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Dinner on the River (part 2)

Posted on Fri 27th Sep, 2019 @ 3:21am by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs
Edited on on Fri 27th Sep, 2019 @ 3:22am

1,041 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Promenade - Riverboat
Timeline: MD 10 2300 hours

Kiara smiled. "I'm glad you like it." The two grew silent, enjoying the atmosphere and the food. Neither felt a need to talk, both comfortable with the pseudo-night and the company.

Dallas had finished his meal and had drunk more wine than he cared to admit. He could barely hear the music that came from the dance floor inside and a deck below them. “Are you ready to work off some of that food?”

"As long as it doesn't require too much energy." She pushed her plate back and set her napkin on top. "Let's see what we can find, shall we?"

"Only a little." Dallas stood and offered Kiara a hand, "How about dancing?"

"With you?" She put her hand in his. "Any time." If dancing with him was as good as the last time, she would quickly become addicted.

Dallas grinned, “Then let’s go see what type of trouble we can get into.” He led her away from the dining table and towards the soft music.

It wasn't quite the same as the music at Orchids & Jazz, but it was nice, and you could dance to it. And it was a lovely place to dance.

When the couple reached the dance floor, they joined the other couples. Dallas took Kiara in his arms and started to dance. He gazed into her eyes as they moved as one, softly flowing like a beautiful flower in a soft breeze.

She couldn't take her gaze from his, even if she wanted to. Right now, she was blissfully lost in the romance of the moment with Dallas. Her hand moved from his shoulder to his cheek and caressed it.

Dallas leaned in and kissed Kiara for a long moment. They kept dancing not knowing that the music had stopped.

When the volume of the couples leaving the dance floor increased, Kiara broke the kiss, even though she didn't want to. "I have some dessert from Orchids & Jazz in my quarters, if you'd like to share it with me. And maybe another dance?" There were no strings attached, just a desire to have another dance with him where it didn't matter if there were others around, and maybe share a dessert.

Dallas nodded, “Okay, I could go for some dessert and maybe a glass of wine, definitely another dance.” He smiled and led Kiara off the dance floor.

They talked a little, but most of the trip back to Kiara's quarters was again spent in companionable silence. For Kiara, she was enjoying the mood of the evening and the company. It didn't need to be interrupted by chatter.

She palmed open the door and stepped in. "Computer, turn on lights and play music, 1940's collection." An orchestra began to play In the Mood. "Make yourself comfortable and I'll get us some wine and dessert."

Dallas sat down a comfortable sofa in the outer room. He looked around the room from where he sat while Kiara disappeared for a moment. He decided he like how she had decorated, it suited her.

She returned two minutes later with a bottle of wine and two glasses in one hand and two plates of dessert in the other. She set the plates on the table and then the glasses. Finally, she handed him the wine. "Will you pour?" she asked. The music changed to Glenn Miller.

Dallas pulled on the cork and with some effort, the top finally popped. He leaned forward and poured some wine in each glass before putting the bottle down. “I like your taste in music.” He said as he looked at her.

"I like that you like my taste in music," she teased, raising her glass to him. "To...things we like."

“Cheers.” Dallas said as he gently touched the glasses together then took a sip from his glass.

Kiara took a sip of her wine and then ate more of her dessert. She gave herself a small portion because of its richness. When she finished, she picked up her glass and watched Dallas over the rim. "There is definitely something to be said about good food, good wine, and good company."

“And good dancing.” Dallas said before finishing off his glass of wine. He took the bottle and refilled his glass then looked to Kiara, “May I refill your glass?”

"Yes, please." When Dallas finished his dessert, Kiara took both dishes back to recycle. She was about to sit down when the music changed to the opening strains of Dancing in the Dark. "Speaking of music, I think they're playing our song. Care to dance?"

Dallas had refilled Kiara’s glass while she put the plates in the replicator. When the music changed, he smiled, “I’d like that.” He got up and took her hand and put his other arm around her and they began to dance. He couldn’t help but gaze into her eyes as they slowly moved around the room, dancing.

This time, it was not a live orchestra that played, and shortly, the voice of Fred Astaire began to croon the words to the song. Kiara's eyes met Dallas', once again lost in the song, the dance, and her partner's eyes. The song ended and "Night and Day" began, Fred Astaire once again singing the words.

Dallas was content to dance with Kiara as long as the music continued to play. He hadn’t enjoyed himself this much in a long time, about a year.

The music continued to play, and the two continued to dance. Song after song played. After a while, Kiara kissed Dallas.

Dallas slowly pulled back and smiled, “That was really nice.” He paused for a moment, “I should get going, I have to work in the morning.”

Kiara nodded reluctantly. She knew he was right. At the same time, she didn't want him to leave. "Thank you. Tonight was wonderful."

Dallas nodded, "Yes it was." He took her hand and raised it up to his lips and kiss it. "I look forward to the next time we see each other again." He turned and headed for the door.

So did she. Kiara watched him leave, then began to clean up, singing the words to "Night and Day."


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