The Black Spots part 1
Posted on Wed 13th Feb, 2013 @ 1:20am by Lieutenant JG Xavier Lee & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Lieutenant JG Sir Edward Lawrence XII Duke of Oaksley
1,085 words; about a 5 minute read
Location: Tactical Information center {TIC}
Timeline: Current
[Set just before the arrival of the USS Yorktown]
Lawrence realized the enormous task that lay before; with a faculty of this size it would take teams of twenty working around the clock weeks to map these black spots. That being the case he had scheduled an 0900 meeting with representatives from the operations, intelligence, security, and engineering department as well the base’s marine detachment in the Tactical Information center {TIC} were his department of Tactical & Strategic Operations was based. The goal was to come up with game plan and hopeful some assistance in way of man power to carry it out. Lawrence waited in the briefing room looking over a Stack PADDs regarding other issues that the Tactical & Strategic Operations department was responsible for.
Xavier couldn't quite comprehend how much his life had changed in just a matter of a few days. It wasn't that long ago that he was doing 'general' repairs on just about every area of the Protector. From life support systems, to replicators, to transporter buffers, to sonic showers. No job was too big or too small for the humble operations officer. Now he was doing nothing but attending meetings and briefings, helping to decide the way the station and its personnel would evolve. It was quite overwhelming but also extremely exhilarating.
So with this in mind, Xavier entered the room with a slight bounce in his step and an attitude of someone who was ready to buckle down and prove his worth. As he sat down he thought it best to introduce himself to the man already seated at the table. "Lt Lee, Chief of Ops," he said in a friendly tone.
"Major Karikkar, Marine Commander." Tallus said looking at the man.
"Devyn Kell, Security Chief." Devyn wasn't sure what was going on or why this meeting had been called but he was willing to listen and see what plans were being devised and for what purposes.
“Sir Edward Lawrence XII Duke of Oaksly and Assistant Chief Tactical & Strategic Operations Officer.” Lawrence replied looking up from his PADD waiting to rest of department preventives to arrive
"Can someone tell me why we've all been summoned here?" Devyn asked. He wasn't trying to be difficult but he was in charge of base security and he had been in meetings every day for nearly a week. He needed to spend time in his department.
Xavier looked at each of the men in turn as they introduced themselves and gave each of them a slight nod in response to their words. He couldn't help lingering his look when Sir Edward began to speak, that title was really a mouthful. Luckily the man started to kick the meeting off so it didn't look like Xavier was staring but instead listening intently.
“This about the Black spots in station I have been assigned to map these with in a month this station is very large, so I would like have some help in way of manpower, and such to accomplish this task. I am aware that we are for the most short handed I am keenly of the lack of manpower in many department including my own. A few form security a few marines the operations and intelligence department I need a slightly different form of help from a fair number of people trained as infiltration specialist from intelligence and from ops I going to need an absorbent amount of time on the internal sensors to try to map these Black spots are they are called.” Lawrence replied in his typical cold dry manner.
"Obviously Operations will be quite involved in this task and I will try to provide as much man power as you need." Xavier said.
“Indeed and thank you for it.” Lawrence replied
"I can spare a few of my Marines. But this is not their typical duty." Tallus said nodding.
“But what is you marines always say… oh yes adapt and over come.” Lawrence said
"As much as I'd like to help," Kell added his bit. "My team is skeleton at best and I don't have the man power to keep the station as secure as it should be to start with." He explained. "I don't have the man power to spare but will assist as much as I myself can personally. I can't guarantee much time at all but I'll do what I can." He was working a sixty man team when he needed ninety or more. The Marines helped when they could but had their own duties as well.
"How do you plan to proceed?" Xavier asked curiously. "Completing a task on a station of this size is no small feat."
“We’ll start my mapping the entire station with internal sensors, and spots there issues we send infiltration specialists and marines and son into to determine the plausibly a person sneaking aboard there and how best to quickly rectify the situation.” Lawrence replied.
Xavier nodded to the plan. "You might want to use a runabout or another support craft to try mapping these 'black spots' from outside the station."
"An excellent idea, I'll add that to my list." Lawrence said
"Might I suggest that we send each team with a portable sensor relay rather then a tricorder. It will be more efficient." Tallus said.
"Anything that will make the process more efficient is a welcome idea." Lawrence replied
"As the Chief of Security for the station, I've made note of several sensor voids on the residential decks." Devyn offered. "You're more than welcome to those. It will shorten your list by a few decks at the very least." It was the least he could do. The man was trying to make his job easier and keep others safe. If he had the staff to provide, he would offer it. "My Assistant Chief, Lieutenant T'Sai is very skilled. I can loan her to you for a week or two."
“Any assistance in completing this assignment is greatly appreciated.” Lawrence said with nodd this was going much better than he had expected.
"Is there anything else you needed?" Xavier asked, not wanting to be rude but needing to focus his efforts on other areas.
“I believe that will suffice for now everyone if something else arises I’ll contact as needed, for now you are all dismissed.” Lawrence replied.
Lt. JG Sir Edward Lawrence XII Duke of Oaksley
Chief Tactical & Strategic Operations Officer.
Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar
Marine Commanding Officer
Lt. (JG) Xavier Lee
Chief Operations Officer