn't judgmental. I figured you wouldn't be. I hope they won't be, either."

Alora smiled a bit bemusedly at the excitement, "Yeah, no problem."

Anderson handed Alora a PADD. "Let's get going and I'll explain my system on the way." She locked the door behind them, and they headed over to the tram station. "I've been taking the tram to deck 2500 and going back up five decks on the turbolift. Have you been down to the sector before?"

Alora nodded, "Sometimes for work, you know. Sometimes, I just hang out in this worker bar and people bring me stuff to fix, or I go to them." It amazed her how many older people there were down there. So she'd go and make sure their environmental and food controls were working ok, and they had what they needed. They were a proud lot and didn't tend to talk to outsiders, but they responded to Alora's down to Earth, practical nature. She hefted a battered repair kit over one shoulder, "Wish I could make it more, but with so much to do, it's tough," she said, following.

Once they were seated on the tram, it would be a few minutes before they got off at their stop. "So, you're already doing what you can to help them. Maybe it will be serendipitous that I invited you along. Some people might come in, based on being familiar with you," Elizabeth said. "That would be a good thing."

*Stores - 2245
Food Market - 2245


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