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Outdoor Fun

Posted on Fri 1st Nov, 2019 @ 1:20am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena
Edited on on Sat 2nd Nov, 2019 @ 2:03pm

1,480 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Deck 39
Timeline: MD 2 1130 hours

Dallas decided to take the day off, he knew the Security Section could go on without him and if they had any problems, they could contact him. HE went by Commander Lena's quarters to see if she would like to try something new with him. He tapped on her door chime and waited for a response.

Kiara bought three plants to add some color to her quarters. She'd just finished arranging them under the newly-installed lighting when the door chimed. "Come in," she called, turning to see who had come to see her. Although, there was really only one person who came by unexpectedly.

Dallas stepped in after the door had opened and it closed behind him. "Hello, Commander. How are you doing?" He asked.

She raised an eyebrow at the formal greeting. "I'm fine, lieutenant. How are you?" She wondered why he was so formal. Was this an official visit? She took her gardening tools and put them in a cabinet under the plants and turned to give him her full attention.

Dallas laughed, "I'm sorry Kiara, yesterday was a difficult day and a lot of formalities. That's also why I'm here, I took the day off to unwind and wanted to know if you would like to do something."

She quickly reviewed her schedule for the day. No appointments. She was going to do some paperwork, and make a visit or two, but that could wait until tomorrow. "I would love to. What do you have in mind?"

Dallas walked over and put his arms around Kiara and grinned, "I was thinking about a little rock climbing and maybe some bicycling down some very nice paths." Dallas paused for a moment, "Unless there is something that you would like to do?"

Just spending the day with him was enough. She wrapped her arms around him and smiled. "I think that sounds like fun." She gave him a quick kiss. "Let me change and we can go."

Dallas reluctantly released her so she could change, "Okay, I'll be right here."

She changed into a pair of well-worn jeans, hiking boots, and a lightweight blouse in a soft green. She ran a brush through her hair and pulled it back into a clip, then went back to join Dallas. "I'm ready."

“You look great.” Dallas said with a smile. Of course, he would think that she looked great even if she was wearing a curtain. “We’re going to the Bestri Gardens on deck 39.”

"Wonderful." She slipped her hand through the crook of his arm. "I put myself in your hands."

Bestri Woods was a small park on deck 39 and didn’t take too long for the couple to get there. The park had lots of things to do, Walking Trails through deciduous or mixed tree areas, a bike path that circled the woods and bridging small cliffs (ridges). Giant Chess Board alternating black and white marble colors in center of the park for playing life-size 2-dimentional chess and picnic tables scattered through trees.There was the rock climbing station where Dallas and Kiara were headed and there was also a repelling station and also exercise stations. Dallas wanted to try the rock climbing and maybe the repelling before for a nice
bicycle ride to help relax.

The couple arrived and began looking for the rock climbing station. “I hope you’re not afraid of heights or falling.” Dallas said and gave her a grin.

"No, but I'm not a fan of the sudden stop at the bottom," she replied with a grin. "But I do enjoy casual climbing."

“Good.” Dallas smiled back, “They have beginner and all the way to advanced skill levels here.” They couple kept walking until they reached the area. Dallas looked up at the several different climbing heights that they offered. “I think I’ll try something basic for now, maybe just something middle of the ro

"That works for me. I should be able to keep up. Mostly." She smiled. It didn't matter if she lagged behind Dallas. She was happy to spend the day hiking.

The climbing gear was located close by. “We better gear up if we are going to climb.” Dallas began to fit himself with the safety harness and other odds and ends like the helmet and gloves.

Kiara put on the harness and carabiners so she could clip on to the ropes, then added her helmet and gloves. "All set."

Dallas came close to Kiara and double-checked her gear. He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. “That’s just in case you fall and kill yourself.” He teased her, he would never let harm come to her. He winked at her and headed over to the wall and connected the rope to his harness.

"I'm so glad you care," she replied, smiling as she clipped on to the safety rope. She took a quick check of the climb as she mentally prepared. When Dallas was ready, she began to climb.

Dallas grabbed hold of the rock looking grips on the wall and began to climb slowly. He hadn’t done this in a while and was a bit rusty, but it quickly came back to him as he assented. He glanced over his shoulder at Tiana to make sure she was doing good and even gave her words of encouragement. “You look like a pro, keep it up.”

She grinned. She was far from a pro and knew it, but this wasn't her first climb. She focused on placement of her hands and feet as she climbed. The climb was challenging, but not too difficult. Still, it had been a while. By the time she got to the top, she was out of breath.

Dallas finished only seconds before Kiara did and was pleased that she had kept up with him, "That was a lot of fun and you are pretty good." He looked around the area since they had a good view.

"That was fun, but don't ask me to do it again right away," she joked. While she caught her breath, she looked around, enjoying the view.

Dallas allowed them to catch their breath before he asked if she was ready to go back down. "Are you ready to go try something else?"

"Yes, before my muscles start to cramp." She held out a hand for him to help her up.

Dallas grasped Kiara's hand and help her to her feet. He walked back to the edge and began to climb back down, but after only a moment he let go and was slowly lowered to the floor by the safety rope.

Kiara decided to rappel down. She altered the position for the rope for the descent, then she walked backwards to the edge and jumped away from the face, her legs spread to cushion her as she kicked off the wall on her way down. She arrived before Dallas. "Off belay," she said, before unhooking her rope and stepping away to wait.

Dallas laughed, "Oh yeah?" He smiled as he disconnected the rope from his harness. "You did well."

"You're better going up, but I'm good coming down," she said, laughing.

Dallas smiled, "So, any special request on what you would like to do next?" he began taking off the harness and the helmet.

"Not particularly." She smiled. "Do they have canoeing or kayaking anywhere here?"

"I'm sure they do, we can try deck 1554, that's the main river. I bet there is a lot of water sports there." Dallas said.

"Okay. It's worth checking out." Although she wasn't really dressed for much other than hiking. Still, it would be fun to see what was available.

Dallas looked her up and down and shook his head, "Unless we actually change clothes, I think we should find something else to do, perhaps walking or horseback riding?"

"I've never gone horseback riding. That could be fun," she said.

"It could, but it also requires some training or at least some knowledge on how to handle or guide the horse. Perhaps they have someone there that can help with that." Dallas said.

"Okay." She was willing to give it a try. She knew the basics, but only from reading about the subject, not from experience.

Dallas nodded, “Okay, there is a horse ranch on deck 1551 and I heard there was some good riding trails there.” Dallas offered her his hand.

She hesitated a moment, then took it. "If you would rather not, we can do something else."

Dallas shook his head and smiled, "No, if you want to ride, then we ride. I think you will like it." Dallas was no pro at riding horses by any means, but he did enjoy riding and he thought that she might too.

She looked at him, unsure whether he really wanted to go or not. Finally, she nodded. "All right."


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 1st Nov, 2019 @ 3:33am

Sounds like a lovely day! And I enjoy seeing Bestri Woods used. =)